实用英语 unit 5

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《实用英语 unit 5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《实用英语 unit 5(75页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1,2,Brainstorming:,What weekend activities do you know?,How to give PROPER responses to the invitations?,How to DECLINE invitations?,3,Proper responses to invitation: :,P 101,Id like to very much. Thats great. Oh, Id love to. That sounds a good idea. Thank you.,4,Decline invitation: :,Oh, Im really

2、sorry. Ive done too much of it. I really dont feel like it tonight. Im really not in the mood. Thanks for asking, but I have to stay home with my mom. She is sick. Happy birthday to you. Not now. Maybe another time. A friend of mine is coming to visit me. Thanks for asking, but I am very tired today

3、. Id rather stay home and watch TV.,P 101,5,Speaking: Dialogue 1:,P 99,A: Hi, Jim! Any plans for this weekend? B: No, not yet. What about you? A: Were going to the beach this Sunday. Would you like to join us? B: Thats great. Id love to, especially since Ive taken up diving recently. A: Well, I dont

4、 think you can dive there. However, you can go swimming and fishing instead. B: Thats OK. I like swimming and fishing, too. When and where should we meet? A: At about 8:30 at the front gate of the college. B: OK. See you then.,Invite your friend to go hiking with you.,Task:,6,Speaking: Dialogue 2:,P

5、 100,A: Hi, Lin. Its a fine day, isnt it? B: Yes. We havent seen such a fine day for a long time. A: Would you like to go skating with me this afternoon? B: Oh, Id love to, but maybe some other time. A: Come on! It would do you good to get out. B: Im sorry. I just cant. I have to finish an assignmen

6、t by the weekend. A: Well, lets go this weekend instead. B: OK! Ill call you as soon as I finish it.,Work in pairs and practice declining an invitation to the movie “King Kong”.,Task:,7,Speaking: Dialogue 3:,P 100,A: Ive got tickets for the exhibition. What about going there and taking a look? B: Th

7、at sounds wonderful! But when? A: How about afternoon? B: This afternoon? But Im afraid I have a date with my boyfriend this afternoon. A: Well, why not ask him to come with us? Ive got an extra ticket. B: Oh, that would be great. What time should we meet? A: Let me see How about at 2:30 in front of

8、 the exhibition hall? B: Thats fine. See you at 2:30.,Invite your partner to do one of the following things. Your partner may decline the invitation.,Task:,8,Speaking: Activity 3,P 101,A: Would you like to have dinner together tonight? B: Sorry, I cant. I have something to do. A: How about Friday ev

9、ening? B: That sounds OK A: Well, see you then. B: See you.,9,Listening: Word Tips,decline,v. formal to refuse,v. 拒绝 (正式),e.g. She declined to say more about the issue.,decline to do,他们拒绝告诉我他们是如何得到我的地址的。,e.g. They declined to tell me how they had got my address.,v. n. to gradually become less, worse

10、, or lower,vi. 下降;衰落,这个问题就是学生们在交流和写作能力方面的降低。,e.g. The problem is decline in both communication and writing skill of students.,10,Listening: Word Tips,extra,adj. added to what is normal,adj. 额外的,外加的,e.g. It gives you extra information. e.g.: He is a man who is able to work under pressure and extra ho

11、urs.,pick sb up: meet sb., pick out 挑出,辨认出 pick up 拾起,捡起,(用车)接,恢复(健康),中途搭载 pick off 摘下来 pick at 少量地吃,老是挑剔(某人) pick & choose 挑三拣四 pick over 挑选,11,Listening: Part A P 102,1. Do you feel like having lunch together? 2. I dont think I can go with you. 3. How about going to the theatre this evening? 4. We

12、 will be looking forward to it. 5. Why dont you have dinner with me? 6. Its very kind of you to invite us. 7. Lets go out and get something to eat. 8. Would you come over for dinner on Saturday evening?,1. Do you feel like having lunch together? 2. I dont think I can go with you. 3. How about going

13、to the theatre this evening? 4. We will be looking forward to it. 5. Why dont you have dinner with me? 6. Its very kind of you to invite us. 7. Lets go out and get something to eat. 8. Would you come over for dinner on Saturday evening?,12,Listening: Part B P 102,Task 1: Listen to Dialogue 1 careful

14、ly and fill in the following blanks. 1. The man invites the woman for _ on Saturday evening. 2. The woman will get to the mans house at _.,dinner,7:30,Task 2: Listen to Dialogue 2 carefully and complete the answer to each question.,3. What does Linda want to do today? She wants to _ this afternoon.

15、4. Why does Mary decline Lindas invitation? Because she has got _ to do.,go shopping,a list of things,13,Listening: Part B P 102,Task 3: Listen to Dialogue 3 carefully and choose the best answer.,5. What are the speakers going to do this evening? A. To see a movie. B. To have dinner. C. To go to the

16、 park. D. To go for a walk. 6. When are they going to meet? A. At 7:00 p.m. B. At 6:00 p.m. C. At 7:00 a.m. D. At 6:00 a.m,14,Listening: Part C P 103,Good morning, Mr. Taylor, we are having a/an 1. _ (formal, informal, fine) dinner at our home at 6 p.m. on Saturday, and we want to have you over to j

17、oin us. My son, David, has just returned from South 2. _ (America, Asia, Africa) and he will share some of his exciting 3. _ (experiences, experiments, expressions) with us then. We know you once worked there and you might be able to get a lot of things to 4. _ (show, share, discuss) with David in your talk. It would be very 5. _ (exciting, interested, interesting). We hope it will be possible for you to be with us at that time.,


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