新视野视听说book 2 unit 2 lisening in

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1、Finally, weve found something in common.,close-up n. 特写镜头 (a photograph taken at close range, showing part of a subject)e.g. The close-up of her melancholic eyes moved me greatly. superficial adj. 表面的;肤浅的 (not deep)e.g. Although she pretends she has some deep thought, she still looks superficial. gu

2、nfight n. 枪战 (fight with guns)e.g. The gunfight has been going on for quite a few days. The townspeople wish a ceasefire soon.,(To be continued),thought-provoking adj. 令人深思的 (making people think)e.g. The reason I recommend this book is that it is really thought-provoking. mystery n. 疑案电影 (a film abo

3、ut crime and strange events)e.g. This is the best mystery Ive ever watched. It made my heart jump to my throat. suspenseful adj. 有悬念的;悬疑的 (with suspense)e.g. The novel is suspenseful at first, but gradually it gets boring. plot n. 情节 (the plan of the events in a story, play or movie)e.g. I read too

4、fast that I almost lost the plot halfway.,(Continued),Peter did not really like the movie because the (1) _ was just using strange close-ups and special (2) _, but did not include a (3) _. Amy enjoyed the movie because it made people (4) _. Peter disagrees, saying a movie does not have to be (5) _ t

5、o be deep. Amy argues that it is better than some (6) _ movies. Still, Peter thinks sometimes people dont want to think and just want (7) _. Finally Peter and Amy found something in common. They both liked the new (8) _, so they can watch mysteries together (9) _.,Key,director,sound effects,good sto

6、ry,think,sad,violent,light-hearted movies,mystery movie,in the future,Work in groups and make a list of the types of movies. Then give examples to each type.,For example: romance: Notting Hill action: Mission Impossible,An actor forgetting his line,lines n. 台词 (words in a play)e.g. The lines of the

7、script need more polishing. thumb n. 大拇指e.g. He pressed the button with his thumb. furious adj. 愤怒的 (very angry)e.g. I got furious when I found the cat scratched my sofa. ruin v. 毁灭 (destroy)e.g. His life was ruined after the car crash.,Key,1. What was the problem with the actor?D) He had a very sho

8、rt memory. 2. What job did the director offer him?C) The most important part but with only one line. 3. What was the actor NOT expected to do with the rose?D) Throw the rose to the audience. 4. What did the actor do after he walked onto the stage?A) He said the line with great emotion. 5. Why was th

9、e director extremely angry?B) Because the actor forgot the rose.,The Academy Awards,televise v. 经电视播放 (broadcast via television)e.g. The program will be televised across the country. criticism n. 批评 (negative opinion)e.g. The boss just cannot tolerate any criticism. critic n. 批评者 (the person who cri

10、ticizes)e.g. The critics remarks were thought-provoking. innovative adj. 创新的 (creative)e.g. Im fascinated by the innovative technologies shown in the museum. animated adj. 动画片的 (made to appear to move as living creatures do)e.g. I find most animated films childish.,The Academy Awards or the Oscars r

11、ecognize excellent professionals in the (1) _ industry, including (2) _, (3) _, and writers The Award Ceremony one of the most (4) _ award ceremonies in the world televised live in the United States, Canada, (5) _, and gathering large numbers of (6) _ elsewhere throughout the world watched by more t

12、han (7) _ Americans only the Super Bowl, the (8) _ Opening Ceremonies, and the Football (9) _ Final draw more viewers.,Key,film,directors,actors,important,the United Kingdom,viewers,40 million,Olympic,World Cup,Criticism Several of the Academy Award winners have not stood the test of (10) _. Many fi

13、lms with (11) _, cultural influence, and innovative qualities have not received enough attention. Money-making blockbusters without (12) _ have often been (13) _ winners. The Oscars (14) _ certain types of films and neglect other types. The Best Picture prize has rarely been given to an animated fil

14、m or a (15) _ film.,artistic value,depth,Best Picture,favor,science fiction,time,e.g. Our group decides to nominate for the best movie. The movie combined the history and the present in a unique way. It adopted state-of-the-art technology and had a great success in box office. Our group decides to n

15、ominate for the best actress. She was well-known for her acting skills for quite a few years, and this year her movie was a great success. We think she is well-deserved for this nomination.,Work in groups and nominate the best movie and the best actor / actress of the year. Then present to the class the decision of your group.,


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