英语 2011名师指津 必修1 课件u1

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1、Unit 1 Friendship,1._ n.&vt. 不喜欢,厌恶 2. _adj. 全部的,整个的 3._n.the ability to control 4._v.包装,包装物n. 小包,包裹 5._vt. 驳回诉讼;忽视,ignore,dislike,entire,power,pack,一、单词识记,单机游戏 英雄无敌6:http:/ 7._ adj.心烦意乱的 vt. 使不安;使心烦 8._ n. 伙伴;合作者 9._ n.手提箱,衣箱 10._ n.窗帘,门窗,幕布,curtain,teenager,upset,partner,suitcase,11.exactly adv.

2、_ 12.grateful adj. _ 13.loose adj. _ 14.series n. _ 15.dusk n. _,黄昏,傍晚,确实如此,确切地,感激的,表示谢意的,松的,松开的,连续,系列,16.thunder n.& vi. _ 17.highway n. _ 18.dusty adj. _ 19.tip n.& vt. _ 20.item n. _,项目,条款,打雷,雷鸣,公路,大路,积满灰尘的,提示,技巧,小费,尖端,1.concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系,二、词汇拓展,_adj.担心的;忧虑的 _ prep.关于;涉及,con

3、cerning,concerned, I am not _with that matter any longer.,concerned, Protecting the environment isnt just the business of a few people. Its a matter that all_all of us. _ (在我看来),too much time in front of TV is a waste of time.,concerns,As far as I am concerned /In my opinion,_adj.不大可能变动的;稳定的 _adj.不稳

4、定的 _n. 移民;殖民者,2.settle vi.安家;定居;停留 vt.使定居;安排;解决,settled,unsettled,settler, After having a long journey,she will be coming over as soon as Ive _ (settle) down., Having been taught by my headmaster,I still find it rather strange that I havent yet settled _ my new job. It is said that the first _ (sett

5、le) of this country are prisoners.,settled,in,settlers,_n.患病者,受苦者,受难者 _n.疼痛,痛苦,折磨,苦难 _搭配受苦,患(病),3.suffer vi.感到疼痛/痛苦vt.遭受,经历(痛苦,损失等不愉快的事),(否定句)忍受,suffer from,sufferer,suffering, They _ (suffer) great losses in the financial crisis. I _ (不能忍受) criticism given by my classmates. Helen Keller suffered _

6、a strange sickness when she was only nineteen months old.,suffered,couldnt suffer,from, It is miserable to see those patients _ from poverty and disease and we all want to do something to release these _ from their _.(suffer),suffering,suffering,sufferers, The patient was quite beyond the possibilit

7、y of _(recover).,4.recover vi. & vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得,_n.恢复;复苏,recovery,recovery, He is in hospital,_ (恢复过来)a heart attack. Once she stumbled,but somehow she _(恢复身体平衡) and carried on running.,recovering from,recovered her balance, It was _ of him not to help us. (disagree) He had a loud _ with his boss. (

8、disagree),5.disagree vi.不同意,不一致,有分歧,_adj.不合意的,令人不快的 _n.分歧,争论,意见不一,disagreement,disagreeable,disagreeable,disagreement, Some kinds of meat disagree_ me. Experts disagree _ how much the program will cost. I disagree _ him _ what we ought to do next.,with,on,about,with,1. _ (使)平静下来 2. _不得不;必须 3. _经历,经受

9、 4. _记下,放下,登记 5. _遭受,患病 6._ 将打包,三、词组互译,calm down,have (got) to,go through,set down,suffer from,pack sth.up,7. _关心,挂念 8. _对厌烦 9. _与相处;进展 10. _相爱,爱上 11.a series of _ 12.on purpose _,be concerned about,be/get tired of,get along with,fall in love with,一系列的,一连串的,故意,13.at dusk _ 14.in order to _ 15.face t

10、o face _ 16.join in _ 17.live in peace_ 18.no longer/not. any longer_,不再,黄昏时,为了,面对面(地),加入,参加,和平相处,过平静的生活,1.少年王昱人、王昱权生活贫困,遭受过很多苦难。(suffer) 2.他们对所有好心人心存感激。(be grateful to sb.) 3.他们非常关心身边的同学。(be concerned about),四、词组运用,1.Wang Yuren and Wang Yuquan are very poor and suffer a lot in their lives.,2.They a

11、re grateful to all kind-hearted people.,3.They are concerned about their classmates around them.,4.他们在出租屋里办起小图书馆。(set up) 5.小伙伴们从中获取更多知识。(partner) 6.小伙伴们也从中学会如何与人相处。(get along with sb.),6.Their partners can also learn how to get along with each other from it.,4.They set up a small library in their r

12、ented home.,5.Their partners can get much knowledge from it.,7.王昱人、王昱权常常捡破烂帮助贫困学生。(in order to) 8.最后,这些学生不再害怕困难。(no longer/not . any longer) 9.这些学生都能平静地生活着。(live in peace),9.All these students live in peace.,7.Wang Yuren and Wang Yuquan often collect recyclable things from waste in order to help oth

13、er poor students.,8.Finally,these students are no longer afraid of difficulties./are not afraid of difficulties any longer.,Wang Yuren and Wang Yuquan, two teenagers,are so poor that they suffer a lot in their lives. Being grateful to all kind-hearted people who have helped them financially,they are extremely concerned about their classmates around them. In their rented home,they set up a small library,from which the partners not only can gain much knowledge,but also learn how to get along with each other.,


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