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1、1,Chapter 5 Force System in Space,2,第五章 空间力系,3,4,5,51 Concurrent force system in space51 空间汇交力系52 System of force couples in space52 空间力偶系53 The moment of a force about a point or an axis53 力对点的矩与力对轴的矩54 Reduction of a force system in space to a givenpoint 54 空间一般力系向一点的简化,6,55 Discussion of the resu

2、lt of the reduction of a force system in space55 空间一般力系简化结果的讨论56 Equilibrium equations of a force system inspace and their applications56 空间一般力系的平衡方程及应用57 The center of a system of parallel forces and the center of gravity of an object57 平行力系的中心与物体的重心 Class of exercises 习题课,7,1. The projection and d

3、ecomposition of a force on the axes in space: 一、力在空间轴上的投影与分解:(1)The representation of force inspace:1.力在空间的表示:a force is given by itsmagnitude, its direction and its point (line) of application 力的三要素:大小、方向、作用点(线),8,magnitude:大小: point of application: the point at which the force acts onto the object

4、.作用点:在物体的哪点就是哪点direction: it can be determined bythe three angles , , g or by the angle of inclination and the angleof depression .方向:由、g三个方向角确定由仰角 与俯角 来确定。,9,10,11,12,then:,13,(1) The graphical method: It is same as in the case of the composition of a coplanar system of concurrent forces. It can be

5、 solved by the force polygon.The resultant force is equal to the geometrical sum of the components.,1、几何法:与平面汇交力系的合成方法相同,也可用力多 边形方法求合力。即:合力等于各分力的矢量和,14,15,16,The resultant force is given by,17,18,19,20,21,22, Composing F1 and R we getF2 at the point d composing F1and R we get F2 at point c , R-F1=F2

6、 , R- F1= F2 . 由反向平行力合成得: F1与R合成得F2,作用在d点F1与R合成得F2,作用在c点且R-F1=F2 ,R- F1= F2 The force couple (F1,F1) in plane I is replaced by (F2, F2) in plane II. 在I内的力偶(F1,F1)等效变成II内的( F2, F2 ),23,24,25,26,27,In the plane it is an algebraic quantity. In space, it is a vector. 在平面中:力对点的矩是代数量。在空间中:力对点的矩是矢量。,28,29,

7、O,30,O,31,32,结论:力对/它的轴的矩为零。即力F与轴共面时,力对轴之矩为零。,Conclusion: the moment of a force about an axis which is parallel to the force is zero. In other words, if the force F and the axis are coplanar the moment is zero.,33,34,35,36,即:,37,38,39,40,41,According to the Theorem of Translation of a Force we transl

8、ate every force to the point O. We get a concurrent force system in space and an additional force couple system . notice are the moments of the forces about point O. 根据力线平移定理,将各力平行搬到O点得到一空间汇交力系: 和附加力偶系注意 分别是各力对O点的矩。,42,Because the force couple in space is a free vector it can be always translated to

9、 the point O. 由于空间力偶是自由矢量,总可汇交于O点。,43,Composing , we get the principle vector . In other words, (the principle vector passes the point O, and it does not depend on the position of the point O)合成 得主矢 即 (主矢 过简化中心O,且与O点的选择无关),44,Composing , we get the principle moment ,(the principle moment depends on

10、the position of point O) 合成 得主矩 即: (主矩 与简化中心O有关),45,If the given center O is the origin of the coordinate system, then the magnitude of the principle vector is 若取简化中心O点为坐标原点,则:主矢大小The direction is 主矢方向,46,According to the relationship between the moment of the force about a point and the moment of t

11、he force about an axis through the point 根据力对点之矩与力对轴之矩的关系:The magnitude of the principle moment is则主矩大小为: and the direction is: 主矩方向:,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,notice 注意 The invariant quantities after reduction are Rand M/ (they do not depend on the given center). 力系简化中的不变量(不随简化中心改变)有:R, M/ If the

12、given center is the point O we get M. 简化中心为O时:为M,56,But if the given center is the point O it is changed to M. M/ is an invariant quantity (it does not depend on the given center and the force couple of the force system) 当简化中心为O时,为M 但M/总是不变的(它是原力系中的力偶与简化中心无关),57,58,59,60,所以空间任意力系的平衡方程为:还有四矩式,五矩式和六矩式

13、,同时各有一定限制条件。,So the equilibrium equations of a force system in space areThey can also be expressed by 4 moment equations, 5 momentequations or 6 moment equations,but each case has some limiting conditions.,61,62,空间平行力系的平衡方程,设各力线都 / z 轴。因为均成为了恒等式。,The equilibrium equations of a parallel force system

14、in space, supposing all the action lines are parallel to the axis z arethey are all identities.,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,物体分割的越多,每一小部分体积越小,求得的重心位置就越准确。在极限情况下,(n- ),常用积分法求物体的重心位置。,If the body is divided into smaller and smaller parts the determination of the center

15、of gravity becomes more accurate. In the limiting case, (n- ), we used to use an integration to determine the position of the center of gravity.,83,If I denote the weight of part No. I and Vi is the volume of it, then . Substitution into the equations above gives in the limiting case:Where: this is the accurate formula to determine the center of gravity.,


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