高中英语 module3 第1课时introduction & reading同步检测 外研版必修1

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1、ModuleModule 3 3 第一课时第一课时.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1By the time my father returned,it was well past m_ and we had gone to bed.2An a_ cat was found in a box beside the road.3Youll never get the ball in from the d_.4They went on a long train j_ across India.5Few plants can survive in a d_.6T

2、hey stopped at the top of the hill to enjoy the beautiful _(风景)7He _(训练) hard for the race, sometimes running as far as 10 miles a day.8My friend Mike is a(n) _(专家)on the population problem.9He is choosing a(n) _(钻石) ring for his wifes birthday.10We have a good _(产品),but it needs to be marketed bett

3、er.答案:1.midnight 2.abandoned 3.distance 4.journey 5desert 6.scenery 7.trained 8.expert 9.diamond 10.product.选择方框内的短语,并用其适当形式完成下列句子,每个短语限用一次know about, refer to, get off, take off, look out of, be short for1The plane _ from the airport and headed north towards Zhengzhou.2We agreed never to _ the matt

4、er again.3VIN _ Vehicle Identification Number.4I _ the window and saw nothing but the clouds and the sky.5How much do you _ Singapore? And why do you want to work here?6Not until I _ the bus did I realize that I had left my bag with my laptop on the bus.答案:1.took off 2.refer to 3.is short for 4.look

5、ed out of5know about 6.got off.同义句转换,每空一词1The young man became interested in playing the piano when he was six years old.The young man became interested in playing the piano _ _ _ _ six.2How interesting the story he told us was!_ _ interesting story he told us!3It took us nearly three hours to get t

6、o the top of the mountain.We _ nearly three hours _ to the top of the mountain.4There is no water or air on the moon.There is no water _ _ air on the moon.5Taking account of his health, he decided to stop smoking.Taking account of his health,he decided _ to smoke _ _.答案:1.at the age of 2.What an 3.s

7、pent; getting 4.and no5not,any more.语法填空1Take your timeits just _ short distance from here to _ restaurant.答案:a;the 第一个空之所以用不定冠词是因为 a short distance 指“一段距离” ,第二个空用定冠词 the 表特指。句意为:别慌,从这儿到那家餐馆距离很短。2President Obama made a speech for half an hourwithout _(refer) to his notes.答案:referring refer to“查阅,参考”

8、 ;句意为:奥巴马总统做了半个小时的演讲,没有参考他的记录。3The young man is going to take _ his fathers business one day.答案:over get on/along“进展” ;take over“接管” ;句意为:这位年轻人在将来的某一天要接管他父亲的生意。4Readers can get _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.答案:on/along get on/along“进展” ;句意为:读者们不知道每个单词的确切含义就能读得很好。5While

9、watching Titanic,most people couldnt help crying when it came to the _ where Jack saved the life of the girl but died in icy water himself.答案:scene 句意为:大部分人观看泰坦尼克号时,当到了杰克拯救了女孩的生命,自己却死于冰冷的水中这个场景时禁不住哭了。 scene“场景,风景的一部分” ,符合题意。6The stolen bag was finally found _ (abandon) in the forest nearby with noth

10、ing left in it.答案:abandoned 句意为:被偷的包最后被发现遗弃在森林附近,包内什么都没有留下。abandoned 表被动,作主语补足语。7Its up to you to decide whether to _ physics or chemistry.答案:take up 考查动词短语。句意:你自己决定是学习物理还是化学。take up“从事;占据” 。8_ terrible weather it was when tsunamis and earthquakes happened in Indonesia!答案:What 考查感叹句的用法。句意:印度尼西亚发生海啸和

11、地震时,天气是多么糟糕啊 !weather 为不可数名词,前面无冠词。what 修饰名词。9He didnt realize he had forgotten his bag_ the plane took off.答案:until 考查连词。句意:直到飞机起飞他才意识到忘记带包了。这是一个not.until.句型。10How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?Well, I_somehow.答案:get along 考查动词短语。get along 表示“对付过去” 。.完形填空Most rail systems st

12、ill operate passenger and freight (货运) business. Where both parts are maintained the railwaysgive priority (优先权) to passengers,_1_rail is always treated as the most important mode for intercity transport inIndia, China and much of the_2_world. In Europe the national rail systems and various levels o

13、f_3_haveprioritized passenger service as a(n)_4_of checking the growth of the automobile, with its traffic jam and environmentproblems.Significant_5_have occurred in improving the comfort of_6_and in passenger rail stations, but mostnoticeable have been the upgrading (升级) of track and equipment in o

14、rder to_7_high changeable speeds. Freight transport has tended to_8_because of the emphasis on passengers. Because of their _9_ changeable speeds, freighttrains are frequently_10_from time to time, when passenger trains are most_11_. Overnight journeys may not_12_the needs of freight customers. This

15、 incompatibility (不相容) is a factor in the loss of freight business by most rail systems still trying to_13_both freight and passenger operations. It is in North America_14_the divorce between freight and passenger rail business is most complete.The_15_railway companies could not_16_against the automobile and airline_17_for passenger traffic, and constantly withdrew from the passenger business in the 1970s. They were left to


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