高中英语 module 5 cloning period two integrating skills同步测试 外研版选修6

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1、PeriodPeriod TwoTwo IntegratingIntegrating SkillsSkills基础落实 .课文理解 阅读 Brave New World,选出正确答案。 1 The first paragraph is written in order to _. Atell us the time when the novel came out Btell us the popularity of the novel Cmake us more interested in the novel Dmake us know why the novel was famous 2 I

2、n Brave New World,which of the five types of clones are leaders of society? ABetas. BEpsilons. CAlphas. DAlphas and Betas. 3 It seems that people in Brave New World _. Alove their nation very much Bhate their nation very much Cdont have any feelings Dare satisfied with their position in society 4 Ho

3、w does the government control the society? ABy teaching them what to like or dislike and giving them drugs to make them happy. BBy dividing the whole society into five classes. CBy giving equal rights to the five types of people. DBy strong and cruel methods. 5 The writer of the novel takes _ attitu

4、de to such a society described in the novel. Adoubtful Bsupportive Ccold Dobjective .单词检测 1v.治愈_;抵抗_;分析_;陪伴,陪同_;吸收 _;(问题、困难等)发生,出现_ 2n.胡说八道,胡扯_;道德上的优点,善行_;法规,条例_; 嫌疑人_;暴力_ 3adj.完全相同的,同一的_;有益的,有用的_;假想的,虚构的 _;难以置信的_;基本的,不可或缺的,重要的_;可选择的 _;互相矛盾的,相反的,对立的_;易适应的_;强制的,强迫的 _;方便的,便利的_ .短语检测 1错误地_ 2把当成对待_ 3依靠,

5、依赖_ 4如下_ 5摧毁_6摆脱控制_ 7据我们所知_ 8分解_ 9反过来也一样,反之亦然_ 10使复活_ =.完成句子 1 I considered _. 我认为这种变化将有助于他的健康。 2 She felt sad,_. 她得知母亲去世的消息,感到很悲伤。 3 _ such a thing should happen in your school. 这种事在你的学校发生真是让人难以置信。 4 Before recording,I _ there was nobody else in the studio. 录音前我确保录音室内没有其他的人。 5 She was so sad _ the

6、bed and cried. 她太伤心了以致于扑倒在床上哭了起来。 .单项填空 1 Although this medicine can cure you _ your illness,it has a bad side effect _ you. Afor;in Bfor;on Cof;on Dof;at 2 When I first learned to drive a car,I found it difficult _ the car and it was dangerous if the car was _. Acontrolling;out of the control Bin c

7、ontrol of;lost control Cto control;out of control Dto take control of;in control 3 Mary didnt feel like going shopping alone,so she asked me to _ her to the market. Acompany Bmarch Cdischarge Daccompany 4 My deskmate was completely _ in a novel,so he didnt hear my knock at the desk. Aattached Bfixed

8、 Cabandoned Dabsorbed 5 She _ when she heard that her husband had been put into prison. Abroke up Bbroke out Cbroke down Dbroke off 6 Although we had made careful preparation,unexpected difficulties _ in the course of our experiment. Arose Barose Craised Dlifted 7 Though bought several years ago,the

9、 car is still in good _. Asituation BconditionCstandard Dposition 8 The doctors did all they could _ her _. Ato bring;back to life Bbring;back to life Cbring;to life Dto bring;to living 9 Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?_. AIts your opinion BI dont mind CIts all up to you DThats your de

10、cision 10The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. Abegins Bhaving begun Cbeginning Dbegun .微写作 写作素材 1众所周知,平衡饮食对我们的健康很有益处。 2很多不能治愈的疾病都是由不好的饮食习惯引起的。 3我们要抵抗住甜食的诱惑,多锻炼,保持身体健康。 提示 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇 50 词左右的英语短文)_ _ _ _ _ 能力提升 完形填空 Born in America,I spoke Englis

11、h,not Chinese,the language of my ancestors.When I was three,my parents flashed cards with Chinese_1_at my face,but I pushed them _2_.My mom believed I would learn _3_I was ready.But the _4_never came. On a Chinese New Years Eve,my uncle spoke to me in Chinese,but all I could do was _5_at him,confuse

12、d,scratching my head.“Still cant speak Chinese?”He _6_me, “You cant even buy a fish in Chinatown.” “Hey,this is America,not China.Ill get some_7_with or without Chinese, ” I replied and turned to my mom for _8_. “Remember to ask for fresh fish,Xin Xian Yu, ”she said,handing over a $20 bill.I _9_the words,running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.I found the fish _10_surrounded in a sea of customers.“Id like to buy some fresh fish, ” I shouted to the fishman.But he _11_my English words and turned to serve the next customer.Th


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