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1、高考英语考前指导江苏省扬州中学英语备课组,各题型时间分配:(仅供参考),试卷、题型、题量、时间和分值、分配比例,听力: 抓住要素,1语速特点:听力部分的朗读速度约为每分钟4245个单词,相当于高中英语教学大纲中规定的语速。 2语音特点:在高考英语的考试说明中,并没有对听力部分的语音做出任何规定。这两年高考英语听力试题一般是一美音一英音。 3内容特点:来源于生活,体现生活,和我们日常生活有密切联系。具体涉及到的话题有:问路,购物,助人,询问时间,问候,新闻,约会,打电话等等。话题的内容基本上都是在教学大纲规定的高中生英语知识与能力要求的范围内。,听力考试部分的特点:,做题思路:快读-预测-精听-

2、巧记-细选。 答题前,一定要有足够的时间去阅读试题。(在进行听力测试前,最好不要做其它题目)读好试题是听力测试成功的一半。 在听的过程中,要抓住与问题相关的关键词(如but, however, so, nevertheless等),要特别注意情景、说话者的角色和简单的数量关系等,其余主要是细节问题了。 答题时,相当一些试题与同义词或反义词的转换有关,如录音中是dear,选择项中可能是expensive或not cheap了。,在播放试音部分时,不要力求完全听懂,只要求迅速适应播音者的语音语速即可。 在进入考试后,可以说开始的5分钟是最重要的。听清一个做一个,不在听不清处纠缠;不求全部拿下,但求

3、能拿下的必须拿下。,单项选择: 要注意微型语境,该题型将进一步贯彻“语法问题是具体语境中的具体问题” 命题原则。近两年的试题在考查语法,词汇和习语时,注意到了知识的覆盖面,综合考查了同学们在一定语境中运用知识的能力。题目绝大部分都有明确的语境设置,几乎没有单纯靠记忆语法规则或词汇知识就能做出选择的试题,而且绝大部分题干都设置有微型语境。同学们除了复习词汇和语法知识之外,还要注意归纳英汉两种文化的差异,熟悉所学的习惯用法,做题时要注意语言的灵活性和得体性。,在做选择题时,一定要注意“第一印象”,不要轻易改动。遇到不太确定的情况时,要用好“排除法”,“还原法”,特别是当生词太多或语法不清楚时。(在

4、整篇试题中A、B、C、D答案的出现频率几乎均等),单项填空考查知识的运用。复习时,首先要明确高考要点,动词的时态、语态、语气、非谓语动词、情态动词、连词、代词、比较级、交际用语、同义词、近义词辨析、复合句、强调句等。还有一些语言点,如:倒装句、省略、反义疑问句等,虽然不是高考热点,但对于其中使用性强的一定要掌握;二是,针对高考知识的考查增加口语情境化因素的特点,复习时,要注意“词不离句,句不离文“,注意在特定的语境中,词语和语法的灵活应用。,完形填空: 要注重情节发展的内在联系及词语运用能力,从近几年的高考题型来看,该题型趋向于淡化语法知识,侧重于语境、篇章,讲究整体理解和体现语言运用的考查,

5、而且所选文章特别关注内容情节发展的内在联系及词语运用能力,进一步加强对语义的理解和领悟考核。同学们在答题时务必通读全文,通常情况下一篇完型填空必有几处答案难以确定。在推敲疑点时要紧扣文意情景,从上下文中寻找线索,遵循先易后难原则,根据事实进行排队。,完形填空的四个选项一般都学过 注意:1 四个选项可能都可用在空格处和前后文进行搭配,务必要筛选出符合上下文语境的选项; 2 旧词新用法(包括某些陌生搭配)。如果遇到了这种情景,在确定别的选项明显是错误的时候,我们就大胆尝试新用法。最后要通读一遍,使答案填入后的句子在结构和意思都能上下连贯。,完形填空之 九大解题技巧,利用首句来解题,I did ve

6、ry badly at school. My headmasterthought I was 36 and when I was 14 he said, “Youre never going to be 37(anything) but a failure. ” A. bright B. useless C. simple D. hopeful,His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although his family often 43 about that, Ed refused

7、 to buy a 44 T-shirt or to lose weight.43. A. cared B. forgot C. quarreled D. joked44. A. clean B. straight C. larger D. darker,2. 根据上下文语境,合理推断来解题,3. 利用语篇标志解题 常见的标志性的词语有以下几种;结构层次:firstly, secondly, thirdly;逻辑关系:thus, therefore, so;递进关系:besides, whats more, further;转折关系:but, while, however等。,She told

8、 the front-desk clerk she had had a(n) _vacation, but was heart-broken about losing several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet developed.A. disappointing B. wonderful C. uncomfortable D. important,_,4. 根据逻辑推理解题,and the officers then began to eat their meal , saying that the mushrooms had a ve

9、ry strange_quite pleasant taste. A. besides B. but C. and D. or,5. 根据常识和文化背景的角度来选择,The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. 36(Owning) springs and streams sometimes means control , particularly in the 37 areas like the desert. Adry Bdistant Cdeserted Dwild,6.从语法角度来解

10、题,I went into a caf and asked for a coffee . 21 I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were other people in the place , but I sensed 22 (loneliness). ABefore BSince CAlthough DWhile,7.从词汇辨异和固定搭配方面来解题,1) He was only fourteen and was not good at swimming_1_.So he shouldnt have gone into tha

11、t place.1.A.after all B.in all C.at all D.for all2) So I tried hard with my writing and went to college . My first novel 45 while I was at college.45. A. came on B. came in C. came out D. came back,8.利用词汇的复现解题The strange thing was that practically all the students went to class, and very few people

12、stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or _ class. A. attended B. took C. missed D. studied,How does a tooth go bad? The 51 begins in a little crack in the enamel(珐琅)covering of the tooth. This happens after germs and bits of food have collected there. Then the decay slowly spreads i

13、nside the tooth. In the end, poison goes into blood, and we may feel quite ill. 51. A. destruction B. decay C. fault D. hurt,9.利用语气副词的情景解题.I raised the pistol and fired. The animal fell backwards with an angry cry. Father took the _ smoking pistol from my hand , and fired another shot, which killed

14、the gorilla.A. still B. yet C. even D. already,Consolidation exercise,Wouldnt it be great if we didnt have to remember passwords (密码) ever again?If we could just sit in front of our computers and be 21 logged in (登录)? Crave mentions how NECSoft BiodeLogon system uses face recognition technology to l

15、og you on to Windows, rather than using a 22 . All you need is a webcam and your pretty face to 23 your PC. No more 24 , confusing passwords to remember or change every few months. 21. A. automatically B. personally C. correctly D. occasionally 22. A. face B. password C. software D. system 23. A. access B. connect C. recognize D. remember 24. A. simple B. complicated C. special D. useful,



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