EST 9b 科技英语翻译的基本方法和技巧 被动语态的翻译

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《EST 9b 科技英语翻译的基本方法和技巧 被动语态的翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《EST 9b 科技英语翻译的基本方法和技巧 被动语态的翻译(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、科技英语翻译的基本方法和技巧,被动语态的翻译,科技文献侧重叙事和推理。读者重视的是作者的观点和发明的内容,而不是作者本人,所以科技英语中被动语态使用得非常广泛。,一、译成汉语主动句,在现代英语语法中,被动语态是动词的一种变化形式,表示句子的谓语动词和其主语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系。被动句的主语实际上是谓语动词动作的承受者。英语重形,汉语重义。在汉语中,寓被动意义于主动形式的句子是汉语的一种表达习惯。 1. 原文中的主语在译文中仍作主语 The architects plans must be approved by the local planners before work can star

2、t. 建筑师的设计方案必须经过当地规划部门的批准才能开始施工。 If the anti-seepage measure is not appropriate, the investment would be increased and the original structure of soil mass would be destroyed. 如果防渗漏措施不当,不但投资会增加,土体原有结构还会遭到破坏。 It is clear that a body can be charged under certain condition. 很显然,在一定条件下物体能够带电。 Water can be

3、 broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. 水可以分解成氢和氧。 Wounds can be cauterized by searing. 伤口可以烙烧消毒。 One element may be substituted for another in a compound. 在化合物里,一种元素可以取代另一种元素。,Net is best suited for small and medium enterprises to band together and break the monopolies of the “giants”. 网络是中小型企业共同合作、

4、打破大公司垄断的最好工具。 The year 2000 problem is not only limited to what happens with computers between December 31, 1999 and January 1, 2000. 2000年问题不只限于1999年12月31日和2000年1月1日间发生在计算机上的问题。 The World Health Organization estimates that 1.7 billion people are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 世界卫生组织估计有17

5、亿人感染上了肺结核。 The basic theory of the traditional Chinese medicine is adopted from the theory of yin and yang theory of the five elements. 中医的基本理论取自阴阳五行学说。 In our factory, automation has been substituted for mechanization. 在我们厂,自动化已经代替了机械化。,2. 原文中的主语在译文中作宾语,并增译主语 The full meaning of cloning will be fel

6、t only when we get a taste of its abuse. 只有当我们尝到克隆被滥用的恶果之后,我们才会彻底明白其价值所在。 Heat and temperature were confused until Black cleared up the subject in 1760. 在1760年布莱克澄清热与温度这个问题以前,人们一直将两者混为一谈。 Damage from the increased use of chemicals has been felt. 我们已经觉察到了增加使用化学物质带来的危害。 Salt is known to have a very st

7、rong corroding effect on metals. 大家都知道盐对金属有腐蚀作用。 New computer viruses and logic bombs are discovered every week. 每个星期,我们都能发现新型计算机病毒和逻辑炸弹。,Potassium and sodium are seldom met in their natural state. 我们很少见到自然状态的钾和钠。 If one of more electrons be removed, the atom is said to be positively charged. 如果原子失去

8、一个或多个电子,我们就说,该原子带正电荷。 Generally, the mass and the weight of a body are considered identical. 通常人们认为物体的质量和重量是一致的。 Gases are frequently regarded as compressible, liquids as incompressible. 人们通常认为气体是可压缩的,而液体则不可压缩。 At one time it was thought that all atoms of the same element were exactly alike. 人们曾认为同一

9、种元素的所有原子都是完全相同的。,原文中的主语在译文中作宾语,而原文中的行为主体、用作状语的介词短语或其他词语则相应地译成主语 In the US millions of IV bags made of PVC are used annually. 美国每年都使用数百万个由聚氯乙烯制成的静脉注射袋。 Computers are employed in most banks. 大多数银行已使用计算机。 Recently, some new kinds of steel have been developed in our country. 最近我国研制出了一些新品种的钢。 The tempera

10、ture of the liquid is raised by the application of heat. 加热可以提高液体温度。 The creative shaping process of a technologists mind can be seen in nearly every artifact. 几乎每一件人工制品都能反映出设计人员头脑中对于形状设计的创造思维。,With the emergence of an electronic currency, everyone of us would be affected. 电子货币的出现将影响到我们每个人。 Many job

11、s as to assemble parts in dangerous environment are done by robots in some developed countries. 一些发达国家用机器人去做危险环境下的零件组装工作。 Two factors, force and distance, are included in the units of work. 功的单位包含两个因素,即力和距离。 Computers are now being widely used in different branches of science. 科学的不同部门都在广泛地使用计算机。 In

12、chemistry, symbols are used to represent elements. 化学用符号代表元素。,原文中的主语在译文中作宾语译成,无主句 The concrete is mixed on site and poured into wood or metal forms to make the wall and floors. 在现场将混凝土搅拌好,浇筑于木制的或金属的模板上,制成墙和楼面。 Two different wavelengths of light are used as carriers. 采用两个不同的光波波长作为载波。 Water can be sho

13、wn as containing impurities. 可以证明水含有杂质。 The temperature is lowered so that water may be turned into ice. 把温度降低,使水变成冰。 The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end to. 必须立即终止这种讨厌的噪声。 Solution to the problem was ultimately found. 终于找到了解决这一问题的办法。,Many kinds of metals have been developed to resis

14、t corrosion. 已经研制出许多种抗腐蚀的金属。 A hot-acid method for extracting heavy metals from municipalo waste-water has been developed. 已研究出从城市废水中提取重金属的热酸废水处理法。 The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by a generator. 利用发电机,可以将机械能在转变成电能。 The resistance can be determined provided that the

15、voltage and current are known. 只要知道电压和电流,就能测定电阻。 The fuel must be tested to determine its suitability before application. 使用前须对材料试验,以确定其适用性。,把主语并入谓语合译 Care should be taken not to damage the instruments. 注意不要损坏仪器。 Attention has been paid to this phenomenon. 已经注意这种现象了。 Attempts were made to develop a

16、new technique for breeding rice variety. 曾试图研究出一种培育水稻品种的新技术。 Allowance must, no doubt, be made for the astonishing rapidity of communication in these days. 无疑要考虑到现代通讯的惊人速度。 Attention must be paid to environmental protection in developing economy. 发展经济必须注意环境保护。,由“it”引导的习惯句型中的被动语态,可译作无人称主动句或不定人称主动句 It

17、 can be foreseen that 可以预料 It can be seen that 可见,能够看出 It cannot be denied that 不可否认 It has been proved that 已经证明 It has been illustrated that 已经举例说明 It has been objected that 有人反驳 It has been shown that 有人指出 It has been viewed that 讨论了 It is accepted that 可接受的是 It is arranged that 已经商定,已做准备 It is alleged that 据称 It is asserted that 有人主张 It is turned out that 结果是,


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