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1、化疗导致的恶心呕吐的病理生理学,影响CINV的因素,化疗药物的种类 化疗药物的剂量 化疗方案和给药途径 患者的个人因素 性别(女性患者更易呕吐) 年龄(年轻患者更易呕吐) 既往化疗致吐史 饮酒史(饮酒史患者不易呕吐),NCCN Clinical practice guidelines in oncology; v.2.2009: Antiemesis. NCCN, 2009.,2004年意大利佩鲁贾会议达成共识,确立4个致吐风险等级,先后被MASCC / NCCN / ASCO 所采用,化疗所致CINV的危害,对化疗的不依从性 水、电解质等代谢失衡 营养丢失 厌食 自理能力受损 体能与精神状态

2、下降 创口愈合延迟,伤口开裂 食管撕裂 严重时停止治疗,NCCN Clinical practice guidelines in oncology; v.2.2009: Antiemesis. NCCN, 2009.,CINV的分类,急性恶心/呕吐 迟发性恶心/呕吐 预期性恶心/呕吐 突破性恶心/呕吐 难治性恶心/呕吐,NCCN Clinical practice guidelines in oncology; v.2.2009: Antiemesis. NCCN, 2009.,用药后数分钟到数小时内出现,一般用药后5-6小时最高峰,24小时内缓解。,用药后24小时后出现,常于给药后48-72

3、 小时达最高峰,可持续6-7天。,属条件反射,在前一次化疗中出现恶心/呕吐的病人,在下一次化疗开始前就出现恶心/呕吐。,指在给予预防性止吐治疗后仍出现且需解救治疗的呕吐,指预防性和解救性止吐治疗均失败的呕吐。,CINV按时间分类,预期性呕吐 Anticipatory,急性呕吐 Acute,迟发性呕吐Delayed,化疗,24 hours,具有中高度催吐反应的化疗引起的恶心呕吐反应至少持续3天,Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV):化疗导致的恶心呕吐,CINV相关神经递质,呕吐中枢,Navari RM. Expert Opinion on

4、 Pharmacotherapy. 2009;10(4):629-644.,CINV的治疗,常用的治疗药物 5-HT3受体拮抗剂 第一代:昂丹司琼、格拉司琼、托烷司琼、雷莫司琼、阿扎司琼、多拉司琼等 第二代:帕洛诺司琼 NK1(神经激肽-1) 受体拮抗剂:阿瑞吡坦、福沙吡坦 皮质激素:地塞米松 其他药物:多巴胺拮抗剂 、苯二氮卓类、抗组胺药,Navari RM. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 2009;10(4):629-644. NCCN Clinical practice guidelines in oncology; v.2.2006: Antie

5、mesis. NCCN,2006.,5-HT3受体拮抗剂的作用机制,奥氮平 (olanzapine),抗精神病药物抑制多种神经递质 多巴胺 5-羟色胺 儿茶酚胺 乙酰胆碱 组胺,2011ASCO呕吐指南推荐,问题6:辅助药物对化疗所致的恶心和呕吐有什么样的治疗作用?推荐:1、劳拉西泮和苯海拉明有用辅助止吐药物,但不推荐作为单独用于止吐。2、一个新的试验评价包括奥氮平止吐治疗,奥氮平在化疗期间的止吐作用有明显疗效,Antiemetics: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Update 2011,奥

6、氮平治疗迟发型呕吐的历程,2003年个案报道 2004年:一期临床 2005年:二期临床:奥氮平+格拉司琼+地塞米松 2007年:二期临床:奥氮平+帕洛诺司琼+地塞米松 2009年:三期研究:阿扎司琼+地塞米松奥氮平 2011年:三期临床:奥氮平或阿瑞吡坦+帕洛诺司琼+地塞米松 2011年ASCO呕吐指南推荐 2012年NCCN呕吐指南推荐,欧兰宁(奥氮平)治疗 CINV的相关研究!,1.奥氮平、格拉司琼、地塞米松:CINV,A phase II trial of olanzapine for theprevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and v

7、omiting,Support Care Cancer (2005) 13: 529534,Support Care Cancer (2005) 13: 529534,Support Care Cancer (2005) 13: 529534,用法用量,Support Care Cancer (2005) 13: 529534,A phase II trial of olanzapine for theprevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting,30例患者每人至少完成一个周期化疗,其中: 26例完成2个周期 25例完成3个周期

8、21例完成4个周期 6 例完成5个周期 4 例完成6个周期,Complete response,Support Care Cancer (2005) 13: 529534,MDASI scores,Support Care Cancer (2005) 13: 529534,疲劳,恶心,失眠,悲痛,记忆力,呼吸浅促,食欲不振,昏昏欲睡,呕吐,麻木,一般活动,情绪,与他人关系,2.奥氮平、地塞米松、帕洛诺司琼:CINV,A phase II trial of olanzapine, dexamethasone and palonosetron for the prevention of chemo

9、therapyinducednausea and vomiting,Support Care Cancer (2007) 15:12851291,Support Care Cancer (2007) 15:12851291,用法用量,A phase II trial of olanzapine, dexamethasone and palonosetron for the prevention of chemotherapyinducednausea and vomiting,Support Care Cancer (2007) 15:12851291,化疗最多6个周期或至患者不可耐受,40例

10、患者每人至少完成一个周期化疗,其中: 34 例完成2个周期 30 例完成3个周期 26 例完成4个周期 15 例完成5个周期 13 例完成6个周期,complete response,Fig. 1 Percent of patients with a complete response (no emetic episodes and no use of rescue medication) for patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy(HEC) or moderately emetogenic chemotherapy(MEC) i

11、n cycle 1,Support Care Cancer (2007) 15:12851291,Percent of no nausea,Fig. 2 Percent of patients with no nausea (no nausea, 0 on scale of 010, MDASI) for patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy (HEC) or moderately emetogenic chemotherapy (MEC) in cycle 1,Support Care Cancer (2007) 15:12851

12、291,MDASI scores,疲劳,恶心,失眠,悲痛,记忆力,呼吸浅促,食欲不振,昏昏欲睡,呕吐,麻木,一般活动,情绪,与他人关系,生活乐趣,3.OAD vs AD:CINV,Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 28:131,用法用量,奥氮平 10 mg p.o. d1-5 阿扎司琼 10 mg i.v. d1 地塞米松 10 mg i.v. D1 N=121,阿扎司琼 10 mg i.v. D1 地塞米松 10 mg i.v. d15 N=108,229例患者:首要终点: CR:无恶心呕吐次要终点: 生活质量,

13、 安全性,毒性,Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 28:131,Complete response,Clinical research of Olanzapine forprevention ofchemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting,Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 28:131,Definition of nausea according to CTCAE V 3.0 L1: Loss of

14、 appetite without alteration in eating habits L2: Oral intake decreased without significant weight loss, dehydration or malnutrition; IV fluids, indicated = 6 episodes in 24 hrs; IV fluids, or TPN indicated = 24 hrs L4: Life-threatening consequences L5: Death,Clinical research of Olanzapine forpreve

15、ntion ofchemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting,Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 28:131,quality of life,两组患者均具有良好的耐受性,Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 28:131,4.奥氮平 VS 阿瑞吡坦 :CINV,奥氮平 10 mg p.o. d1-4 帕洛诺司琼 0.25mg i.v. d1,化疗前30-60min 地塞米松 20mg i.v. D1 N=

16、121,阿瑞吡坦 125mg p.o ,d180mg p.o ,d2、3帕洛诺司琼 0.25mg i.v. d1地塞米松 12mg i.v. D14mg,bid,p.o.,d2-4 N=120,241例患者: 首要终点: CR:无恶心呕吐,A Randomized Phase III Trial,J Support Oncol 2011;9:188195,J Support Oncol 2011;9:188195,P 0.05 for acute, delayed,and overall,J Support Oncol 2011;9:188195,P 0.05 for acute, P 0.01 for delayed and overall,


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