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1、翻译技巧(八)Sequencing and Inversion (顺序和逆序法),Conversion goes hand in hand with inversion, another important principal leading to expressing idiomatic language in transition. Inversion implies a necessary change of word order to conform the good usage in the target language. Besides differences in word o

2、rder, sentences structures, logical and temporal sequences of thinking, saying and writing between the two languages may differ, which is especially true of long sentences.Lets compare the different orders between Chinese and English.,Inversion (倒置法/词序调整法),Subject and object in affirmative sentences

3、 1). Birds fly and fish swim. 鱼儿游,鸟儿飞。 2). She couldnt understand this English sentence.她无法明白这个英语句子。,2. Subject and object in interrogative sentences 1). Shall I write him a letter? 我要给他写信吗? 2). Pour me a cup of tea, will you? 给我倒杯茶好吗? 3). I have sent you some useful books. 我给你寄了几本有用的书。,I. Comparati

4、ve Study between Chinese and English order,3. Different orders of objects and complements 1). Mr. Li has taught you English for years. 李老师教你们英语好多年了。 (给、教、借等) 2). I shall write him a letter. 我要给他写封信。 3). We selected him monitor of our class. 我们选他当班长。 4). We all call him Lao Wang.我们都称呼他为老王。(我们都叫他老王。)

5、5). She is the most beautiful girl in our class.她是我班最漂亮的女孩。,4. Attributes First,English has pre-noun and post-noun attributes while Chinese has only pre-noun ones. E.g. a fat old lady 一个胖老太 a big round conference table 一张又大又圆的会议桌 A handsome young man in our school 我们学校的一位英俊的小伙子 The old man who is st

6、anding there with our teacher 和我们老师一起站在那边的老头,限定词数词评价性形容词新旧(年龄)形容词形状(尺寸、大小)形容词颜色形容词国籍(出处)形容词分词定语名词定语中心名词,Second,English has some general principals to place several attributive modifiers before a noun: This beautiful young lady Many interesting American detective stories An old big country house Some

7、 excellent young film stars those two good new big brown brick houses英语修饰语顺序的掌握要点: 限定词 + 形容词 + 分词或动名词 + 名词 + 中心名词 + 短语或从句 限定 + 评价 + 描绘(新旧大小颜色) + 性质 + 中心名词 总体思想:关系的亲疏程度确定距离的远近。,General principal for placing several attributive modifiers before noun in Chinese:,An excellent modern young writer,Scores

8、of our experienced English teachers,These several practical speech scripts on grammar for college students,Many of our important new water conservancy projects in other areas,5. Adverbials of manner, place, and timeIn Chinese these adverbials are arranged just in the reverse order before the verbs a

9、s in English (verb + manner + place + time). We study hard in the classroom every day. 我们天天在教室里认真学习。 His address is 518 Wenhua Road, Guzan Town, PA626001, Kangding.他的地址是康定县姑咱镇文化路518号,邮编编码 626001。 They were badly defeated at Luding in November, 1945.他们于1945年11月在泸定附近大败。 4). She often teaches us Englis

10、h songs at school in the evening. 她晚上经常在学校里教我们唱英语歌。,6. Logical order: First, both languages have some similar orders because of common environments and situations, e.g:Day and night The sky and the earth Up and down Here and there This and that Boys and girls Men and women Father and mother,Second,

11、there are also some different sequences between English and Chinese, which have different backgrounds :我你他 you he and I 新郎新娘 bride and bridegroom 男女老少 men and women, young and old 大中小学 elementary, secondary and tertiary school 捉迷藏 hide-and-seek 又快又多 thick and fast 血肉相连 as close as flesh and blood 水火

12、不容 as incompatible as fire and water 无论晴雨 rain or shine 手疾眼快 quick of eye and deft of hand 饥寒交迫 suffer from cold and hunger 救死扶伤 heal the wounded, rescue the dying,冷热 hot and cold 左右 right and left 水陆 land and water 强弱 weak and strong 沉浮 ups and downs 新旧 old and new 悲欢 joy and sorrow 贫富 rich and poo

13、r 好坏 bad or good 迟早 sooner or later 田径 track and field 视听 audio-visual 图文 textual and visual,中英文 English and Chinese 工农业 agriculture and industry 钢铁工业 the iron and steel industry 文学艺术 art and literature 团结统一 unity and solidarity 中小企业 small and medium-sized enterprises 衣食住行 food, clothing, shelter an

14、d transportation 东南西北 north, south, east and west 知识分子和青年学生 students and intellectuals,II. 翻译时对句子语序的几种处理方法: 1顺序法: 即按原文的句子顺序翻译。 1) It was strange that a day of war was a day we stood still. We couldnt movethat must have been the whole ideaso we had no choice but to watch. 奇怪的是战争的那天我们却原地按兵不动。我们不能动弹这就是

15、这次战争的整个含意除了监视敌人,我们别无他法。,2). In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature. 为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣食住行,人类和大自然不断进行斗争。,2逆序法: 即颠倒原文的顺序,将句首的内容放到句尾,句尾的内容放到句首。 1).He was dumbfounded at her insistence that he explain where every cent of his allowance had gone 她非要他讲清楚他津贴中的每一分钱都到哪儿去了,这使他哑口无言。 2). That our environment has little,if anything, to do with our abilities,characteristics and behavior is central to this theory 这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能、性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的话,也是微不足道的。,


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