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1、Chapter 5 The Standard Trade Model标准贸易模型vIntroduction导论vA Standard Model of a Trading Economy开放经济的标准模 型vInternational Transfers of Income: Shifting the RD Curve国 际收入转移:曲线的移动vTariffs and Export Subsidies: Simultaneous Shifts in RS and RD关税和出口补贴:和同时移动vSummaryvAppendix: Representing International Equil

2、ibrium with Offer Curves1IntroductionvPrevious trade theories have emphasized specific sources of comparative advantage which give rise to international trade:Differences in labor productivity (Ricardian model)Differences in resources (specific factors model and Heckscher-Ohlin model)vThe standard t

3、rade model is a general model of trade that admits these models as special cases.25-1 A Standard Model of a Trading EconomyvThe standard trade model is built on four key relationships:标准贸易模型建立在四个重要关系 基础上:Production possibility frontier and the relative supply curve生产可能性边界与相对供给曲线之间的关系Relative prices

4、and relative demand相对价格与相对需 求之间的关系World relative supply and world relative demand世界 相对需求与相对供给之间的关系Terms of trade and national welfare贸易条件与国家福利3vProduction Possibilities and Relative Supply生产 可能性和相对供给Assumptions of the model:假设vEach country produces two goods, food (F) and cloth (C)生产 两种产品:棉布和粮食 vEac

5、h countrys production possibility frontier is a smooth curve (TT)平滑的生产可能性曲线The point on its production possibility frontier at which an economy actually produces depends on the price of cloth relative to food, PC/PF.Isovalue lines(P94)等价值线vLines along which the market value of output is constant同一 条

6、等价值线的产出价值不变4Figure 5-1: Relative Prices Determine the Economys Output(P91) 产品相对价格确定社会产出QIsovalue lines等价 值线TTCloth production,棉布产出 QCFood production, 粮食产出QF5Figure 5-2: How an Increase in the Relative Price of Cloth Affects Relative Supply(P91)棉布相对价格上升对相对供给的影响Q1VV1(PC/PF)1Q2VV2(PC/PF)2TTCloth produc

7、tion, QCFood production, QF6vRelative Prices and Demand相对价格与 需求The value of an economys consumption equals the value of its production:社会消费价 值与社会生产价值相等PCQC + PFQF = PCDC + PFDF = VThe economys choice of a point on the isovalue line depends on the tastes of its consumers, which can be represented gra

8、phically by a series of indifference curves.无差异曲线7Indifference curves(P92)vEach traces a set of combinations of two goods consumption that leave the individual equally well off 无差异曲线是指在同一消费水平上不同消费组合的轨 迹。vThey have three properties:三个特点:Downward sloping向下倾斜 The farther up and to the right each lies,

9、the higher the level of welfare to which it corresponds离原点越远,福利水平越 高 Each gets flatter as we move to the right平坦的方向影响到 产品的相对边际效用。8TTFigure 5-3: Production, Consumption, and Trade in the Standard Model(P92) 标准模型中的生产、消费和贸易棉布产量 Cloth production, QC粮食产量Food production, QFQDIndifference curves无差异曲线 粮食进口F

10、ood imports棉布出口Cloth exports9If the relative price of cloth, PC/PF , increases, the economys consumption choice shifts from D1 to D2.相对价格提高对、产出和消费选择的影 响:vThe move from D1 to D2 reflects two effects:Income effect收入效用(福利提高):两种产品的消费均增 加 Substitution effect替代效用:给定福利水平下消费点的移动 ),减少对棉布消费,增加对粮食的消费 vIt is po

11、ssible that the income effect will be so strong that when PC/PF rises, consumption of both goods actually rises, while the ratio of cloth consumption to food consumption falls.当相对价格提高时,收入效用 更强10TTFigure 5-4: Effects of a Rise in the Relative Price of Cloth(P93) 棉布相对价格提高的影响Q1VV1(PC/PF)1Q2VV2(PC/PF)2D

12、2 D1Cloth production棉布生产, QCFood production粮食生产, QF11vThe Welfare Effect of Changes in the Terms of Trade:贸易条件变化对福利水平 的影响Terms of trade 贸易条件vThe price of the good a country s exports divided by the price of its imports.(P94)定义:一国出口产 品价格除以进口产品价格。vA rise in the terms of trade increases a countrys welf

13、are, while a decline in the terms of trade reduces its welfare.(P94)一国福利水平随着贸易条 件的变化而变化:贸易条件提高改善一国福利水平 ,而下降则减少一国福利水平。12案例分析:发达国家和发展中国家的贸易条件发达国家和发展中国家19721993年的贸易条件 (单位出口价值/单位进口价值,1972年为100)年度7273747576777879808182 发展中国 家 石油出口 国100 113 258 246 259 27224 8302 412 451 450其他国家100 104 9990941029694918584

14、 发达国家100 9887898886898680798013发达国家和发展中国家19721993年的贸易 条件(单位出口价值/单位进口价值,1972 年为100)年度8384858687888990919293发展中 国家石油出 口国41 041 239 120 623 219 221 424 321 420 119 8其他国 家8487858788929192929291发达国 家828182907791919192949414vDetermining Relative Prices相对价格的确定Suppose that the world economy consists of two

15、countries:假设条件vHome (which exports cloth)本国出口棉布Its terms of trade are measured by PC/PFIts quantities of cloth and food produced are QC and QF两种产品的 产量 vForeign (which exports food) 外国出口粮食Its terms of trade are measured by PF/PC Its quantities of cloth and food produced are Q*C and Q*F外国两种产品的产量Q*C 和

16、Q*F15To determine PC/PF , one must find the intersection of world relative supply of cloth and world relative demand. 世界相对价格是世界相对需求和相对供应的交点。vThe world relative supply curve (RS) is upward sloping because an increase in PC/PF leads both countries to produce more cloth and less food.世界相对价格曲线向上倾斜是因为PC/PF上升将导 致两国增加棉布的生产,减少粮食的生产。vThe world relative demand curve (RD) is downward sloping because an increase in PC/PF lead


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