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1、 UNIT 2 UNIT 2 SummarySummaryN H C EEnglish Equivalents of ChineseEnglish Equivalents of ChineseCreative Application of Typical ExpressionsCreative Application of Typical ExpressionsFurther Application of Typical PatternsFurther Application of Typical PatternsSummarySummary句型应用 短语活用 English Equivale

2、nts of ChineseN H C E1. 导致血缺铁 2. 四分之一女 孩 3. 吸收蛋白质 4. 危险最大 5. 导致铁离子 流失 6. 妨碍;干扰 7. 气喘吁吁 8. 解决问题 9. 想呕吐 10. 弥补不足to lead to reduced iron in the blood one in/out of four female teenagers to take in protein to be at greatest risk to result in iron loss to interfere with Back预习课文导入写作to be out of breath to

3、 undo the problem a feeling of wanting to throw up to remedy the deficiency Creative Application of Typical ExpressionsN H C E1. 恢复; 振作起来: 2. 高达;直到;胜任:3. 为了: 4. 耗尽;用完;为零: 5. 增加:to bounce back up to in an effort to (do sth.)to go to zeroto add to 句型应用 短语互译 随 笔 Back预习课文导入写作far from able to do sth. / m

4、eet the minimum requirements for the curriculum Far from able to meet the minimum requirements for the curriculum, she was bounced out of college.把某人开除学院:吓唬某人做某事:猛冲而去:bounce sb. out of collegebounce sb. into doing sth.bounce away她远未达到课程的最低要求,被学院开除了。知 识 链 接活 学 活 用意 群 提 示BackCreative Application of Ty

5、pical ExpressionsN H C E句型应用 短语互译 随 笔 Back预习课文导入写作seek how to do sth. / be well up in sth. / sb.s privacyIn our social life, there is one group of people who derive joy from seeking how to be well up in others privacy.知晓:与某人不相上下:按时完成工作:to be well up in sth.to be up with sb.to be up on ones work社会生活中

6、有那么一群人,他们以设法了解他人的隐私为快。知 识 链 接活 学 活 用意 群 提 示Creative Application of Typical ExpressionsN H C E句型应用 短语互译 随 笔 BackBack预习课文导入写作enrich intimacy with sb. / make much effort to do sth. / communicate with sb.In order to enrich intimacy with their children, mothers should make much effort to communicate with

7、 them a lot. 毫不费力:勇敢地做某事:下功夫做某事:without effortto do sth. by an effort of willto make effort to do sth.为增进与孩子的亲密感,母亲们应力争和孩子多沟通。知 识 链 接活 学 活 用意 群 提 示Creative Application of Typical ExpressionsN H C E句型应用 短语互译 随 笔 BackBack预习课文导入写作disband a football team / show evidence of sth. / go to the dogsOur footb

8、all team, though not disbanded yet, has shown evidence of going to the dogs.走极端:情况糟透了:崩溃;垮下来:to go to extremes to go to the dogs to go to pieces我们足球队,尽管尚未解散,已表现出无药可救的迹象。知 识 链 接活 学 活 用意 群 提 示Creative Application of Typical ExpressionsN H C E句型应用 短语互译 随 笔 BackBack预习课文导入写作ones impression about sth. / t

9、he Beijing Olympic Games / add up to one wordTheir impressions about the Beijing Olympic Games could add up to one wordGreat.算入; 包括:加到上; 附加; 包括:加起来; 合计:to add into add onto add up他们对北京奥运会的所有感受可以汇成一个字“棒”。知 识 链 接活 学 活 用意 群 提 示Creative Application of Typical ExpressionsN H C E句型应用 短语互译 随 笔 BackBack预习课文

10、导入写作Further Application of Typical PatternsN H C E1. 用于表述“研究结果”。2. 用于强调“人们常识的不正确”。3. 用于表述“对特殊群 体的建议”。A new study / research / opinion poll / survey by sb. suggests / indicates that Sb. believe / feel that , but that (statement) is not / true / the case.Sb. who be (not) likely / liable to should , si

11、nce (从句)短语活用 短语互译 随 笔 Back预习课文导入写作ones profession / ones way of seeing things around / exert some effect on sth.新视野新视野 产生式提炼与应用产生式提炼与应用N H C E典 型 例 句意 群 提 示他们做的一项研究表明他们做的一项研究表明,人的职业对其看待周围事物人的职业对其看待周围事物 的方式会产生影响。的方式会产生影响。A study by them suggests that ones profession exerts some effect on ones way of

12、seeing things around.BackBack预习课文导入写作短语活用 短语互译 随 笔 ends up with sth. / the conclusion of the course新视野新视野 产生式提炼与应用产生式提炼与应用N H C E典 型 例 句意 群 提 示有些学生认为有些学生认为,英语学习随着课程结束而结束。这英语学习随着课程结束而结束。这种看法是不正确的。种看法是不正确的。Some students think that their English study ends up with the conclusion of the course, but that

13、 is not true. BackBack预习课文导入写作短语活用 短语互译 随 笔 undergraduates / go into society / prepare oneself for sth. / rise into favor with sb.新视野新视野 产生式提炼与应用产生式提炼与应用N H C E典 型 例 句意 群 提 示将走入社会的在校大学生应为未来做准备,因为机会只 眷顾那些有准备的人。 The undergraduates who will go into society should prepare themselves for their future, since opportunities rise into favor with those ready for them.BackBack预习课文导入写作短语活用 短语互译 随 笔


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