2009届高考英语第一轮课本复习课件必修四 unit 5 theme parks(人教新课标)

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2009届高考英语第一轮课本复习课件必修四 unit 5 theme parks(人教新课标)_第1页
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《2009届高考英语第一轮课本复习课件必修四 unit 5 theme parks(人教新课标)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2009届高考英语第一轮课本复习课件必修四 unit 5 theme parks(人教新课标)(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1._ Wi:m n.题目;主题 2._ 5vZEriEs adj. 各种各样的 3. _ E5mju:z vt. 使发笑;使愉快 4._ tFB:dV vi. 去牵涉;参与7. 复活 _ 8. 靠近 _ 9. 试验_ 10. 以命名_11. 盈利_ 12. 满足需要_come to life get close to try out name after make a profitmeet ones need五、词组运用 词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个 适当的词组并用其适当的形式填空。 1. The Washington

2、D.C _ President Washington. 2. He takes an active part in _ activities in school. 3. This movie _ a novel written by Lu Xun. 4. Mary _her family went to England last weekalong with is named aftera variety ofis based on翻译填空 根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个恰当的 词组完成句子。 5. The king wished that he might _ ( 复活) sometime

3、 after his death. 6. They are going to _(去) the figures for me? 7. More than 1,000 people _(参与) the project yesterday.were involved income to lifetake a journey / trip句子翻译 从上述短语中选择恰当的短语翻译下列句子。8打雷时不要靠近电器。9你卖房子赚了钱吗?10为了满足同学们的需要,老师带了许多书来。 To meet the needs of the students, the teacherbrought a lot of b

4、ooks for them to read.Dont get close to electrical appliance whilethere thunder. Did you make a profit on your house when you sold it?六、介词填空 在下列空格处填入一个适当的介词。 1. The film A World Without Thieves is based _ a novel of the same name. 2. Parents should involve themselves _ their childrens education. 3.

5、we are afraid _ getting close _ our head teacher because he is serious. 4. She charged me _ neglecting my duty. 5. As long as you paid _ advance, we wont charge you for delivery.on inof towithinLanguage points for Reading ILanguage points for Reading I Language points for Reading IILanguage points f

6、or Reading II1. more than 多于The stone weighs _ . 这块石头重达十吨多。 不止;不仅仅Bamboo is used for_ .竹子不仅仅用于建筑。more than ten tonsmore than building2. Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while. provide v. 提供 provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. to sb.为某人提供某物 The

7、 school _.=The school _.这所学校为学生提供食物。 provided food for the students provided the students with food3. amusev. 娱乐;消遣_.他的故事使我发笑。 The children _.孩子们做游戏取乐。The girls _ the dolls.那些女孩玩那些娃娃玩得很开心。His story amuses meamused themselves by playing gameswere amused with4. Though parks share this basic purpose, t

8、hey find various ways to meet this need.various adj.各种各样的,不同的;好几个,很多There are _.鸡蛋有各种各样的做法。_ they had seen the accident.许多人说他们目睹了这次的事故。various ways of cooking an eggVarious people saidvariation n. 变化,变更 variety n. 品种,种类,多样性 vary v. 改变,变更_ roses are being shown.许多菊花品种在展出。 Her health _.她的健康时好时坏。Many v

9、arieties ofvaries from good to rather weak5. meet ones/that/this need满足的需求 They will do everything they can to _ .他们将尽力满足消费者的需要。This will _ .这会满足市场的需求。meet the needs of consumersmeet the markets demands6. In this park,people sit chatting, play games,listen to birds singing,or just relax a bit. Chatt

10、ing为现在分词作伴随状语,其动作与sit同时发生。 除表伴随外,分词还可以表示时间、原因、方式或补充 说明等。_ ,I couldnt ring her up.由于不知道她的电话号码,我无法打电话给她。He sat at the table _ .他坐在桌旁看中国日报。Not knowing her telephone numberreading China Daily7. We call them theme parks.theme park作them的宾语补足语。需接宾语补足语的动词有 make,consider,cause,see,find,call,get,have,let等。 We

11、 consider _ .我们认为张先生是位优秀的老师。Mr. Zhang an excellent teacher8. not justbut alsonot justbut also相当于not onlybut also意为“不 仅而且”_ . =I not only heard it,_ . =I not only heard it,_.我不但听到,而且看见了这件事。I not just heard it ,but also saw it I saw it,too but saw it as well9. Profitn. 利润,好处,益处 He _¥5000 on the sale.

12、在这笔买卖上他赚了5000人民币。 John is reading_ . 约翰为得到益处与乐趣而读书。 v. 有利于 It will _ 做那事对你没有好处。made a profit offor profit and pleasureprofit you nothing10. certain pron. 某种,有些(但不多)_why I have to say no. 为什么我说不行,我有我的理由。 adj. (指人)确信,有把握There is _ for his illness.这种病没有可靠的疗法。There are certain reasonsno certain cure11. come to到达;谈到,关于;突然想起_ some money is missing. 我注意到少了一些钱。_, I know nothing.说到政治,我一窍不通。 Suddenly _ .突然间,我想起歌词来了。It has come to my notice thatWhen it comes to politicsthe words of the song came to me12. seem看上去,好象,似乎;好像是真的 seem可构成结构: seem+名词 This seems _. 这对我来说似乎是个好工作。 seem+(to be)+形容词


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