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1、信息结构与英汉互译1.信息结构:已知信息和未知信息l INFORMATION STRUCTURE . is the ordering of the text, independently of its construction in terms of sentences, clauses and the like, into units of information on the basis of the distinction into GIVEN and NEW. (Halliday what the clause is about.l2 functions of theme: l 1)

2、it acts as a point of orientation by connecting back to previous stretches of discourse and thereby maintaining a coherent point of view;l 2) it acts as a point of departure by connecting forward and contributing to the development of later stretches.lRheme: the second segment of the clause; what th

3、e speaker says about the theme; the goal of the discourse. lFunction of rheme: it fulfils the communicative purpose of the utterance and represents the very information that the speaker wants to convey to the hearer.4. 信息推进模式及其对翻译的指导意义l在组织信息的过程中,主位和述位的不 断推进是要遵循一定的规律的,如果破 坏了这种规律,就破坏了语篇的衔接与 连贯。有些句子在语法

4、上虽然是正确的 ,但由于违反了信息传递的规律,因此 显得很别扭。l例4:(1) Now comes the president here. (2) Its the window hes stepping through to wave to the crowd. (3) On his victory his opponent congratulates him. Gentlemen and ladies. That you are confident in me honours me (from Halliday, 1978:134 )l改进:(1) Now comes the preside

5、nt here. (2) Hes stepping through the window to wave to the crowd. (3) He was congratulated on his victory by his opponent. Gentlemen and ladies. That you are confident in me honours me l信息的这种传递规律称为信息推进模式:即当 一个新的信息已说出后,它就立刻变成了旧信 息。这个旧信息又可以成为引出另一个新信息 的起点。一旦这个新信息说出来了,它又成了 旧信息。如此不断,可以由一个旧信息推导出 一系列新信息。这

6、样,就可以形成一个由一系 列围绕一个主题的若干个语句构成的语段,若 干个语段又可以组成语篇。这种信息的传递的 规律就是信息推进模式。l信息推进模式对英汉互译有很大的指导意义。 l例5:At noon,we picnicked in a dense forest,through which ran a murmuring creek. The water was so clear that we could see reflections of bamboos and trees and soft lazy clouds drifting across the sky. l参考译文:正午时分,我

7、们野宴于密林深处, 林中小溪潺潺流过,溪水清冽,岸边竹树,天 上闲云,尽映水底。l但如果破坏了这种信息传递规律,译文 可能会难以令人接受。l例6:(1) We are met on a great battlefield of that war. (2) We have come to dedicate a portion of the field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. (3) It is altogether fitting and p

8、roper that we should do this. (Lincoln)l原译:(1) 我们在这场战争中的一个伟大战场上集会。(2) 烈士们为使这个国家能够生存下去而献出了自己的生命,(3) 我们在此集会是为了把这个战争的一部分奉献给他们作为最 后安息之所。(4) 我们这样做是完全应该而且非常恰当的。l改译1:我们在这场战争的一个伟大战场上集会,是为了把战 场的一角奉献给那些为捍卫国家生存而在这里英勇献身的烈 士,作为他们的永久安息之地。我们这样做是完全应当的, 是义不容辞的。l改译2:我们聚集在这场战争中的一个伟大的战场上。我们在 此集会,是为了把这战场的一部分奉献给那些为这个国家的

9、生存而献身的烈士,作为他们的最后安息之所。我们这样做 ,是理所当然、恰如其分的。(江治译)5. 常见的信息推进模式及其在翻译中的应用l(1)简单线性推进式l(2)连贯主位类型l(3)派生主位推进模式l(4)分裂述位推进式l(5)跳跃主位的推进模式(1)简单线性推进式lT1R1l l T2(=R1) R2l l T3(=R2) R3l l1) Once upon a time there lived a fisherman at the seaside. He had a very greedy wife. This old woman asked the poor old man to cat

10、ch at least 100 fish a day, otherwise she would not give him anything to eat.lT1(Once upon a time)R1(a fisherman)l l T2(=R1“he”) R2(a greedy wife)l l T3(=R2:this old woman) R3l l2) I met an old friend yesterday. He had a very beautiful wife who worked in a hospital. This hospital is the best one in

11、our city. lT1(I)R1(an old friend)l l T2(=R1:“he=the old friend”) R2(a hospital)l l T3(=R2: this hospital) R3l例3Credit cards (T1) enable their holders to obtain goods and services (R1) on credit. They (T2=R1) are issued by retail stores, banks, credit- card companies (R2) to approved clients. The ban

12、ks or credit-card company (T3=R2) settles the clients bills, invoicing him monthly and charging interest on any outstanding debts. Their profit comes from the high rate of interest charged. l例4:一条石板道伸进河里,旁边 就泊着阿 李的船 。船 停在水莲丛中,被密集丛生的水 莲包围着。许多紫色的花朵在那里开放,莲 叶 就紧紧贴在船头。(巴金月夜)l译文:Extending into the river w

13、as stone jetty, and beside it Lis boat was moored. The boat was surrounded by thickly growing water lilies. Many purple flowers were in blossom. The leaves pressed against the prow.l例5:What characterizes almost all Hollywood pictures is their inner emptiness. This is compensated for by an outer impr

14、essiveness. Such impressiveness usually takes the form of a truly grandiose realism.l译文:几乎所有好莱坞电影的特征都是内容空虚 。这种空虚被具有感染力的外表所掩盖。这种感 染力通常以地道的夸张的写实手法表现出来。 (2)连贯主位类型l(T1R1)l l T2(=R1) R2l l T2(=R1) R3l l T2(=R1) R4lThe students were divided into three groups. The first group. The second group. And the last group.l例7:In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the European rabbit. This rabbit had not natural enemies in the Antipodes , so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits overran a whole conti


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