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1、 Hypertension Concept: systemic blood pressure increased, target organ damaged(brain,heart , eye, kidney, vessel), metabolism changed Essential hypertension(ET): unknown cause, 95% ,hypertensive disease. Secondary hypertension(ST): known cause, 1- 5%Epidemiology Incidence increasing rapidly, 11.26%

2、in 15years old in China in 1999 incidence different among race, age,sex, area(城乡, 南北,高原,发达地区等) 知晓率,服药率,控制率 lower中国高血压的现状和流行趋势 1999年普查- 患病率 11.26%; 10年上升 25% - 90年代初有高血压患者 9500万 - 目前预计 1亿 1998年- 脑血管病居城市居民死亡原因第二位,农村居首位, - 脑卒中的主要危险因素为高血压 伴随- 糖尿病患病率 ; 吸烟率 ; 超重 ; 冠心病 Pathogenesis of Hypertension Heredita

3、ry and gene hypothesis:20-40% population have hereditary tendencycandidate hypertensive gene 5-8 Environmental factors:hypoweight,overweight, high salt diet,drunkPathophysiology of Hypertension Psychological and psychopathic factors Renin angiotensin aldosterone system(RAAS) Sodium and hypertension

4、Abnormality of vascular endothelium(ET,NO, AngII, PGI2, etc) Insulin resistance revascularization other(obesity,smoking,drinking,hypocalcium, hypomagnesium, hypopotassium)Pathophysiology of Hypertension BP=CO X SVR CO: blood volume,HR,myocardial contractility SVR:阻力小动脉结构改变血管壁顺应性降低血管的舒缩状态改变Clinical M

5、anifestation Early: asymptom, great BP variationheadache,dizziness,palpitation,fatigueA2 S4,aortic area SM Late: manifestation of complicationsbrain, heart,eye, kidney, vessel damageClinical ManifestationTarget organ related to accelerated AS related to BP levelheart angina、MI,SD heart failureBrain

6、TIA, brain thrombosis cerebral hemorrhageencephalopathyKidney renal angiopathy renal arteriolosclerosisrenal failureArtery blocking lesion aortic dissectionClinical ManifestationMost common complications are from brain, 4-6 times of AMI 。 Include: TIA, brain thrombosis,brain infarction(包括腔隙 性脑梗塞), e

7、ncephalopathy , cerebral hemorrhage 。Hypertension and Stroke Both SBP 胸片:双肺纹理增强,主动脉弓蛋壳样钙化,心胸比值0.5; ECG:SR,HR95次/分,电轴-35,TI、AVL、V5-6低平。Discussion 根据上述情况,该患的诊断是什么?为什么? 为了解该患可能存在的心血管病危险因素,还应补充哪些检查? 为明确高血压的分期,还应做什么检查? 根据该患的高血压类别,应选用哪些治疗方法? 该患有无进行ABPM的必要性? 如果需要药物治疗,可选用哪些药物? 病史中疗效不佳的原因是什么?即使血压下降到正常范围,是否达到治疗目的?


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