初中人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit12 Section B2

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1、 Section BPeriod TwoTo learn to discuss preferences and make comparison To learn to understand and use superlatives with (i)est, the most To learn to understand and use irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst ReviewWords and expressionsRead the words and expressions loudl

2、y.Words previewsuccessactwithouttogethermusicaldistancenear farthest成功 表演者;短节目 无;没有;缺少 在一起;共同 (关于) 音乐的 距离;路程 靠近的;接近的;近的 最远的 (far的最高级) Words previewprovincesouthernstill15lovelynorthern-10snowenough省份 在南方的 还是;还;仍然 15摄氏度 令人愉快的;美好的 在北方的 零下10摄氏度 雪;下雪天气 充足的;充分的 Can you remember who won the prize and who

3、was the funniest act in your last school talent show? Read this article about the school talent show.Free Talk3aLast weeks talent show was a great success. There_ fifteen acts. Eliza Clark won the prize for the_ performer. She played a beautiful piano piece. Hu Yue was the_ performer. He danced with

4、out music. The prize for the_ act went to Steve Tian and his dog, Fido. They_ a cute song together.Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. best was quietest sang funniest werewere best quietestfunniestsangRead the article again, find the answers to the questions. 1. Was the talent show a gre

5、at success?2. How many acts were there in the talent show? 3. Who was the best performer? Why?Yes, it was.Fifteen.Eliza Clark. Because she played a beautiful piano piece.4. Who was the quietest performer? Why?5. Who won the prize for the funniest act? Why?Hu Yue. Steve Tian and his dog. Because he d

6、anced without music.Because they sang a cute song together.3bLook at 2b on page 74. Write an article about the other performers in the school talent show.4A: Who do you think is the funniest actor? B: I think Jim Carrey is the funniest actor.GroupworkInterview three classmates. Write their answers i

7、n the chart on your book.Do a surveyWho do you think is yourfunniest classmate?most creative classmate?quietest classmate?loudest classmate?best classmate?namename课时重点回顾last weeks talent show, a great success, win the prize for , the best performer, play a beautiful piano piece, the quietest perform

8、er, dance without music, the prize for , the funniest act, sing a cute song together 1. Im glad our meeting is a great_ ( 成功). 2. Its a long _(距离) from Beijing to Fujian. 3. The computer is too expensive. I dont have _ (足够够) money to buy it. 4. He is one of _ (最滑稽) actors.根据中文提示,补全单词。successdistance

9、enough the funniest5. Doing chores at home all day is very _ (单调单调 ). 6. Jaspers has the_ (最友好的)service. 7. Hotels usually_ (降低它们们的价格) in winter. 8. I think Cride Theatre has _ (最舒适的)seats. 9. The Art Festival_ (持续续了大约约10天). 10. Who_ (赢赢)the prize for the best performer last night? dull friendliestcut their pricesthe most comfortable lasted about ten dayswonHomeworkImagine you went to a talent show of famous people. Write an article about the talent show.


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