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1、 Pre- reading:The background of the American Civil WarThe Great Depression大萧条The Civil Right MovementAbout Atlanta, Georgia State flagState fruit State song“George On My Mind”Capital:AtlantaState flower:cherokee rose State tree:live oakFamous figures:Martin Luther King, Jr. Jimmy CarterFamous event:

2、1. In 1996, Atlanta hosted Olympic Games. 2. Georgia is the first state to allow 18-year-olds to vote 3. The story in “Gone With The wind” happened in Georgia during the Civil warCycloramaKnow more about the Civil WarFirst Gold RushThe gold found there was used to make more than $36 million in gold

3、coins.Reading:1. skimming: True or false Question1. Ever since the Civil war, the south has struggled to find ways to deal with its troubled past.T2. In 1864, when the new mayor of Atlanta started working, the city had a lot of money.F3. In 10 years, most of the city had been rebuilt and Atlanta beg

4、an to grow again.F4. After segregation disappeared, Atlanta was becoming a successful city proud of its cultural diversity.T5. Atlanta is a representative of the new south, a place where fear and doubt have replaced hope and faith.F6. Today the South is known for its beautiful scenery.F2. Read the t

5、ext again and tell the main ideas of each paragraph:Items main idea1st para. 2ndpar a 3rd para 4th para 5th para 6th parathe suffering history of the American Souththe reconstruction of the American Souththe Southerners holding together in the reconstruction the Civil Rights movement and martin Luth

6、er King1996 Olympics showing Atlantas successthe American South full of hope as well as problems to do withUnderstanding: reconstructionIt means to build or make something again.formerIt means something or someone who was something beforerecoverto get better or to get back to normaldemonstrationIt i

7、s a king of meeting or match held to express ones opinionfierceSomething like violentfuneralCeremony usually held after a persons deathPost-reading: Atlanta is a representative of the American South, Why?1. In only 5 years, most of the city had been rebuilt and Atlanta began to grow. 2. Martin Luthe

8、r King organized non-violent demonstrations and . 3. it is a successful city proud of its cultural diversity. 4. it is becoming a booming business center 5. Retell the text according to the chart:Items main idea1st para. 2ndpar a 3rd para 4th para 5th para 6th parathe suffering history of the Americ

9、an SouthThe reconstruction of the American Souththe Southerners holding together in the reconstruction The Civil Rights movement and martin Luther King1996 Olympics showing Atlantas successThe American South full of hope as well as problems to do withhttp:/ http:/ wqf61xtz民不能从命。”二百两黄金!二百两啊!这么多的钱,我在醉

10、影楼里装萌卖傻了一个月,也就赚了一两黄金不到。夏桦我知道 你有钱,可是不知道你这么土豪啊,二百两黄金白白扔掉都能面不改色,装13也不带这样的啊。你不要我还想要呢!慕容凌娢 两眼放光,但只能眼睁睁看着那二百两黄金被拿了下去。“哈哈哈,夏先生果真是淡泊名利,两袖清风啊。朕没有看错。”那 是因为你没有看见他的住处还有收藏的那些珍奇古玩,简直就是暴殄天物!慕容凌娢愤愤不平却不敢有任何表现。(古风一言) 绾青丝,颜影依,绣针可绘情相思。第044章 御花园“哈哈哈,夏先生果真是淡泊名利,两袖清风啊。朕没有看错。”那是因 为你没有看见他的住处还有收藏的那些珍奇古玩,简直就是暴殄天物!慕容凌娢郁闷地块哭了,这

11、家伙这么脑残,是怎么当上 皇帝的啊?“既然如此,朕想请夏先生留在朕的寝宫,畅谈国家运势。不知夏先生可否赏脸?”喔畅谈人生理想啊孤男 寡女(?)共处一室慕容凌娢那广袤的脑洞使他根本没有听清下面的话。“白绫,你自己回去吧。”夏桦的一句话唤醒了慕 容凌娢,什么?让我自己回去,那也就是说今天的大餐没着落了?哎呀,都想好要吃什么了呢“白姑娘这边请。”一旁站 着的侍女一抬手,便将慕容凌娢“请”出了皇帝的寝宫。唉难道我就这么不受待见吗?用这么随便的借口都能打发。我可不 是个随便的人啊一路低着头,只是按照来时的记忆去走。遇到成群的宫女或手拿武器的侍卫,也只能默默感受着她们那打 量的目光,毕竟她一个人确实有些可

12、疑。要不是夏桦在她临走前交给她的通行令牌还挂于腰间,她恐怕早就被当作不法分子给 抓起来了。不知不觉已经偏离了自己原先所走的道路,来到了一个堆砌这假山湖泊,种有奇花异草的院子。不会吧,难道传说 中见证着无数才子佳人美妙爱情故事的御花园竟然被我给误打误撞的找到了?抱着既来之则安之的心态,顺便带着一丝不想被 他人所知的侥幸心理,慕容凌娢踱步来到御花园中。令她有些失望,除了花园对面那个背对着她的银发女子,诺大的花园中再 无他人。慕容凌娢站在假山后,望着那女子长达膝盖的银发的有些失神,脑洞打开。难不成古代也有染发技术?正在此时,那 人俯下 身来,在草丛里仔细的寻找着什么。她到底在找什么呢?正当慕容凌娢想要仔细观察时,那女子猛然回头,眼中散发 着荧绿色的光芒,吓得慕容凌娢赶忙躲到了假山后面。她没有发现我她没有发现我等了一会儿,没有听到任何动静, 慕容凌娢把头伸了出去想要一探究竟,结果那个人已经消失了。“呼”也许只是幻觉,此地不易久留。慕容凌娢扭过头来, 正好对上了那双荧绿色的眼


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