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1、 酒店房务部筹备开业要点ROOMS PER-OPENING KEY POINT 北林女装 http:/ Establish the front office department office,contain: office supply、 office equipment and recruit the secretary.筹建办公室的设立,包括:办公用品及办公设备、秘书的招聘.2, Contact with director of engineering, achieve the planar graph about area within jurisdiction of front of

2、fice, check the hotel locale and report the difference plan (front office counter, concierge table, business center, operator, baggage office, hotel safety box etc.) especially focus the telephone communication system and report the rationalization idea.与工程部总监联系,取得前厅部所管辖范围地平面设计图,到酒店工地 现场察看,对不符合的部分提出

3、修改方案(特别是前厅柜台,礼宾司柜台 ,商务中心,总机室,行李房,酒店保险箱等),特别需要了解的是酒店 电话机通讯设备的购买及安装情况,向总经理提出合理化建议.北林女装 http:/ Establish the organizational structure and manning guide, submit to executive human resource department and general manager.制定本部门的组织架构图及人员编制方案,提交给行政人事部及总经理 .4, Establish the vehicles policy and procedure duri

4、ng the hotel per- opening.制定出酒店筹备期间车辆的使用制度及控制政策与程序.5, Establish the rules and regulations of the front office during the hotel per-opening.制定出筹备期间前厅部的各项规章制度.北林女装 http:/ Establish the operate equipment list, service equipment purchase plan and printing material list report to financial department, co

5、mpile the hotel extension number and total amount.制定出前厅部开业所需要的各种营运设备,服务用品的采购计划及印刷 品的印刷清单,并提交至财务部,编写酒店的分机号码,计算酒店的电话 机需求总数.7, Comprehend the room type category establishment and proportion, establish the rooms level and the green tourism business scheme.深切了解酒店各种房型的设施、面积与总经理及销售总监等讨论确定酒 店的房间级别及经营方案、政策.北

6、林女装 http:/ In view of rising hotel groups data and physical truth the hotel, make front office each positions functions, job description, policy and procedure.根据瑞心酒店管理公司提供的材料结合本部门的实际情况,编写前厅 部的各岗位、各职级员工的工作职能、工作描述及政策和程序.9, Consider with the financial department and computer system supplier about the h

7、otel computer system,present the improvement, comprehend the telephone system and compose the telephone number list.与财务部一起与电脑供应商研究酒店所购置的电脑系统对于前台的使用 程度,对不完善的地方提出改进方案。深切了解酒店电话设备的配置情况 ,按各部门的使用要求编写酒店开业后电话号码表.北林女装 http:/ Confirm the report forms of the front office and report to the general manager.确定开业后

8、前厅部各种表报的格式并提交总经理审阅.11, In view of rising hotel groups data make the staff training plan and establish schedule.根据瑞心酒店管理公司提供的资料,编写培训员工的培训资料及制定课 程表.12, Establish the staff recruit plan (manager and supervisor etc.), contain that staff amount、position、request、procedure、preliminary test、interview test、e

9、mploy requirement.制定招聘本部门员工(包括部门经理、主管等)的招聘计划,包括: 招聘人数、职位、招聘条件、招聘程序、初试、复试的试题、录取条件及 程序. 北林女装 http:/ Discuss with all department director and manager about cooperate future work.与各部门总监、经理讨论开业以后与各部门之间的工作配合问题.14, Collect the all of the service information to the guest for all departments, compose the ser

10、vice directory and printing after general manager check and approve.收集各部门所能提供给客人的服务资料,编写酒店服务指南,待总经理 审阅后由财务部安排印刷.15, Cooperate the hotel recruitment, practicable front offices staff and expansion the training plan.配合酒店的统一招聘,把前厅部的招聘落实,员工到职后展开有系统 的培训.北林女装 http:/ Confirm the sample with the purchase dep

11、artment (practicable the vehicles).与财务部确定本部门采购物品的样品(落实车队的车辆采购).17, Make the first year budget and hotel taking basis the sales budget report the chief financial officer (make the entire price about the front office control prior).制定酒店开业后一年内前厅部费用预算及根据销售部提供的销售预算 制定营业收入预算并上报财务总监(事前必须制定由前厅部所管理部分的 所有收费价格

12、).北林女装 http:/ Schedule the staff three types of training:安排前厅部的员工三种特别培训:A, computer system and magnetic card systems对酒店电脑系统及磁卡系统进行如何使用之培训.B, international telephone traffic training to operators.安排总机房人员经行国际话务培训.C, guest check in institution basis on the police demand for all of staff (assistant mana

13、ger and front office staff)安排有关人员(包括大堂副理及前台所有员工)对客人登记制度标 准的培训,要求公安局派人作专门培训.北林女装 http:/ Discuss the VIP guest service procedure with sales and marketing department、food and beverage department and housekeeping department include the policy and procedure after the general manager examine and approve.与

14、销售部、餐饮部、管家部等讨论接待VIP客人的服务程序,报总经理审 批后归入部门的工作政策与程序文件中.20, Complete the forms put on the computer system.完成酒店开业后各种报表在电脑平台上的建立.21, Participation and formulate the room price.参与酒店各种房价的制定.北林女装 http:/ Staff access to the site makes the simulation training.员工进入酒店现场,在本工作岗位进行模拟操作培训.23, The staffs cleaning the

15、work area (provide help the hotel per opening).员工进行本部门所属区域的卫生清洁工作(协助酒店开荒)24, Receive the department material, record and keeping properl领取酒店开业前厅部需用之材料,物品。并做好记录及妥善存储.25, Prepare the hotel opening ceremony.酒店开业典礼的相关准备工作.北林女装 http:/ Establish the housekeeping department office contain: office supply 、office equipment and recruit the secretary or clerk.管家部筹建办公室的设立(包括办公用品、办公器材及秘书或文员招聘 )2, Contact with director of engineering, achieve the pl


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