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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors会晤祖先本节目录基础盘点自测自评考点串讲讲练互动目录基础盘点自测自评核心单词单词 1_ n可能的选择选择 adj.供选择选择 的;其他的2_ vt.打岔;暂时暂时 中断或中止3_ vt.假定;设设想4_ n种类类;类别类别 ;范畴5_adv.以方式;不知怎么地6_ vt.删删;删删除7_ n学院;学会;学术团术团 体;院校8_ vi.促进进9_ vt.逮捕;吸引n.逮捕;拘留10_ adj.晕晕眩的;昏乱的;使人发晕发晕 或困惑的alternative interruptassumecategorysomehow deleteacade

2、myaccelerate arrestdizzy目录11_ n挨饿饿;饿饿死starve vi.挨饿饿;饿饿死12_ n精确;准确accurate adj.准确的;精确的13_ adj.凌乱的;脏脏的mess n凌乱,脏脏14_ n分析analyses pl.analyse vt.分析15._ n意义义;意思;重要性,重要意义义significant adj.重要的16_vi.赞赏赞赏 applause n鼓掌17_ vi.尖锐锐;清晰sharpener n磨具;削具18_ n植物学botanical adj.植物学的,与植物学有关的starvation accuracymessyanalys

3、issignificanceapplaud sharpenbotany目录高频频短语语1_ 不管;不顾顾2_ 至多;最多3_ 切碎4_ 受够够了;饱饱受;厌烦厌烦5_ 向前看;为为将来打算6_追溯到;始于7_集中8_ 寻寻找9_轮轮流做某事10_ 禁不住做某事regardless ofat most cut up fed up withlook ahead date back(to.) concentrate on search for take turns to do sth. cant/couldnt help doing目录典型句式1if only.要是就好_ it could be j

4、ust like last year!要是能跟去年那样该样该 有多好啊!If only she _and planned better this year!要是她早有预见预见 ,今年计计划得更好些就好了。2only to do.不定式作结结果状语语Abruptly she sat down, only _by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna.她突然坐了下来,结结果被爱爱吵闹闹的妹妹露娜一把抱了起来。If onlyhad looked aheadto be scooped up目录3regardless of不顾顾,不管So we think it is

5、reasonable to assume they lived in these caves,_.因此我们们有理由认为认为 他们们不顾严顾严 寒,就住在这这些洞穴里。4as引导导非限制性定语语从句,意为为“正如”Yes,indeed,_ the botanical analyses_,all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake.很对对。正如植物学的分析结结果已经经告诉诉我们们的,这这儿四周曾经经是一个很大的浅水湖。5had done.when.“(刚刚)做完了就在那时时”She _almost _a de

6、licious smell arrested her progress and she stopped.快到达目的地的时时候,一阵阵香气扑鼻,不往前走了,她停了下来.regardless of the coldashave shown ushadreached her destination when目录单单元语语法现现在完成进进行时态时态1(2013河北省普通高考模拟拟)Hi,Jack!When did you arrive in Berlin?Last weekend.I _a different culture since then.Awas experiencing Bwill be

7、experiencingChave been experiencing Dhad been experiencing解析:选选C。考查动词时态查动词时态 。句意:Jack!你什么时时候到的柏林?上个周末。从那时时起,我就一直在体验验不同的文化。目录2(2012莱芜芜期末考试试)Zhang Ning is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class, and she _ English for a year.Ais studying Bwill studyCstudies Dhas been studying解析:选选D。考查动词时态查动词时态

8、。第一个分句告诉诉我们们学习习这这一动动作正在进进行,后一个分句时间时间 状语语for a year告诉诉我们应该们应该 用现现在完成进进行时时。目录3(2012北京西城区高三期末考试试)Several hotels in this area are closing down.Thats because tourism itself_since last year.Ais declining BdeclinedChad declined Dhas been declining解析:选选D。考查时态查时态 。根据“since last year”的提示可知, decline应应使用现现在完成时时

9、或现现在完成进进行时时,再结结合选项选项 可知本题选题选 D。目录4(2013长长沙市南雅中学模拟拟) Its only six oclock now; little Tom should be up,though, because he _ for nine hours.Ahas been sleeping Bhad been sleepingChas slept Dhad slept解析:选选A。考查动词时态查动词时态 。句意:现现在仅仅仅仅 才6点,但是小汤汤姆应该应该 起来了,他已经经睡了9个小时时了。目录5Sir,Im here.Please listen.I_asking your

10、 parents to come to our school,but Id like to hear your opinion first.Ahave considered Bam going to considerCconsidered Dhave been considering解析:选选D。考查动词时态查动词时态 。句意:老师师,我在。请请听好。我一直在考虑让虑让 你父母来学校,但我想先听听你的意见见。have been considering是现现在完成进进行时时,表示从过过去开始的一个动动作一直持续续到现现在并且还还在进进行。目录考点串讲讲练互动单词单词 精研1.alternativ

11、e adj.供选择选择 的;其他的 n可能的选择选择 ;选择对选择对 象(牛津P56)You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly;those are the two alternatives. 你的工资资可以按周以现现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选选其一。 归纳归纳 拓展(1)an alternative to 的替代品have no alternative but to do sth.别别无选择选择 只好做(2)alternative energy 替代能源;新能源alternative fuel 代用燃料;可替代燃料alter

12、native method 替代的方法目录The manager said that they had an alternative plan if the plan they had submitted was not accepted.经经理说说如果他们们递递交的计计划不被接受,他们还们还 有另外一个计计划。I had no alternative/choice but to report him to the police.除了向警察举报举报 他,我别别无选择选择 。We recommend using alternative sources of fuel such as charco

13、al.我们们建议议使用替代燃料,比如木炭。目录2. assume v假定;设设想;假装;承担(牛津P104)It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. 普遍认为认为 ,紧张紧张 是工作过过重所致。目录(牛津P104)It is reasonable to assume that the economy will continue to improve.认为经济继续认为经济继续 好转转是有道理的。(2011高考湖北卷阅读阅读 理解A)But when it comes to medicine,I had assu

14、med it was important to always be honest with my patients.但是,当涉及到医学时时,我曾经经以为为,对对病人诚实诚实 是重要的。Assuming that the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money?假定这这个建议议被采纳纳,我们们什么时时候能拿到钱钱?A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World.许许多人认为贫认为贫 困仅仅仅仅 存在于第三世界。目录3. interrupt vt.打岔;暂时暂时 中断或中止(2012高考浙江卷阅读阅读 理解C)One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. 其中一方应该应该 描述自己的情况,而另一方应该应该 听着,不打断对对方的话话。目录(牛津P1069


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