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1、单项选则试题的命制 技 巧丹东市教师进修学院一道好的单选试题应该能够利用题中的相关信息引 导学生将语言的形式、语言的意义以及语言的运 用有机地结合在一起,使学生在答题过程中能够 通过自身语言知识的积累理解题干中的主要信息 ,然后再进行分析、判断,最后得出结论。而不 能让学生只是通过句子的结构、句子中的固定搭 配或套用某个语法项目来寻找答案。因此单选试 题的考查点并不仅仅是所设的选项,对题干部分 语言信息的理解程度也是考查的一个重要内容。 因此命题时命题人对试卷中每道单选试题所传达 的信息内容及这个信息与所设置的考点的关系是 否一致等因素都是决定该试题成功与否的关键之 所在。一、单项选则试题题干

2、的设置1、单项选则试题题干设置中应注意的问题 。(1)题干部分所提供的信息必须有它相对的完整性,这样才能形成一个完整的语境。 (2)题干部分所提供的信息必须对试题中的考 点有约束作用,成为推断答案的重要依据。否 则这一信息所设置出的语境就失去了意义,试 题仍旧停留在对单纯的词汇及语法项目的考核 上。The Whites came to China and started _here five years ago. A. livedB. live C. livingD. to live in例 1: Im going to look for another job_the company off

3、ers me more money. (C)A. after B. when C. unless D. if例 2: The boys _when Miss Zhang came into the classroom. So she was very angry(C) A.are talking loudly B.are cleaning the classroom C.were fighting D.were learning English例 3: My sister is a _girl, she always makes mistakes whatever she does.(D) A

4、.careful B.hard-working C.kind D. careless 情景一: My sister is a _girl, she never makes mistakes whatever she does.(A) 情景二: My sister is a _girl ,she always works till midnight.(B) 情景三: My sister is a _girl, she always helps those who need help.(C)例 4: The rain makes us_. we think the trees that we pl

5、anted yesterday will grow well.(A) A. happy B. worried C. sad D. sick情景一: The rain makes us_.we think the trees are too young to bear(经得起) the heavy rain. (B)情景二: The rain makes me_. It often reminds me of my grandpa who died on a rainy day. (C)情景三: The rain makes us_. We have been (tired of) hearin

6、g it the whole week! (D)例 5: -Could you tell me_the meeting yesterday? -Because the traffic was terrible.(A)A. why you came late for B. how you like C. when you got to D. who you saw at情景一: -Could you tell me_the meeting yesterday? -Its very successful.(B)情景二: -Could you tell me_the meeting yesterda

7、y? -At 3:00 pm. (C)情景三: -Could you tell me_the meeting yesterday? -My old friend, Mr White. (D)2、对单纯的词汇及语法试题的修改。为单纯考查词汇及语法项目的试题添加一些必要的信息营造出特定的语境,同时可 以对原题干进行修饰和限制。在必要情况下 可以适当地调整选项。例 1: John is my friend. He is_ than me. (B)A.tall B.taller C.the tallest D. tallest情景一: -Is John the tallest in your clas

8、s? - No, Mike is_ than him. (B) A.shorter B.taller C.the tallest D. the shortest 情景二: -Is John the shortest in your class? - No, Mike is_than him. (A) A.shorter B.taller C.the tallest D.the shortest 情景三: -Is John the tallest in your class? - No, Mike is_.(C) A.shorter B.taller C.the tallest D. the s

9、hortest 情景四: -Is John the shortest in your class? - No, Mike is_.(D) A.shorter B.taller C.the tallest D. the shortest 例 2: I _gentle music to rock music.A. dont like B. prefer C. like D. dont mind 情景一: -Sally, do you like rock music ? - Yes. But I _ music that is quiet and gentleIt makes me feel mor

10、e relaxed. (B) 情景二: -Sally, do you like rock music ? - Yes. But I _music that is quiet and gentleIt makes me sick. (A) 情景三: -Sally, do you like rock music ? - Yes. But my sister _music that is quiet and gentle. (C)例 3: I dont remember_.(C)A.where did I met Jack B. how I meet Jack C.what Jack said D.

11、 when I meet Jack 情景一: -Did you meet Jack last week? - Yes. But I cant remember _. Maybe last Wednesday. (D) A.where I met him B. how I meet him C.what did he say D. when I met him 情景二: -Did you meet Jack last week? - Yes. But I cant remember _. Maybe on the way to school. (A)A.where I met him B. ho

12、w I meet him C.what did he say D. when I met him 二、单项选则试题选项的设置。1、考查词汇、短语、固定用法、口语交际或句意理解的试题。其目的是考查学生对题 干中相关语言信息理解的准确度及对相关语 言知识的掌握情况。(1)所设置的选项其语言形式相似,比如,容易混淆的相同或相近的词所构成的短 语或意思相近的词或短语。例 1: - Do you know_are the Olympic Games held? - Certainly. Every four years. (D)A. How far B. How soon C. How many D.

13、How often 例 2: -You sing so well. Im sure youll be a good singer when you grow up. -Thank you. Maybe I_ my father. He is a professional singer. (B)A. look after B. take after C. take care of D. look like例 3: -Shall we leave now? -Dont hurry. We still have _ time left. ( 08北京朝阳)A. little B. a little

14、C. few D. a few 例 4: Mrs. Green is out. I have to _ her baby. (08北京朝阳)A. look around B. look up C. look for D. look after(2)同一系列的与题干的主要内容相关的形容词、副词、连词、关联词或意思相近的词 、 短语或句子及意思相反的词、短语或句子, 且无语法错误。例 1: - I have a question here, Lily. Who can answer it in your class ? - _can. Its quite easy. (B) A. Neith os us B. All of us C.None of us D. both of us 例 2: -I want a cup of coffee. What about you, Peter? - Im a little hungry. Id like_to eat. (C)A. nothing


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