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1、 Unit 5 Birdwatchers VocabularyToday I went on the internet and made an online tour around Zhalong. It took me a long time but it is very interesting.Zhalong N_ R_ - a s_ place in Heilongjiang in the n_ of China. It p_ food and s_ for birds. T_ from China and other countries go to Zhalong to s_ the

2、lives of birds there.W_ are important natural homes for birds. Many birds live in Zhalong a_ _ _ and some fly there for a s_ _. They can find water to drink and other kinds of food to eat.More than 200 kinds of birds stay in Zhalong in winter, including (包括)r_ _.pecial ortheastrovides helterourists

3、tudyetlands ll year round hort stayed-crowned cranesatureeserveZhalong welcomes more people to work there. It is a good chance for us to know more about different kinds of birds. I learn about the i_ of wetlands .Birds have less s_ to live, so we should p_ the environment and w_.mportancepacerotect

4、ildlife1 Is Zhalong a protected area? Is it right to hunt or fish there?2 Do you feel comfortable if you wear new leather shoes to walk a long way in Zhalong?3 Will you be welcome if you leave litter(rubbish) in Zhalong?4 Do you think its a common flower if it comes out only at night?5 Is it possibl

5、e to see the birds in the future if we do not protect the wetlands?inincorrectcorrectununcomfortablecomfortableununwelcomewelcomeununcommoncommonimimpossiblepossibleoppositesfriendly happy comfortable safe healthy unfriendlyunhappyuncomfortableunsafeunhealthy“un-”necessary welcome common able unnece

6、ssaryunwelcomeuncommonunableoppositesIf someone shows good manners to others, he is a polite person.If someone does not show good manners to others, he is not polite. If someone does not show good manners to others, he is impolite.polite possible patient impoliteimpossibleimpatient “im-”That coat is

7、 only 100yuan. Its not expensive.That is inexpensive. expensive correct inexpensiveincorrect“in-”I dont believe what he says, because he is not honest.I dont believe what he says, because he is _.dishonestdishonest“dis-”These desks are not regular. Please put these irregular desks in order.regular i

8、rregular“ir-”Presentation 否定前缀: dis-, im-. Ir-, un-否定后缀:-lessdishonestimpossible impoliteirregularunnecessary unfriendly unwelcome unable uncommoncareless, helpless uselessOppositesvSome people are _ ( friendly, unfriendly) to birds. They throw stones to them.vSome people feel _ (happy, unhappy) tha

9、t government give poor people such small and _(comfortable, uncomfortable) flats.vIt is _ (safe, unsafe) to walk on the street at night.vWe should keep students staying away from the _ (healthy, unhealthy) books.unfriendlyunhappyuncomfortableunsafeunhealthyvYou will be_ to pass the exam if you dont

10、study hard.vThere are lots of _ kinds of birds in Zhalong.vIt is _ for you to walk the little dog once a week to the park.vIt is _ to keep quiet when you watch the birds and insects.vHe feels _ because he lost his wallet.vThere is a _ rain in Sahara desert every year.vIs it _ to get to the city by t

11、rain?unableuncommonnecessaryimportantunhappy regularpossibleimportant, happy, able, necessary, regular, possible, commonMake sentences:1.honest, dishonest2.necessary, unnecessary3.possible, impossible4.correct, incorrectnecessaryimportantcomfortablehappywelcomecommonfriendlyableregularcorrectpossiblepolitehonestunnecessaryunimportantuncomfortableunhappyunwelcomeuncommonunfriendlyunableirregularincorrectimpossibleimpolitedishonestopposites


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