宋明理学 ppt

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1、第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学宋明理学Neo-ConfucianismOriginsNeo-Confucianism has its origins in the Tang Dynasty; the Confucianist scholars Han Yu and Li Ao are seen as forbears of the Neo-Confucianists of the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty philosopher Zhou Dunyi is seen as the first true “pioneer“ of Neo-Confuci

2、anism, using Daoist metaphysics as a framework for his ethical philosophy. Neo-Confucianism developed both as a renaissance of traditional Confucian ideas, and as a reaction to the ideas of Buddhism and religious Daoism. Although the Neo- Confucianists denounced Buddhist metaphysics, Neo-Confucianis

3、m did borrow Daoist and Buddhist terminology and concepts.Bronze statue of Zhou Dunyi(周敦颐) in White Deer Grotto Academy(白鹿 洞書院第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学 One of the most important exponents of Neo- Confucianism was Zhu Xi . He was a rather prolific writer, maintaining and defending his Confucian beliefs of

4、social harmony and proper personal conduct. One of his most remembered was the book Family Rituals, where he provided detailed advice on how to conduct weddings, funerals, family ceremonies, and the veneration of ancestors. Buddhist thought soon attracted him, and he began to argue in Confucian styl

5、e for the Buddhist observance of high moral standards. He also believed that it was important to practical affairs that one should engage in both academic and philosophical pursuits, although his writings are concentrated more on issues of theoretical significance. It is reputed that he wrote many e

6、ssays attempting to explain how his ideas were not Buddhist or Taoist, and included some heated denunciations of Buddhism and Taoism. After Zhu Xi, Wang Yangming is commonly regarded as the most important Neo-Confucian thinker. Wangs interpretation of Confucianism denied the rationalist dualism of Z

7、hus orthodox philosophy.Schools Neo-Confucianism is classically categorized into two different schools of thought. The most dominant of these schools was the Cheng-Zhu school, based on the ideas of Cheng Yi, Cheng Hao, and Zhu Xi. The less dominant, opposing school was the LuWang school, based on th

8、e thoughts Wang Yangming and Lu Jiuyuan. In contrast to this two-branch model, the New Confucian Mou Zongsan argues that there existed a third branch of learning, the Hu-Liu school, based on the teachings of Hu Hong and Liu Zongzhou . The significance of this third branch, according to Mou, was that

9、 they represented the direct lineage of the pioneers of Neo-Confucianism, Zhou Dunyi, Zhang Zai and Cheng Hao. Moreover, this third Hu-Liu school and the second LuWang school, combined, form the true mainstream of Neo-Confucianism instead of the Cheng- Zhu school. The mainstream represented a return

10、 to the teachings ofConfucius, Mengzi, the Doctrine of the Mean and the Commentaries of the Book of Changes. The Cheng-Zhu school was therefore only a minority branch based on theGreat Learning and mistakenly emphasized intellectual studies over the study of sagehood.南北朝时期儒、佛、道三教并立,成为中唐以后儒学 复兴的重要背景。

11、在一批心志高远的儒家学者促进下,理 学于宋代兴起,在明代掀起一个高潮,将儒家思想发展到 新的高度。它绵延700余年,对中国的思想文化及社会生 活产生了深远影响。汉武帝像董仲舒 (公元前179前104)汉代思想家、政治家(1)随着社会发展,汉代儒学的统治地位下降-儒门淡薄、收拾不住 儒学思想本身发展的衰落。自两汉后 ,儒学日益衰落。与此同时,王朝的 短暂与分裂,使得人们饱经战乱之苦 ,从而逐渐对所谓的“君臣”秩序失去 信心,转而求神拜佛、炼丹成仙。佛 教、道教思想的传播使儒学面临越来 越大的危机和挑战。在彼此竞争、相 互辩驳和渗透吸纳的过程中,三教调 合之风渐盛。不少儒家学者既采纳佛 、道学说,

12、但又试图重新建立儒家的 权威地位,终于在唐宋时期三教合一 的大氛围下产生出理学。 第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学奉先寺,建于唐初,主佛卢舍那高17.14米,面 容丰腴饱满,修眉长目,嘴角微翘,流露出对人间 的关注和智慧的光芒。第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学老君岩(福建泉州清源山),刻画的是道家宗 主老子洞悉世间沧桑、慈祥而睿智的形象。老君岩第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学道教圣地武当山古建筑群(1994年12月 15日入选世界遗产名录),现存4座道教宫 殿、2座宫殿遗址、2座道观及大量神祠、岩庙。此图绘佛、道、 儒三教的创始人释迦 牟尼、老子、孔子三 人于一图之中,似正

13、在辩经论道,体现了 中国古代“三教合一” 的社会思潮。画面中 ,释氏趺坐于菩提树 下成为画面主体,老 子坐于蒲草之上,与 一身士大夫装束的孔 子相对。红莲白藕青荷叶 三教本来是一家新兴的儒学思潮既要回答佛、道关于 宇宙、自然的深层思考,还要把这些思考 与传统儒家对现实人生的关怀联系起来。到宋代,逐渐确立了一个以“理”或“天 理”为核心的观念系统,因而被称为“理 学”。宋明理学兄程颢 弟程颐 朱熹陆九渊王守仁程朱理学陆王心学代表人物第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学嵩阳书院,始建于北魏太和八年(公元484年),自宋以来在历 史上以理学大师每多宣讲于此而著称于世。程颢、程颐在此讲学 ,更使书院

14、地位独特.第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学河南伊川二程祠庙第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学岳麓书 院是我国古 代四大书院 之一,宋、 明理学的一 些学者曾在 此讲学。第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学岳麓书院内专祀程颢、程颐的“四箴亭”。亭内现存清刻 程氏视听言动四箴碑。第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学二程先生全书分遗书外书 经说文集四类,号“程氏全书”。第第4 4课课 宋宋 明明 理理 学学岳麓书院内专祀朱熹的“崇道祠”。朱熹著书图朱熹著述图“四书”是对儒家经典论语孟子 大学中庸的合称。朱熹首先提出“四书”之名,对它们加以 注释并编著四书章句集注等书。元以 后的科举考试

15、,都首重“四书”,并以朱熹 的注解作为释读的惟一标准。今版四书章句 集注书影元史选举志一书影元代科举考试从“四书”中出题,以程朱等理学家的 注疏为评卷标准。陆九渊(1139 1193),江西金 溪人,因曾在江 西象山(今江西 贵溪西南)讲学 ,人称象山先生 。(二)陆王心学陆九渊的心学()关于世界本原:提出“心即理也”心就是 天地万物的渊源吾心即宇宙宇宙即吾心与程朱区别()对“理”的把握途径:提出“发明本心以求理”的 方法,求理即是进行内心的反省与程朱区别朱、陆两人学术观点不同,但经常邀请对方到自 己主持的书院讲学,反映宋代书院打破了不同学派之 间的门户之见,提倡学术争鸣论辩的良好学风。陆九渊应朱熹的邀 请到白鹿洞书院讲 课时的讲义书影王阳明全集阳明墓(位于浙江绍兴的鲜虾山麓)江西庐山白鹿洞书院:朱熹、陆九 渊、王守仁都曾在此讲学。800多 年前,南宋大儒朱熹在此举行了一次 学术报告会,请当时主要论敌陆九渊 来此讲学。这次会上,陆九渊就儒家 思想的义、利问题慷慨陈辞,讲得许 多听者感动得掉下了眼泪。朱熹和陆 九渊都是南宋儒家思想的代表人物, 他们各成一派,共同发展了儒学。他 们发展的儒学新体系称为“理学”,又 称“道


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