欧洲文化入门 第七章 浪漫主义

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1、Division seven Romanticism What is Romanticism?nIt was a movement in literature, philosophy, music and art which developed in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. nIt held that classicism failed to express mans emotional nature and overlooked his profound inner forces. nAs a reaction to

2、 the industrial revolution, it looked to the direct contact with nature for inspiration. nRomanticism emphasized individual values and aspirations above those of society.Romanticism (literature)na movement in the literature of almost every country of Europe, the US, and Latin Americanfrom about 1750

3、 to about 1870nThe term “romantic” originally meant “romancelike”resembling the fanciful character of medieval romances.Characteristics of Romanticism nreliance on the imagination and subjectivity 主观,主体性nEmphasis on individual freedom of thought and expressionnidealization of naturenEulogy 赞美 of pur

4、e sentiments and ideal beautynflexibility 自由 of form and style adapted to varying content nemphasis on the subjective, the spontaneous自发的,自然而然产生的 and even the supernatural超自然的. nThey held up the individual of pure sentiments as a way of personal salvation救赎 amidst the vices of industrialized society

5、. nThey longed to return to nature and to childlike innocence.nThey looked to the idyllic 田园的 life as an escape from the corrupt and polluted urban civilization. A shift of emphasisnimagination over reasonnemotions over logicn intuition 直觉 over sciencenfrom the universal 普遍的 宇宙的to the individualnfro

6、m the social to the personalOrigin nBy the late 18th century in France and Germany, literary taste began to turn from classical and neoclassical conventions to Romanticism.ntwo great forerunners: nRousseaunGoetheThe leading Romanticistsnin EnglandnBlakenWordsworth, ColeridgenByron, Shelley and Keats

7、nScottnin France nHugonSand nin Germany nHeinenin Russia nPushkin II. Romanticism in Germanyn Goethe and SchillernGoethes The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774) nSchillers Love and IntriguenSchlegel Brothers ( the Jena School)nThe Jena School: Schlegel Brothers, Novalis and TiecknHeinrich Heine(1749-18

8、32)Johann Wolfgang von GoetheEarly life The great friendshipcreations4123ContentsWeimar and ItalianJohann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) is the mid-18th century to early 19th century Germany and Europe important writer, his life across two centuries, when the European social turbulence of the era of gr

9、eat change Goethes works span the fields of poetry, drama, literature, theology, Humanism, science, and painting.Goethe German national literature is the most prominent representative of the German literary creation to Europes advanced level, as well as the development of European literature made gr

10、eat contributions Brief introductionEarly life Johann Wolfgang Goethe was borned in1749 , when he was young ,he lived with his family in a large house in Frankfurt, then an Imperial Free City of the Holy Roman Empire. He was very cleaver when he was a small boy , he had from childhood the singular h

11、abit of always learning by heart the beginnings of books, and the divisions of a work .Goethes hometownGoethe studied law in Leipzig from 1765 to 1768. At that time, Goethe fell in love with and wrote cheerful verses about her in the Rococo genre. In 1770, he anonymously released Annette, his first

12、collection of poems.In Frankfurt, Goethe became severely ill. During the year and a half that followed, because of several relapses, the relationship with his father worsened. During convalescence, Goethe was nursed by his mother and sister. Bored in bed, he wrote an impudent crime comedy. In April

13、1770, his father lost his patience; Goethe left Frankfurt in order to finish his studies in Strasbourg.Goethes roomGoethesgardenGoethes clockGoethes deskGoethes kitchen In 1775, Goethe was invited, on the strength of his fame as the author of the sorrows of youngwerther, to the court of CaralAugust,

14、 Duke of Saxe-Weimar- Eisenach, who would become Grand Duke in 1815. (The Duke at the time was 18 years of age, to Goethes 26.) Goethe thus went to live in Weimar, where he remained for the rest of his life and where, over the course of many years, he held a succession of offices, becoming the Dukes

15、 chief adviser.Early years in Weimar 缇士拜恩的画“歌德在意大利” Goethes journey to the Italian peninsula from 1786 to 1788 was of great significance in his aesthetical and philosophical development.Early years in Italian He also journeyed to Sicily during this time, and wrote intriguingly that “To have seen Ita

16、ly without having seen Sicily is to not have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything.“ While in Southern Italy and Sicily, Goethe encountered, for the first time genuine Greek (as opposed to Roman) architecture, and was quite startled by its relative simplicity. Winckelmann had not recognized the distinctness of the two styles.In 1794 Friedrich Schiller wrote t


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