信息沟在词汇复习中的应用研究Information gap using in revising vocablary

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《信息沟在词汇复习中的应用研究Information gap using in revising vocablary》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《信息沟在词汇复习中的应用研究Information gap using in revising vocablary(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、信息沟在词汇复习中的应用研究Information gap using in revising vocablary论文摘要河北省宣化县李家堡中学是一所国办中学。该校的英语课程采用的是人民教育出版社新目标的课本。课本中提供了很多的活动比如:pair work, group work 等以操练语言的运用。然而由于学校对英语课的课时安排并不充分,为了完成教学任务以及考试的需求,教师们很少或者说几乎没有按照课本的要求去做这些口语活动,而仍然是以语法讲解为主,进行知识性的教育而很少有技能性的操炼。反映到单词上的结果就是很多学生能够熟记单词和单词的汉语意思却不能掌握单词的用法。我在该学校进行了为期三周的项

2、目实施的实践活动。我的项目目标正是用交流法,更确切地说是用“信息沟”(information gap)来复习单词,把学过的单词放到一定的语境中,AB 两组学生分别被给予不同片段的信息,A 学生和 B 学生通过交流、分享这些不完整的信息,以完成一个共同的任务,让他们通过动耳,动口,动手,来再现单词读音、意义和写法,更重要的是操练单词的用法。我分别于 4 月 3 号,4 月 11 号和 4 月 18 号,对该校初二88 班进行了该项目的实施,以证实我的项目假设:即用“信息沟”来复习单词既可以帮助学生掌握单词的用法,又能同时复习单词的音形义。项目实施之后,通过项目实施前后的数据对比,问卷调查的结果来

3、看,信息沟活动确实不仅能够再现单词的音形义,起到很好的复习作用,而且对单词的运用也能起到很好的促进作用。从课堂进展情况来看,虽然此类的信息沟活动对同学们来说开始会比较陌生,做起来会有一定难度,然而随着课堂的进行,学生的兴趣有越来越高,课堂气氛也有越来越活跃的迹象。由此可见,这种信息沟的活动可以用来做单词的复习,而且久而久之,这种活动也必定会在单词的复习方面起到很好的效果。关键词:信息沟 单词复习Abstract The abstract should include the following information: Introduction (What is this project ab

4、out? Why is this project interesting or important?); Hypothesis (What did you think you would find? Why?); Methods (Briefly explain your procedure.); Results (What did you find when you performed your project?); Discussion (Are your results consistent with your initial hypothesis? Why or why not?);

5、Conclusion (What is your interpretation of what these results mean? Why should anyone become excited about or interested in your findings?).Suggest length: 200 words. There are too many English learners, who can remember the spelling and the Chinese translation of the English vocabularies but they c

6、annot use it in communication. Using information gap to practice and review the vocabularies will be a solution of this problem. This is the project all about. So the hypothesis of the project is using the information gap to practice and review the vocabularies to promote the vocabulary using in com

7、munication. The project was implemented in Class 88, Grade 2, Li Jiabu Middle School, from April 4th to April 18th, 2008, that is the students have three weeks with one lesson each to do the information gap pair work activities. From the data of pre-test paper, post-test paper and the questionnaire,

8、 we can see that information gap is an useful method to do vocabulary review. This is because information gap creates needs and desire of the listening and speaking. The students have the high attention to the target words they hear. Their brains are kept active to organize all their language they k

9、now to express the information related to the target words during the process. This will lead to one result, that is the target words meaning and pronunciation will be reviewed again and its usage, that is how it can be used in real communication will be practiced and enhanced. Key words: informatio

10、n gap pair work vocabulary reviewTable of ContentsPages1. Introduction .1.1 Project Background. 11.2 Problem Analysis.11.3 Information Gap Using in Vocabulary Review Class. .11.3.1 Introduction of Information Gap Activity . . 11.3.2 Information Gap Activities Using in Vocabulary Review Lessons 21.4

11、The Significance of the Project 211.12. Problem and Problem Analysis 32.1 Description of Project Problem . 32.2 Problem Analysis .32.2.1 Socratic Dialogue32.2.2 Cause Analysis 43. Project Objective and Hypothesis53.1 Project Objective53.2 Project Hypothesis54. Project Rationale 64.1 Definition of In

12、formation Gap 64.2 Necessity of Information Gap 64.3 types of Information Gap Activities 65. Project Design75.1 Teaching Activity Outline85.2 Detailed Descriptions of Procedures for Teaching Activities and Data Collection 96. Project findings and discussion 136.1 Project Implementation 136.2 Project

13、 Findings and Discussion146.2.1 Pre-test paper and Post-test paper146.2.2 Work Sheet and Atmosphere of the Class156.2.3 Questionnaires7. Conclusion1Project Title1. IntroductionInformation gap activity is a good way to review vocabularies to promote vocabulary using in communication.1.1 Project Backg

14、round I was an English teacher before. Similarly to my students, the students of Liu Jiabu Middle School have a common problem as many English learners, who can remember the spelling and the Chinese translation of the English vocabularies but they cannot use it in communication. To try to solve this problem, this project was designed, that is using information gap to practice and review the vocabulary. The project was implemented in Class 88(there are 28 students), Grade 2, Li Jiabu Middle School, from April 4th to April 18th, 2008. The main m



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