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1、Lesson 59 Collecting 收藏Indiscriminate adj. (不分青红皂白 的)不加选择的He is indiscriminate in making friends. Uncritical:不加以批评的,随意的 critical :批评的,批判的 She is uncritical while going shopping.(不分好坏的) Unselective:不加以选择的 = uncritical Haphazard: 任意/无计划的 hphzd make haphazard remarks(妄作评论,随口乱说) Random adj./n. 任意胡说的 at

2、random Casual:随便的(漫不经心的) Desultory: 随意的(无条理) The careful study of a few books is better than the desultory reading of many.04-cet-6:When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people _ and ask them questions. A) at length B) at random C) in essence D) in bulk 答案: B

3、02-cet-6:A friendship may be _, casual, situational or deep and lasting. A) identical B) original C) superficial D) critical 答案:CVerify vt. 查证,核实Certify: 证明,保证 Confirm: 证实 My boss can confirm that I was here at that time. Document: n. 文件v.用文件证明 Please document what you said just now. (v) Substantiat

4、e:证明(某事有根据) Validate: 使生效的, 确认证实 Prove:证明证实是否怎样 Check:查对 please check/verify the figures / statistics. Ascertain: 查明写作特点对比:通过事物比事物法,分析事物之间的差异 Tend to : 喜欢,有倾向 Without being aware of doing sth unawaring of doing sth. Have a delighted surprise 有惊喜的感觉传统技术与现代技术对比Although many people tend to live under t

5、he illusion that traditional technology and methods are still playing extremely important role in peoples life, an increasing evidences show that it is less useful than many people think.尽管许多人保持着传统观念,认为传统技术方法 在人们生活中仍发挥着重要作用,但是越来越多 的证据显示它并没有人们想象的有用。 What 引导 主语从句 I am a collector of what can be descri

6、bed as valuable stamps. I know a person of what can be described as bookworm. Unwanted objects 不要的东西兼职的好处From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that part-time job can produce a far- reaching impact on students and they should be encouraged to take part-time job, which wi

7、ll benefit students and their family, even the society as a whole.通过上面的讨论,我们不难得出结论:业余工作对学生 们会产生深远的影响,我们应鼓励学生从事业余工作, 这将有利于学生和他们的家庭,甚至整个社会。介词短语:在句中相当于动词In the belief that= believe in I did so in the belief that you can help me. In the thought that =think in I said so in the thought that I wouldnt hurt

8、 you. Under the impression that I am under the impression that the diamonds are really beautiful.Very ,加强语气 At exactly that moment=at that very moment 英文中注意词性相同的概念: I failed my examination for two reasons, lack of hard work, being late for the examination. Sentiment : n.情感 Sentimental: a. 多愁善感的 in a

9、n attempt to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事 He rarely goes shopping in an attempt to save up. Thrifty=economical, frugal 节俭的Save doing sth. 免掉做某事的麻烦 after supper, I will wash up them and then you will save doing so. 作进一步解释 save the trouble of doing sth Collection 强调收藏品 Collecting 强调的是动作 collecting stamps is my fav

10、orite hobby. Relaxation=entertainment, amusement 休息,娱乐 Treasures=valuable collection 珍宝,财宝consist of ,be made up of , comprise , constitute 与密切相关 Have bearing on sth. relation to be related to have relation to 利益:Advantage / privilege / benefit Be confined to 限定于区域范围之内 He is confined to the box. Ove

11、r the years=as time goes on :随着时间的流逝 Well.用来加强语气Lesson 60Too early and too late太早和太晚punctuality n. 准时punctual adj. 守时 Whatever we do we must be punctual. 无论我们做什么都应该守时。 be punctual to the minute 非常守时 He is a person who is punctual to the minute.他是一个非常守时的人disregard v. 不顾,无视disregard sth disregard=igno

12、re pay no attention to take no notice of in disregard of treat sb with disregard:怠慢某人07-cet-6:阅读An elderly middle class man or woman may be alienated (疏远) by a young adult who is dressed in an unconventional manner, regardless of the persons education, background, or interests.abstruse adj. 深奥的abstr

13、act:抽象的I am not good at mathematics because the subject is not only abstract but alsoabstruse. 我不擅长数学因为它不仅抽象而且深奥。coordinate v. 协调Our efforts need to be further coordinated for higher efficiency. 为了更好的提高效率我们需要更进一步的协调我们各方的努力。 coordinate work:协调工作 arrange:安排 Who will arrange the party?谁来安排这次聚会? How can

14、 I arrange the paragraph?我该怎么安排这个自然段? organize:组织 Its your duty to organize our meeting.组织我们的会议是你的责任。 harmonize vt.&vi. 协调,使调和,配和音 The music is harmonized.这音乐已经给配上了和音。 We have to harmonize our work.我们不得不协调我们的工作。adamant adj. 坚定的,不动摇的 steady:稳定的 He is living a steady life. 他生活的很稳定。 strong-minded/firm/

15、stable 贬义同义词:obstinate/stubborn stable:(人)坚定的 If you are adamant, nothing is difficult for you to study English. 如果你很坚定,那么学好英语那是一定的。give up=yield=surrender:放弃,投降 unyielding=unsurrendering=adamant He is (so) adamant (as) to stick to his stupid idea. 他是如此地坚定以至于坚持自己这个愚蠢的想法。 All the students here are ad

16、amant enough to study English hard.Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society. 准时是文明社会各项公共事务中一个必不可少的习惯。in civilized society=in modern society necessary=essential Mania is a habit we develop for a long time . 癖好是长时间形成的一种习惯。Without it ,nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion.没有它,则一事无成。 bring sth to conclusion:作出结论 everything w


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