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1、新课标人教版课件系列高中英语必修1-必修2总复习Words and expressions1.addto往加add to增加 add up to总共2.upset adj.情形_ 13.交际_ 14. 习惯_upsetignore reasonfeeling seriespurpose poweraccording trustsuffer advicesituation communicatehabit1. Let Harry play with your toys too, Clare-you must learn to s_. 2. As teenagers, you shouldnt g

2、et into the h_ of smoking. 3. The hotline helps many t_ who are growing up. 4. We had to keep i_ all week by bad weather. 5. The villagers s_ huge losses in the big fire. 6. Dont be so u_; your mother will be all right soon. 7. He c_ in the exam so he was punished. sharehabit teenagers indoors suffe

3、red upset cheated Unit I8.The children went _(疯狂)when they met the famous player Liu Xiang. 9. Give me your _(理由)for not walking the dog today. 10. You cant _(相信)what the papers say. Not everything is true in the papers. 11. The villagers _(遭受)a lot after the flood, for example they had no homes to

4、live in. 12. Could you please give me some _( 建议)on how to learn Yoga? 13. There is a lot of air in the _(松的) snow. It can keep you warm. 14. The Jews had to hide away in such a difficult _(形势). crazyreasons trust suffered advice loose situation Unit1 1.把加起来 2.总计共达 3.增加把加到里 4. 不得不,必须 5. 经历 / 经受;穿过;浏

5、览_ 6. 躲 / 藏起来 7. 一连串 / 一系列的 8. 写下 / 记下 9. 遭受(痛苦疾病损失灾难) 10. 和某人(很好地)相处 add up add up to addtohave got to go throughhide away a series of set / write / put down suffer from get along with 11. 爱上某人 / 某物 12. 对着迷 13. 彼此信任 14. 按照,根据 15. 参加 16. 与某人交流 17. 面对面 18. 有目的地/ 特意(做某事) 19.平静 / 镇静下来 20.关心 / 挂念(某人 / 某

6、事)fall in love with be crazy about trust each otheraccording tojoin / join in / take part in / attend communicate with face to face on purpose calm down be concerned about 21.本应该做某事(但实际没做) 22.改变情形,状况 23.给某人一些建议 24. 忽视某人的情感 25.在考试中作弊should have donechange the situationgive sb some adviceneglect / ign

7、ore ones feelings cheat in the examSentences: 1.我跟班里的同学相处得很好.(get along with) _ 2.他经历过两次世界大战.(go through) _ 3.他故意使你生气.(on purpose) _ 4.依据法律, 他必须被判处死刑.(according to) _ 5.每个人都必须关心他人,而不是只顾自己.(be concerned about) _I get along well with my classmates in my class.He went through two World Wars.He made you

8、 angry on purpose.According to the law he should be sentenced to death.One should be concerned about others, not only about himself.下列情况直接引语变间接引语时态不变:1.如果陈述的是客观事实或真理时;2.直接引语中有明确表示过去时间的状语时;3.主句的谓语是一般现在时时. “I was born in 1966 in Wuhan,”said Mr.Li. Mr. Li said that he was born in 1966 in Wuhan. “Mike i

9、s from America,”says Tom.Tom says that Mike is from America.直接引语变间接引语“Open the window,”the teacher said to the students . (command)The teacher told the students to open the window. “Dont open the window,” the teacher said to the students.The teacher told the students not to open the window.Change a

10、command into an Indirect Speech.told sb (not) to do sth“Open the window, please,” the teacher said to thestudents.(requests) The teacher asked the students to open thewindow.“Dont open the window ,please,” the teacher said to the students. The teacher asked the students not to open the window.Change

11、 a request into an Indirect Speech.ask(ed) sb (not) to do stheven if 尽管= even though communicate with与.交流 actually be based on以为基础 make use of利用 believe it or not 信不信由你play a part/role in对某事有贡献、起作用 Include包含的部分内容 containbecause of +名词/-ing形式come up被提出 such as例如 request 要求 recognize 认出A number of许多 t

12、hey didnt go so/as far as we did.我们去 年走了那么远,他们没有走那么远。It has rained every day so far this month.到目前为止,这个月几乎每天 都下雨。 7.as far as和一样远(否定句中也用so far as);as /so far as I know/see据我所知/ 看来 8.record记录,记载,录音 make a record录制唱片;set a record创记录 ;break a record 打破记录;keep a record 保持记录 ;keep a record of 把记录下来 9.be

13、familiar to sb.为某人所熟悉 be familiar with sth.对某事熟悉 I m familiar with the streets of the city.我对 这座城市的街道很熟悉。 The city is familiar to me.这座城市对我来说 很熟悉。 Book1 Unit3 I. Words: 1.日记,杂志_2.运送,运输_ 3.最后,终于_ 4.说服,劝说_ 5.顽固的 坚持 7.适当地_ 8.下定决心_ 9.山谷,流域_ 10.态度,看法_ 11.短裤_ 12.营地,扎营_ 13.记录,录音_ 14.话题,主题_ 15.熟悉的 _16.勇敢的 _journaltransport finallypersuade stubborninsist properlydetermine valleyattitude shortscamp recordt


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