新目标九年级 Unit6 教案

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《新目标九年级 Unit6 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标九年级 Unit6 教案(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载! 2005/9/16 16:24:00版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 1 页 共 14 页Unit 6 I like music that I can dance toThe 1st Period Teaching Aims and Demands 1 Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary prefer, lyric(2) Target Language What kind of music do you like? I like music that I can sing along with Wh

2、at about you? I prefer music that has great lyrics 2Ability Objects (1) Train the students to express preferences (2) Train the students listening skill 3 Moral Object Lets enjoy music It always brings us happiness Teaching Key Points 1 Key Vocabulary prefer, lyric 2 Target Language Teaching Difficu

3、lt Points 1 Relative clauses with that 2 The listening practice Teaching Methods 1 Chain drill 2 Pairwork Teaching Aids 1 A tape recorder 2 Some tapes of different kinds of music Teaching Procedures Step Revision (1) Invite different pairs of students to say the conversations learned in preceding cl

4、asses with books closed (2)Check the answers to the exercises of the workbook by asking different students to say their answers to the Class (3) Dictate some of the key vocabulary words presented in units 15 Step 1a This activity introduces the key vocabulary and trains the students to express prefe

5、rences with the relative clause Writethat are red on the blackboard Point to it and say a sentence with it, I like flowers that are red Ask who can make another sentence with it They may say, I like gloves that are red I like shoes that are red Write another phrase on the blackboard, that is big Hel

6、p the students to make sentences with it Play the tapes of different kinds of music for the students, only a short piece of each tape Say, I like music that makes me relaxed Write these four groups of words on the blackboard,that has great lyrics,that I can sing along with,that isnt too loud, that I

7、 can dance to Tell the students lyrics means the contents of the songs Ask the students, What kind of music do you like? Say, You can answer with I like music, I love music, I prefer music Explain prefer=likebetter to them Get one of the children to answer the question, then let this child ask the o

8、ne next to him/her the same question Set off a chain drill Ask the students to open their textbooks now Read the instructions of Activity 1a to the students Make sure they understand everything First have them look at the pictures and circle the sentences they agree with Read each sentence to the cl

9、ass and ask the students to raise their hands to see if they agree Make a survey to find out how the class feels about each item Discuss the result of the survey with the class Get the students to complete the sentence to tell what kind of music they enjoy Ask some of the students to share their sen

10、tences Write any new words or phrases on the board to help them if necessary Step 1b中小学教育资源站,百万资源无需注册免费下载! 2005/9/16 16:24:00版权所有:中小学教育资源站 http:/ 第 2 页 共 14 页Say, we will hear Tony and Betty talking about the kinds of music each one likes Lets see the instructions first Read the instructions to the

11、students Tell them to tick () the right statements while they are listening Read the three headings before playing the tape Play the tape the first time and the students only listen Then play it for a second time The students tick in the right answer boxes Cheek the answers Step 1c Read the instruct

12、ions to the students First ask a pair of the students to read the example in the box, SA: What kind of music do you like? SB: I like music that I can sing along with What about you? SA:I prefer music that has great lyrics Then get them to work in pairs Answer the questions with their own preferences

13、 As the students do the practice, move around the classroom and give them some help Ask several pairs of students to perform their conversations before the class Step Summary Say, In this class, first weve learned two new key words, prefer and lyrics Then weve learned how to express references by ta

14、lking about music, using relative clause with that Step Homework Ask the students to write three sentences with I like music that,I love music that ,I prefer music that Step Blackboard Design Unit 6 I like music I can dance to Section A The First Period 1 sample phrasesthat are redthat is bigSentenc

15、es I like flowers that are redI like the house that is big Relative clause with thatthat has great lyrics that I can sing along withthat isnt too loud that I can dance toThe Second Period Teaching Aims and Demands 1 Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary gently(2)Relative Clasue with who 2 Ability Objects (1)Train the students listening skill (2) Train the students to use relative clause with who (3)Train the students to make communications, usingA: Does Xu Fei like the Moderns?B: No, he doesnt He prefers 3 Moral ObjectThank the musicians


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