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1、 English Song English Class Video Data Language Data Bank课时分配课时板块结合范例Period 1&2 Warming up and Reading I Period 3Learning about languagePeriod 4Reading IIPeriod 5Listening Period 6Speaking and WritingUnit 2 The Olympic Games Period 4: 幻灯片55-69页Do you know any stories or persons in ancient Greek? War

2、ming up (3m)Skim the text and find out the main idea of the story.The story is about a princess who races to marry the man that can run faster than her. In order to win the race, a man asks for help from the Goddess of Love.Reading-I-skimming (2m)Scan the passage and find the answers:1. Who was Atla

3、nta? 2. What was she good at? 3. Who did she want to marry? 4. How could Hippomenes win Atlanta?Reading-II-scanning (2m)Scan the passage and find the answers: 1. Who was Atlanta?2. What was she good at?She was a Greek princess.She was good at running. 3. Who did she want to marry?4. How could he Hip

4、pomenes win Atlanta?She wanted to marry a man who could run faster than her.He asked for help from the Greek Goddessof Love. The Greek Goddess of Love gavehim three golden apples to attract Atlantasattention and make her slow down.Read the text again and finish the following true or false exercise.R

5、eading-III-detailed reading (5m)1.Atlanta could run faster than any man.2.At first Hippomenes understand why men ran against Atlanta.3.Atlanta was not confident she would win.4.She was so angry that she could not run in the Olympics.5.She made as many men as she could share her pain.6.Her father did

6、 not understand her wish to compete.7.He did not refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race. FF FTTTTExtensive ReadingLets read more about ancient Olympic Games.Read the text and find out the main ideas of each part. Main ideas of each part: Daily chronicle: It describes the opening ceremony of t

7、he ancient Olympic Games. The dialogue: It tells us the training life of a successful athlete and the rewards that he got for winning the match. Women at the games: A women was discovered in the Olympic Games. She aroused some argument. A law was passed that women were not allowed to take part in th

8、e Games.Reading-I-skimming (2m)Information on the ancient Olympic GamesOpening of the Olympic GamesCompetitorsTheir hometownsIt was a religious ceremony. Individual athletes offered presents to the God, Zeus, to help them win.They came from all the large towns of Greece.They included Athens, Sparta

9、and Kroton.Reading-II-detailed reading (5m)Training plansRewardsA problemHow it was solved It took place in the stadium with a trainer. There was not only exercise but a special healthy diet.A wreath made from the leaves of the olive tree. Women could not be trainers even if they had the knowledge a

10、nd ability. After Peisidorus mother was discovered, she was let go instead of being punishedReading-II-detailed reading (5m)HomeworkSurf the Internet to find more stories about the ancient Greek and you are expected to share it with your peers in the next class.宁波废铝回收 宁波废铝回收 qtz19pts 烩菜是招牌主菜,猫耳朵和莜面

11、鱼鱼也很受欢迎,都不可以失传的!这样吧,咱们可以专门为你们的这些个秘诀,还有那些个很讲究的 制作诀窍写一份附约,我另外再出资买了如何?”耿正说:“如此甚好,我们一定会毫无保留地把各种饺子馅儿的配方和所有的制作程 序,还有大杂烩菜、猫耳朵和莜面鱼鱼的制作技巧,全部详详细细地编写好了,待咱们办理交接手续时一起交给你们!说实在的,我们 是几年的好邻居了,大婶儿这些年也为小饭店出了不少力。现在,我们把这个饭店盘给你们,当然很希望你们一家人以后能够把她经营 得红红火火,好好地发一笔财呢!”回家与妹妹仔细商议之后,耿正和张老大商量着草拟了“南北小饭庄”及其宅院的转让契约,以及 与各种饺子馅儿的配方和大杂烩

12、菜的制作程序等有关秘诀的附约。然后,俩人带上这两份书面约定的契约草稿,一起登门去请那位曾经 为“盛元酒店”老板与阔佬吴员外立赌约时做过证人的老者,请他做“南北小饭庄”转让契约的中人。老者听了俩人的口头陈述,并仔 细看过转让契约和附约的草稿后,高兴地答应了这事。末了,还满口应允亲自摹写两份契约,到时候在每份契约上签字画押,并见证整 个交接过程。与此同时,耿英也开始详详细细地编写附约内所涉及到的所有北方主食和菜肴的配方和制作程序。写好以后,又开始抽空 收拾兄妹三人准备带往杭州的行李杂物。她首先把爹爹的被褥和衣裳晾晒一番,然后重新打包好。自打在小巷儿尽头小院儿内安住至今 ,爹的这些东西被单独打包起来

13、以后,还一直没有再打开过呢。耿英一边做着这些,一边反反复复自言自语地轻轻念叨着:“爹啊,我 们要去杭州做丝绸生意了我们要去杭州做丝绸生意了”把所有准备带往杭州的行李杂物全部收拾好后,耿英吩咐哥哥去祭祀用 品店买回了很多的各色祭祀用品。次日早饭后,兄妹三人专程去北门外的那棵大榆树下,为已经过了三周年忌日祭奠的梁爷爷和梁奶奶 上坟。去了杭州后,他们就不可能再在每年的清明、鬼节(农历七月十五)和寒衣节(农历十月初一)为这两位已经去了另一个世界的 老人家上坟了。所以,兄妹三人特地在坟头前焚烧了比往常上坟时更多的纸钱和金银元宝。他们希望,两位老人家在那边儿有足够的钱 花,有多多的金元宝和银元宝!63第七十九回 耿兄妹决定再改行|(家在杭州李老乡,建议联手合开店;全盘考虑细斟酌,耿兄妹决定 再改行。)老乡四人一边慢慢地喝酒吃饭,一边继续聊着。李老乡告诉耿正兄妹三人,他为杭州一家最大的丝绸批发市场做远途货运的 生意已经十几年了,感觉一年到头在外边跑很是辛苦。再加上老父母最近几年已经相继去世了,把二老的灵柩送回老家安葬之后,再返 回来做这个老行当,总有


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