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1、 日常情景会话用语1.问候语A1)Good morning(afternoon/evening). 应答Good morning(afternoon/evening). 注这是早晨、上午、下午、晚上见面时的问候 语,回答时重复对方说的话。Good night.是晚上 分手时的告别语。2)Hello!/Hi! 应答Hello!/Hi! 注主要用于熟人间打招呼,以引起注意,回答时应重复对方 的话。3)How do you do 应答How do you do Nice(Glad)to meet(see)you. 注初次见面时的问候语,回答时重复对方所说的话。4)How are you 应答Fine

2、(Im fine/well/all right).Thank you. And you? / And how are you? Not too bad./Not very well./Im feeling terrible./Not too well today,Im afraid. 注这是熟人见面时的客套语,询问对方的身体状况。作 为礼节性的回答,应用应答;如果在熟人之间,回答时可 以根据自己的实际情况应答,应答或都行。5)How are you getting on (alone) with. 应答Im getting on well with. 注这一句型主要询问某人近来的情况怎样,或在

3、某一方面的 进展情况如何。6)Best wishes to sb Please give ones best wishes(loves/regards)to sb 注以上各句都是表示向某人问安、祝愿、致意、问候 等意思。2.介绍语 1)This is./These are./Id like you to meet. 注这是把近处的人介绍给别人的句型。 That is./Those are. 注这是把较远处的人介绍给别人的句型。 2)Let me introduce sb. to you,please. May(Shall)I introduce sb. to you Id like you t

4、o meet sb 注常用于自我介绍,亦可用于介绍他人。 Allow/Let me introduce myself.回答可以用How do you do Glad/Please to meet you./Its a pleasure to meet you. 3)My name is./Im.3.感谢语 1)Thanks a lot./ Many thanks./Thank you for/Im really grateful to you./I really dont know how I can thank you enough. 应答Not at all./Thats all righ

5、t(O.K.)/Youre welcome./Its a pleasure./Its very nice of you./My pleasure./No problem./Dont mention it./Its really nothing.注这类句子几乎用于任何场合任何对象。如:受人称赞;别 人喜欢你的东西;受人礼物;受人帮助等等。当别人为你做了 许多事时,你可以用“I really appreciate it”这句话表示感谢。 Thanks的表达没有Thank you正式。不可以说very thanks 或much thanks。2)Thank you all the same./Tha

6、nk you any way. 注这两句话表示某事没有办成或没有结果时,或是你婉言谢绝了 别人提供的帮助时,向对方致意的客气话,这与汉语有明显的不同, 要注意。4.道歉语1)Sorry./Im sorry. /Im sorry for(about)./Im sorry to have done./I apologize for 应答Thats all right(OK)./It doesnt matter./Thats nothing./Thats quite all right./I understand completely./No problem./Dont worry about it

7、./Never mind. Forget it!/Its not your fault./Ah,well,these things do happen. 注主要用于做错了事或没能做成某事的用语。2)Excuse me./Excuse me for./Excuse my./I beg your par-don./Pardon me. 注这几个句子主要用于:“麻烦”,“打扰”别人时,以引起对方 注意,或中途离席时;与人交谈时打喷嚏或打饱嗝表示道歉; 聚会或其他社交场合想暂时离开一会或插话时;不同意某人的 观点,其后常跟but,引起对方注意。5.请求语 A.1)Excuse me,can I. Wi

8、ll/Would you please. Would you like to. 应答Yes./Certainly./Sure./Of course(you may)./Yes, do please./All right./With pleasure. 注对于Would you like to. 一句的应答还可以是:Yes,Id like to(love)to./Yes,Ill be glad to.2)Would(Will)you be so kind as to. 应答Certainly./OK./Sure./Why,of course. /Thats no problem at all.3

9、 3)I wonder if you canI wonder if you can(couldcould) 应答应答 Certainly I can.Certainly I can.4)How(What) about. 注对于请求的应答,如不能答出,则委婉地说:Im sorry./Sorry,but I cant./Im afraid./Sorry. Im afraid I cant./I regret that I cant.B.1)May I speak to. 应答Sorry,he/she isnt in. Can I take a message for him/her 2)Would

10、/Will you please give this note/message to.应答OK./Certainly. 3)Would/Will you take a message for me应答No problem. Whats the message?6.建议语 Lets./Shall we. /How(What)about. /Why dont you. /Why not. /Youd better./It might be a good idea to./I suggest.7.求助和提供帮助A.1)Do/Would you mind (ones) doing something?

11、Do/Would you mind if I do(did). 应答No. Go ahead./Not at all. /No,of course not.2)May/Can/Could I do. 应答Sure./Of course.若表示无法效劳或介意,可以回答说:Im sorry, but I./Sorry,but its not allowed.3)Would you do me a favor? /Could I ask you to do something for me? Will you do something for me? 应答肯定:Certainly!/Id be gl

12、ad to./Id love to. /Why, of course./With great pleasure. 否定:Im sorry I cant./No,Im afraid I cant.B.1)Can(May)I help you? /What can I do for you/Is there anything I can do for you /Let me do it for you. 注以上句子通常在商店、旅馆、医院等服务行业使用。2)Shall I.for you /Can I help you with. /Can I give you a hand? 3)What(How

13、)about. 4)Would you like. 注当接受帮助或建议时,常说Oh,thanks./Oh,will you?/Thank you if its not too much trouble./Yes,please./Your help is just what I need.等; 当拒绝帮助或建议时,常说:No,thanks./No,thanks,but I can manage./I can do it myself. Thank you all the same./Really, its nice of you to offer,but please dont bother.8

14、.告别语 1)Good bye./Good night./See you tomorrow(later). 应答 相同。 2)Ive got to go now./I have to be going(leaving) now./Im afraid I must be off now./The time has come to say good bye./Its about(high)time I was going(leaving)./I think its time for me to leave now. 应答Must you leave so soon. /But its still

15、early./Cant you stay a little while./Well,then,I wont keep you. I look forward to seeing you again./Please give my best regards to.9.祝愿语 Congratulations!/Thats great(wonderful)!/ Many congratulations on your.!/Id like to congratulate you on your success!/Please accept my warmest congratulations./Best wishes for you!/Wish you happiness! /Have a nice trip!/ 应答Thanks./Thank you./Its very nice of you to say so./Its very kind of you./The same to you. 10.询问信息语 May I ask you a question?/Excuse me,do you know ? /Can(Could)you tell me sth. about your college life? /Have you got any idea why Jan


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