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1、DEFINITION OF TRANSLATION PROCESS OF TRANSLATINGDEFINITION AND PROCESSDEFINITIONTranslation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). (Catford, 1965)Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the

2、way that the author intended the text. (Newmark, 1988: 5)DEFINITION AND PROCESSTranslation is studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same mean

3、ing using lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context. (Larson, 1984: 3)DEFINITION AND PROCESSORIGINAL TEXT (source language)ANALYZINGDRAFTINGREVISINGTRANSLATION TEXT (target language)FINALIZINGPROCESS OF TRANSLATINGDEFINITION AND PROCESS

4、MAIN PURPOSES OF ANALYZINGLearning the stylistic scale (degree of language)Learning the readership (age, education, gender)Understanding what it is about (by reading)DEFINITION AND PROCESS Stylistic Scale (Degree of Formality)OfficialFormalNeutral InformalColloquialismSlangTaboo(Newmark, 1988)DEFINI

5、TION AND PROCESSOfficialThe consumption of any nutriment is categorically prohibited in this establishmentFormalYou are requested not to consume food in this establishment Neutral Eating is not allowed hereDEFINITION AND PROCESSInformalPlease dont eat hereColloquialismYou cant feed your face hereSla

6、ngLay off the noshTabooLay off the fucking noshDEFINITION AND PROCESSSTYLISTIC SCALE and TRANSLATIONOfficialFormalNeutralInformalColloquialismSlangTabooOfficialFormalNeutralInformalColloquialismSlangTabooDegree of Formalitytarget language (translation text)source language (original text)DEFINITION A

7、ND PROCESSTHE APPROACHES TO ANALYZING (how do we start translating) (Newmark, 1988: 21)You start translating sentence by sentence, for say the first paragraph or chapter, to get the feel and the tone of the text, and then you deliberately sit back, review the position, and read the rest of the SL te

8、xt. (when you trust your intuition)You read the whole text two or three times, and find the intention, register, tone, mark the difficult words and passages and start translating only when you have taken your bearings. (when you trust your power of analysis)DEFINITION AND PROCESSANALYZINGDRAFTINGREV

9、ISINGFINALIZINGUnderstanding & identifying10 PERCENT 40 PERCENTS40 PERCENTS10 PERCENTgeneral reproductionaccuracynaturalnessTime ManagementMETAPHOR and SIMILEMETAPHOR AND SIMILEMETAPHOR and SIMILEDEFINITIONA figure of speech used to replace normal or literal language in order help others understand

10、or enjoy the message.- The substitution of one idea or object with another -METAPHOR and SIMILEKINDS OF METAPHORDead MetaphorLiving MetaphorMETAPHOR and SIMILEDead MetaphorA metaphor which has lost its poetic meaning and not considered as figurative language any longer due to its frequent use exampl

11、es:economic wheel giant step - etcLiving MetaphorConsidered as figurative language and still contains poetic meaningex: An angry sky - You are a rose among thorns - etc.METAPHOR and SIMILESTRATEGIES TO TRANSLATE METAPHOR Translation of metaphor by reproducing the same image Translation of metaphor b

12、y replacing the image in SL with a standard image in TL Translation of metaphor or simile by sense Translation of metaphor by metaphor or simile plus sense Translation of metaphor by simileMETAPHOR and SIMILE1. TRANSLATION OF METAPHOR BY REPRODUCING THE SAME IMAGElaut cinta langkah raksasasea of lov

13、e giant step roda perekonomianeconomic wheelsinar harapanray of hopeMETAPHOR and SIMILEeconomic growthpertumbuhan ekonomistony silence angry skykebisuan yang membatu langit yang marahOmar Mochtar is the lion of the desertOmar Mochtar adalah singa padang pasirKing Richard, the lion heartRaja Richard,

14、 si hati singaMETAPHOR and SIMILETubuh manusia adalah laboratorium hidupHuman body is a living laboratoryJakarta adalah jantung Indonesia. Jakarta is the heart of IndonesiaExperience is the best teacher. Pengalaman adalah guru terbaikJerusalem is the city of God. Yerusalem adalah kota TuhanMETAPHOR

15、and SIMILE2. TRANSLATION OF METAPHOR BY REPLACING THE IMAGE IN SL WITH THE STANDARD IMAGE IN TLYour car has wings Lari mobilmu seperti setanMobilmu kencang bagaikan terbangMETAPHOR and SIMILE3. TRANSLATION OF METAPHOR OR SIMILE BY SENSEJerussalem is the city of GodYerusalem adalah tempat Tuhan menur

16、unkan sebagian wahyu dan nabiNya. Time has wings. Waktu berlalu begitu cepatMETAPHOR and SIMILEBagai pungguk merindukan bulan. Dreaming the impossible thing.Dia ular berbisa.Hes very dangerous.The best advice is found on the pillow. Setelah tidur nyenyak semalaman, mungkin kita akan mendapatkan jawaban dari persoalan kita METAPHOR and SIMILEThe pen is mightier than the sword. Tulisan dan kata-kata memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar dari pada senjata dan perang S


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