《Integrated skills课件》初中英语牛津译林2011课标版七年级下册课件1802

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1、Unit4 Finding your wayIntegrated skillsCan you read them?1 /p:st/ 2 /tre(r)/ 3 /t:ni/ 4 /trfik/ 5 /d; d/ 6 /lait / 7 /krsi/ 8 /k:n(r)/ New words and phrases: past prep. 在另一边,到另一侧 treasure n. 宝藏 turning n. 转弯处 traffic n. 交通,来往车辆 traffic lights n. 红绿灯 should modal v. 应当,应该 crossing n. 交叉路口 corner n. 拐

2、角,街角;角落Can you read them?/p:st/ /tre(r)/ /t:ni/ /trfik/ /d; d/ /lait / /krsi/ /k:n(r)/ pastturningshouldcrossingtreasuretrafficlightcornerMr. Wu has some treasure, but he hides it in someplace. The students are trying to find it. Lets join in the treasure hunt( 寻宝).onetwothreefourfivesix2345Level On

3、eLevel TwoLevel ThreeLevel FourLevel Five61Level SixLevel OneKnow the signs and expressionsThere is always a lot of traffic on the city road every day. And on the road sides, therere also some traffic signs.go straight onturn leftPlease turn left at the first turning.turn rightTake the second turnin

4、g on the right.zebra crossingWe should cross the road on the zebra crossing.traffic lightsLets stop at the traffic lights.walk along the roadcross / walk across the roadwalk past the carwalk to the car2345Level OneLevel TwoLevel ThreeLevel FourLevel Five61Level SixLevel TwoDescribe the picturesCross

5、 the bridge and turn left.Cross the bridge and turn right.Take the first turning on the left.= Turn left at the first turning.Cross the road at the traffic lights.Cross the road on the zebra crossing.Walk past the police station.Walk to the police station.2345Level OneLevel TwoLevel ThreeLevel FourL

6、evel Five6Level SixLevel ThreeListen and tick() the correct boxesListen to Mr. Wus instructions and tick() the correct boxes.345Level OneLevel TwoLevel ThreeLevel FourLevel Five6Level SixLevel FourListen and put the sentences in the correct orderWhat can you see in the map?a. Walk past the house, tu

7、rn left and walk along the path next to the river.b. Walk along the path and youll see a house on your left.c. When youre at the big tree, turn leftand walk to the bridge.d. Cross the bridge, turn right and walkstraight on.e. The treasure is under the ground in front of the third tree on the left.f.

8、 Take the second turning on the right. 54126345Level OneLevel TwoLevel ThreeLevel FourLevel Five6Level SixLevel FiveDraw the route(路线)A3 Lets try to find the treasure!5Level OneLevel TwoLevel ThreeLevel FourLevel Five6Level SixLevel SixRepeat(复述) the routeWhen youre at the big tree, turn l_ and walk

9、 to the b_. Cross the bridge, turn r_ and walk s_ on. Take the second _ (turn) on the right. Walk a_ the path, and youll see a house on your left. Walk _(到另一 侧侧) the house, turn left and walk along the _ ( 小路) next to the river. The treasure is under the g_ in front of the _ (三) tree on the left.eft

10、 ridgeight traightturning long past pathroundthirdDig Knowledge is wealth.知识就是财富!Work in pairs, and try to find my presents.One student shows the way, the other one tries to find the present in the classroom.根据要求完成句子:1.Turn right at the second _ (turn).2.Theres busy _ (many cars and buses) in Nanjin

11、g now.3.lets go on a _ (宝藏) hunt.4.Youll see a shop at the c_ of the street.turningtraffictreasureorner.把下列短语和句子翻译成英文: 1.从警察局经过2.在交通灯处 3.径直走 4.在第二个转弯处右拐walk past the police station at the traffic lights walk straight onturn right at the second turning take the second turning on the right 5.走过桥,右拐进入一

12、个公园。 _ the bridge and _ _ into a park.Crossturn right6.沿着靠近河边的一条小路走,你就能看到 右手边有一座房子。_ _ a path _ _ the river, and you will see a house _ _ _. 7.一直走,你将会看见左边的警察局。 _ _ _, and you will see the _ _ _ _ _. 8.穿过田野,你会看见前面有棵大树。 _ _ the field, and you will see a big tree _ _ _ you.Walk along next to on your rightWalk straight on police stationon your leftWalk across in front of9.第三个路口右拐,过桥。你就可 以看见花园大厦。 Take the _ _ _ _ _ and _ the bridge, and you will see Garden Building.third turningon the rightcrossThank you!


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