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1、Music is a common language of the whole world.- 音乐是人类共同的语言MusicCan you make a list of musical instruments? (group discussion)Brain Stormpianoguitartrumpetdrum喇叭,小号saxophoneviolinaccordionharmonica 口琴手风琴fluteerhuluteharpA plucked (拨)string instrument with a long history going back to biblical times.

2、The modern harp used in the symphony orchestra(管弦乐队) has dozens of strings and is so large that it stand on the floor rather than being held in the players lap(膝盖).biblicalbiblikl adj.圣经的;依据圣经的symphony英simfni n.交响乐,交响曲;序曲,插曲;A lute with four strings and is a relative of the European lute. It came to

3、 China from Central Asia in the fourth century.pipaguzhengThe guzheng has been used for more than 2,300 years. It looks like a table harp.konghou The konghou is an instrument with strings. It came to China from the West during the Han Dynasty about 2,000 years ago.The yueqin is a round instrument li

4、ke a mandolin. It was called qinpipa during the Han Dynasty.yueqinMusical instrumentspianoviolinguitardrumsaxophoneerhuguzhengBrainstormlutepipaharp konghoumandolin yueqinstringed instrumentsReading and vocabularyAn Interview with Liu FangPre-reading: 1. Think about some musicians and famous music s

5、tars you like, telling why you like them. 2. Suppose you have an interview with a musician, what questions will you ask?Pre-readingSuppose you have an interview with her, what questions will you ask?And then write them down. Read the passage carefully and find the main idea of each part.Part 1Part 2

6、Part 3introduces Liu Fang as well as her musical training and backgroundtells about Liu Fangs musical influences and characteristics of Chinese classical musicis about Liu Fangs love for performing live and her goals as an artist.Information about Liu Fang (Part 1) careerthe place she is livingthe s

7、chool she went tothe person who taught her to play musical instruments the musical instruments she playsan international music starCanadaThe Shanghai Conservatory of Musicher mother and teachersguzheng pipa yueqinPart 2Traditional singing1. What influences her music?2. What characteristics does she

8、show when she plays the classical Chinese music?characteri sticsFirstly, Secondly,Thirdly,it is similar to the Chinese language. it is connected to Chinese poetry.it is much similar to traditional Chinese painting1. What does she enjoy about performing?A. She enjoys playing and performing in public.

9、B. She feels happy when there is no concert.Part 32. What are her goals as an artist?A. to work with master musicians and compose her own musicB. to be famous in Canada Read the passage again and choose the correct answers.1. Liu Fang now lives in _.A. ShanghaiB. KunmingC. France D. Canada 2. Why di

10、d Liu Fang say Chinese music is similar to traditional Chinese painting?A. Because they have poetic titles.B. Because there are empty spaces.C. Because they are closely related to Chinese poetry.D. Because they have the same pronunciation with different tones.3. Liu Fang may feel a little depressed

11、or lonely when _.A. she performs in publicB. there are a lot of listeners C. there is no concert for a long timeD. she shares feelings and ideas with friendsIntensive Reading:Read part 1 of the passage and explain the references.The Queen of England.1. during her visit to China. who visited China. S

12、he taught me to play the yueqin.Who taught her to play? Her mother. 3. I have been living there since then.where has she been living? Canada.pipa schools.4. each one has its special interpreting the classical pieces. Each what?5. The same is true of my second instrument. What is true about the secon

13、d instrument?To respect traditions that add her own style when playing.Liu Fang has played the pipa since the age of six. Shes given concerts since she was eleven.Read the sentences and decide if the statements are true.1. Liu Fang still plays the pipa. 2. She only played the pipa when she was six.

14、3. She has given concerts regularly since the age of eleven. 4. She only gave concerts when she was a child.T F TF She likes to _ musical styles from east and west. What is the _ of the piece she played?combinetitlechallenge combine interpret silence title traditionalComplete the sentences with the

15、correct form of the words. 3. I like listening to _chinese folk songs. 4. Its a great _ to play an instrument like the pipa. 5. Sometimes there is a long _ in the middle of the piece. 6. I like the way she _ classical pieces.traditionalchallengesilenceinterpret1. a musician who performs alone 2. a way of doing something, for example, playing an instrument 3. another word for melodysoloist techniquetuneconcert conservatory repertoire soloist technique tuneMatch the words with their meanings.4. an event where musicians play 5. all the pieces of music that a musician can p


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