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1、 商务英语图表写作BEC English Writing BEC 作文介绍-商务报告商务报告构成: 1. Introduction; 2. Facts and Findings; 3. Conclusions; 4. Recommendations.BEC 作文介绍-商务报告BEC 商务报告题型分为两类:图表类; 文字类;图表进一步分为: 曲线图(line chart); 柱形图(bar chart); 饼形图(pie chart); 表格(table);BEC 3写作介绍PART ONE Question 1 The bar chart below shows the forecasts o

2、f unit sales by Toller Electrical Ltd for the quarters of next year in each of its three main product areas. Using the information from the bar chart, write a short report describing and comparing the sales forecasts for the three product areas for next year. Write 120-140 words.Toller Electrical Lt

3、d Sales forecasts for next year1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th QtrFridges TVs cookers Toller Electrical ProductsBEC 3 写作介绍Sample ReportParagraph 1 The aim of this report is to summarize changes in sales forecasts for the three main products of Toller Electrical Ltd for the four quarters in next year.BEC

4、 3 写作介绍Sample Report Paragraph 2 It is clearly showed that TVs will contribute most to the company for the sales forecasts are the highest in three products every quarter. It will stand at 10 thousands in lst Qtr. Then it will have a steady increase to 15 thousands in 2nd Qtr. Before it will rise to

5、 the peak of 20 thousands in 4th Qtr, it will level off in 3rd Qtr.BEC 3 写作介绍Sample Report Paragraph 3 In contrast, the sales forecast of fridges trend is totally different. It is 5 thousands in 1st Qtr. Unfortunately, it remains constant in next 3 quarters, while, the cookers sales forecast is 5 th

6、ousands in 1st Qtr the same as fridges. However, the cooker will increase steadily and reach the peak of 10 thousands in 2nd Qtr. Then it will has no change in 3rd Qtr following a drop to 5 thousands the original position in 4th Qtr.BEC 3 写作介绍Sample ReportParagraph 4 It is clearly concluded that tre

7、nds of sales forecasts for next year of these products are different. It is good time to take measures to direct the trends in a much brighter way.英语图表作文图表作文1请根据下表用英语写一篇短文,介绍某地区5 年来人们的饮食变化情况。 内容要点: 1 饮食变化的情况。 2 说明人们饮食方面发生变化的原因。 3 变化说明了什么及所带来的好处。图表作文1FOOD20002001200220032004GRAIN44%44%43%42%42%MEAT19

8、%21%23%23%22%FRUIT & VEGET ABLE25%23%21%21%21%MILK12%12%13%14%14%TOTAL 100%100%100%100%100%It is obvious in the table/chart/graph that the diet habit of the people in some area underwent dramatic changes from 2000 2004. The amount of grain they ate fell year by year, and at the same time they increa

9、sed their consumption of milk and meat. Besides, the consumption of fruit and vegetables fell from 25% to 21%.图表作文1There are two reasons for the changes. For one thing, with the increasing living standard, people are better off(=rich) and can afford more expensive food of better nutrition. For anoth

10、er, more and more people begin to pay attention to the quality of their diet, because hey believe a balanced diet does good to their health. III.实用文体写作(五)-图表作文 These changes in peoples diet shows that their living conditions improved greatly between 2000 and 2004. We are sure that they are living a

11、happier and healthier life. From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the table will continue for quite a long time, I think.III.实用文体写作(五)-图表作文 图表作文写作常识 1、图形种类及概述法:泛指一份数据图表:a data graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table 表格

12、图:table 饼图:pie chart 直方图或柱形图:bar chart / histogram 趋势曲线图:line chart / curve diagram 流程图或过程图:flow chart / sequence diagramIII.实用文体写作(五)-图表作文 2、常用的描述句型The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that)According to the table/chart diagram/graph,As (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graph,As can be seen from

13、 the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures,Figures/Statistics shows (that).III.实用文体写作(五)-图表作文 It can be seen from the figures/statisticsWe can see from the figures/statisticsIt is clear from the figures/statisticsIt is apparent from the figures/statisticsTable/Chart/Diagram/Graph figures (that) .Table/C

14、hart/Diagram/Graph shows/describes/illustrates how.III.实用文体写作(五)-图表作文 描述饼图(pie chart)句型模板: x% of the 比较主体 is/has/are/have2. 比较主体中的一部分 accounts for xx% in the whole pie chart.3. 比较主体中的一部分 is/are xx% in the pie chart.描述其他图句型模板: 1. 节节上升 比较主体rise steadily from 时间 to 时间。2. A型变化-先上升后下降 A steady fall in 比较

15、主体 during 时间 and 时 间 followed the sharp increase in 时间。3. V型变化-先下降后上升 比较主体dropped during 时间 but increased again in 时间 to (exceed 时间)。描述其他图句型模板: 4. 平行波动-基本平稳,些许变动(或涨或跌 ,但幅度都不大) 比较主体 hardly changed throughout the period between 时间 and 时间, except for a light increase or decrease in 时间。5. Z型变化-平稳上涨,急速下跌,然后再上 涨 比较主体slow but steady increase was followed by a sharp fall and an increase towards the end.数据比较的句型模板: 1. The比较主体 doubled/tripled in 时间 compared with those in 时间A在XX期间增长了一倍/两倍。 2. The 比较主体 in 地点 in 时间 is . in contrast to . in contrast t


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