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1、陶氏(Dow)化学公司是全球第五大化学公司,年销 售额达200亿美元。陶氏生产化工产品、塑料和农 用产品,并为164个国家的客户提供服务。陶氏在 世界各地拥有员工43,000人。现诚聘秘书1人。 工作职责:准备月报及有关文件 日常秘书工作 条件:英语或秘书专业学士学位 至少两年秘书工 作经验 熟练掌握英语(写和说)以及计算机技能 Words for Reference: 聘请seek for,职责 responsibilities,有关的related,日常的routine,学 士学位Bachelors degree, 资历 qualification2000年6月Dow Chemical C

2、ompany is the fifth biggest chemical company of the world. Dow has revenues of $20 billion for the fiscal year and employs more than 43,000 people in the world. The company produces chemical products, plastics and products for agriculture. At the same time, the company provides service for customers

3、 from 164 countries. As the development of Dow, the company is seeking for a secretary with the responsibilities of preparing monthly reports and related documents. As a secretary, some routine secretary work would be expected to manage, too.Qualifications: The candidate should get Bachelors degree

4、of English or Secretary major with at least two years experience of secretary. If the candidate is good at English speaking , writing and computer operating, he or she would be accepted first. “英语角”在大学生专刊上刊发后,受到广大英语读 者的广泛关注和欢迎。为刊发更多更好的优秀英文 作品,我们特向社会各界征集稿件。我们欢迎大学 生们、广大英语学习者、外国留学生及外国朋友们 踊跃投稿。 1. 一则简短的

5、故事; 2. 发生在你身边的趣事。 文章字数不要超过500字。 来稿请寄:北海市新民大街10号 北海晚报 王平 收 邮编:230034 电子邮件:M Words for Reference: 各界all walks of life2000年12月考题 征稿启事Contributions WantedTo provide it with more and better English writings, we would like to ask for contributions from readers from all walks of life. College students, Eng

6、lish learners, foreign students and foreign friends are all welcome. The writings can be: 1) A short story; 2) Interesting things happening around you. Remember your writing will not be over 500 words. Here is our address and E-mail: Wang Ping, supplement Dept, Beihai Evening Post; 10Xinmin Street,

7、Beihai 230034 M 2001年6月 说明:根据下列信息以公关部的名义给所有员工 写一份公告,邀请他们为公司庆祝活动献计献策 。 1. 历史与现状:成立15年,在规模和效益方面现 处于同行业五强之一; 2. 庆祝活动:举行一系列活动,庆祝取得的成就 ; 3. 欢迎献计献策:被采用者有奖,所提建议送往 本部门办公室NoticeMay 7th,2006We are preparing to celebrate the 15th anniversary of our company . With the efforts of all our staff, our company is no

8、w ranked as one of the first leading companies in the same field both in scope and profits. To celebrate our achievements, we will hold a number of activities. Your suggestions and proposals are welcome and those being accepted will be awarded.Please hand in your proposals to our office.Public Relat

9、ions Section2001年6月2001年12月假想你叫王兰,上月去广州出差时, 在一家商店买了一架照相机,并在广州 拍了一些照片。回家后将胶卷冲洗出来 ,却发现什么也没照上,因此非常恼火 。今天(12月23日)给该店写信投诉, 并寄回相机,坚决要求退款。 Words for Reference: be on business 出差; develop 冲洗; refund 退款2001年12月 A letter of ComplaintDec.23th,2003 Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing this letter to complain about a

10、camera, which I bought in your shop last month when I was in Guangzhou on business. I took some photos there with it. But when I got home and had the film developed, I found no pictures printed at all.I am very annoyed about it.I have already sent the camera back to you by post and strongly insist t

11、hat you refund me as soon as possible.Yours,Wanglan2002年6月写作题目:你是一家公司的总经理, 王志明。当地的一所技术学院6月18日给你部门 写信,询问是否能考虑赞助他们将在今年夏天举 办的为期一周的艺术节。今天(2002年6月24日 )你给该校的校长写封回信,对他们的艺术节表 示感兴趣并理解他们的需要,但是因为你们有固 定的赞助预算,到明年才能考虑。建议明年再来 信联系。最后预祝艺术节成功。 Words for reference: 总经理 General Manager;为期一周的艺术节 one-week art festival;固定

12、的赞助预算 a fixed budget for sponsorship;校长 principal;赞 助 sponsor。2002年6月考题 24th June,2002 Dear Principle,Thank you very much for your letter.I am very interested to hear about your one-week art festival to be held this summer and understand your needs. Unfortunately, I am unable to help you as our comp

13、any has a fixed budget for sponsorship and new items will not be considered until next year.I hope your festival will be a success. I suggest that perhaps you contact us again next year.Yours,Wang Zhiming2002年12月考题说明:Whirlpool是一家著名的生 产和经营家用电脑的公司,总部设在天津,在全国 有20余家分公司。我公司现招聘销售经理一名。 条件:中国公民,年龄在3540岁销售学、

14、经济学或相关领域的大专文凭具有至少5年的销售管理经验有良好的英语听说能力愿意经常出差熟练掌握计算机技能 有意者请拨打电话24276669与John Smith联系。 Words for reference: 家用电器 electrical home appliances 总 部 headquarters 条件 qualifications 大专文凭 college diploma 销售学 MarketingWantedWhirlpool corporation is famous in manufacturing and marketing electrical home appliances

15、. Its headquarters is in Tianjin. It has over 20 branches throughout the country. Now we are hunting for one sales manager. Qualifications required: 1. Chinese citizen, aged 3540 2. With college diploma in marketing, economics or related fields 3. At least five years working experience in sales field 4. Proficiency in oral and written English5. Willing to travel on business frequently 6. Excellent computer skillsThose who are interested contact Mr. John Smith at 24876669 please.2003年6月 Announcement 事由: 欢迎美国学生来我校参观 时间:2003年6月22日上午9:00至13:00 人数:约35人



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