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1、智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料新GRE填空题练习:因果类(一)-智课教育旗下智课教育本文为考生分享了新GRE填空题练习:因果类解读,希望考生认真 研读以下解题技巧尽快掌握数学的重点考点,在接下来的GRE复习过程 还要认真备考,祝大家获得优异成绩。 新GRE填空题不仅测试的是考生对词汇的精确理解和辨析能力,更 重要的是要考察考生对句子结构的把握和对逻辑关系的推断。以下是新 GRE填空题练习:因果类内容,希望对各位考生有所帮助。 1. Their married life was not _ since it was fraught with bitter fighting and arg

2、uments. (A) nubile (B) tranquil (C) obvious (D) cogent (E) imminent 答案:B 解析:因果关系。由于not, 空格与fraught with bitter fighting and arguments是反义关系。翻译:他们的婚姻生活不是(平静的),因为充满了苦涩的打斗和争 吵。 2. The announcement that the city would raze the landmark school building was such a distressing _ that it provoked an outcry.

3、A. disclosure B. evaluation C. liberation D. instance E. inquiry 答案:A 解析:因果关系,such A that B 结构;主干一致,announcement对应disclosure.A泄露的新闻 B评估 C自由 D例子 E询问 翻译:这个城市里的路标学校建筑都将被夷为平地的通知是一个令 人伤心的(新闻),它引起了全城的反对。 3. This articulate history is of importance because it carefully _ the _ accomplishments of Indian art

4、ists who are all too little known to the public at large. Blank (i)Blank (ii) A overlooksD negligible B distortsE considerable C substantiatesF illusory 答案:C E 解析:因果关系。1空根据因果关系可知是正面动作。2空修饰acco mplishments of Indian artists, 它的补充修饰中who are all too little known to the public at large对该艺术家的成就以反语的形式表达的是

5、正评价。翻译:这部详尽的史书是重要的,因为它为一位基本上不为公众所 熟悉的印第安艺术家的(相当重要的)成就(提供了支持证据)。 4. The systems analyst hesitated to talk to strangers about her highly specialized work, fearing it was too _ for people uninitiated in the computer field to understand. (A) intriguing (B) derivative (C) frivolous (D) esoteric (E) rudim

6、entary 答案:D 解析:因果关系。Too A to B 结构。翻译:系统分析师不愿意向生人谈论她的高度专业话的工作,担心 这是太(深奥的),从而非计算机领域的人难于理解。 5. The teacher suspected cheating as soon as he noticed the pupils _ glances at his classmates paper. (A) futile (B) sporadic (C) furtive (D) cold (E) inconsequential 答案:C 解析:时间状语暗含的因果关系。As soon as 结构。 翻译:教师注意到学

7、生(偷偷摸摸的)瞄向同学卷子的目光,马上怀 疑有作弊行为。 6. Popular interest in music performed by folk singer Jean Ritchie acted as a _ because it stirred a wider interest in the music of Ritchies native Kentucky. A. deterrent B. panacea C. barrier D. catalystE. garrison 答案:D 解析:because 因果关系 A. 威慑物 B. 万能药 C. 障碍 D. 催化剂 E. 堡垒 翻译:通俗歌手Jean Ritchie表演的流行音乐成为了(催化剂)因为它 激发了对于肯塔基本土音乐更广泛的兴趣。 希望大家在备考新GRE填空题时能够根据以上新GRE填空题备考方 法有所突破。ETS在新GRE考试中通过填空对考生的语言运用、逻辑推理、以及分析能力进行综合考查,因此各位考生要认真备考,争取把我 们的优势发挥到最好,更多考试信息请关注智课教育出国考试GRE站点 最新考试资讯。


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