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1、新目标英语八年级上复习课件The Fourth period 2013.4.8崔楼初中教学资源课时目标:1.全面梳理7,8两单元考点词汇和短语。2.详尽解读本部分考点句型。3.通过语法精讲,全面掌握7,8两单元语法精要,加强写作训练以提高写作水平。备课教师:卓凤翔 2013.4.2一.基础知识梳理 重点短语 英汉短语互译 1打开 10.how much _ 2混合在一起 _ 3倒入 _ 4的食谱 _ 5把放在上面 _ 6cut up _ 7addto _ 8two slices of bread _ 9how many _turn on mix up pourinto the recipe f

2、or puton 切碎 把加到上 两片面包 多少(可数名词) 多少(不可数名词) 重点句型 根据汉语意思完成句子 1我们需要多少香蕉?bananas do we need? 2我们需要多少酸奶?yogurt do we need? 3这是一个超级棒的火鸡三明治的食谱。Heres a recipe a great turkey sandwich. 4你喜欢在三明治中放生菜吗?Do you lettuce ? 5. 最后,在上面放上另一片面包。Finally, put of bread on the top. 6把牛奶倒进搅拌机里。the milk the blender. Pour into a

3、nother slice in sandwiches for How much How many 语法解读A:可数名词和不可数名词 1可数名词:可数名词指可以 的,表示人或事物的名词,可分为 数名词,在其前可加不定冠词a,an或数词表示其数量。当数量超过1时,名词应该用 形式。名词复数形式的构成方法有规则和不规则两种:规则变化:(1)一般在名词后加s构成。如:appleapples(2)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词,在其后加es。如:box boxes(3)以“辅音字母y”结尾的名词,变y为i,再加es。如:familyfamilies 复数 单复 计数 (4)以f,fe结尾的名词,变f,f

4、e为v,再加es。 如:knifeknives 不规则变化:(1)改变元音字母。 如:manmen;footfeet (2)单复数同形。如:sheep,Chinese等。 (3)词尾加ren。如:childchildren (4)有些以o结尾的加es。 如:potatopotatoes;tomatotomatoes 有些以o结尾只加s。如:photophotos (5)有些名词只有复数形式。如:clothes, trousers等。 提问可数名词的数量时用 。 how many 2不可数名词不可数名词没有复数形式,不能与冠词a,an及数词直接连用。一般表示肉类和饮料的词是不可数名词。如:por

5、k猪肉;chicken鸡肉;fish鱼肉; milk牛奶;juice果汁; rice米饭; water水; yogurt酸奶等。表达不可数名词的量时,有两种方法:(1)用much, a little, little, a lot of, some 等, 表示量的多少。如:Theres little orange in the bottle.瓶子里几乎没有橘汁了。(2)借助于单位词来表示数量。 如:a piece of paper 一张纸; three teaspoons ofhoney 三茶匙蜂蜜提问不可数名词的量时用 。 how much B:精题精练 ( )1.How many_ are

6、there on the table?Awater Bcup of waterCbottles of water Dglasses water ( )2.How much_ do you need?One teaspoon is enough.Abread Blettuce Cchicken D.sauce ( )3.Look!Some bread _ on the table. Some apple_ in the box.Ais; is Bis; are Care; are Dare; is ( )4.Please cut up_ first.Atomatos and beefs Btom

7、ato and beefCtomatoes and beef Dtomatoes and beefs ( )5.Look! There are_ on the desk. Afour glasses of milk Bfour glasses of milk Cfour glass of milk Dfour glass of milks A C B D C 能力提升训练.单项填空 ( )1.Mike_ his computer and checked his email.Aturned on Bturned offCturned up Dturned down ( )2._ you turn

8、 down the radio, please?Yes,I can.AMay BNeedCMust DCan ( )3.Kellys grandpa is ill. She must _ him at home.Alook after Blook upClook out Dlook for A D A ( )4.Please cut_ the bananas _ small pieces.Aup; to Bup; intoCoff; to Doff; into ( )5._ cups of yogurt do we need? AHow BHow muchCHow many DHow many

9、 of ( )6._ bread would you like?Three pieces of _.AHow many; breads BHow many; breadCHow much; breads DHow much; bread ( )7.There_ two slices of turkey on the table and there_ some relish on the slices. Aare; are B are; is Cis; is Dis; are B C D B ( )8. Finally, put some slices of bread_ the top.Ain

10、 Bon Cto Dat ( )9.Put in three teaspoons of relish and a cup of yogurtthen_.OK, it must be sweet.Amix Bmix up itCmix it all up Dmix up it all ( )10.Could you please give me a cup of coffee?OK._.AWith pleasure BNo, thanksCIts good DI like it B C A .完形填空Hello, everyone! Now lets make_1_delicious.What

11、do you_2_ to drink?OK, lets make_3_ apple milk shake._4_ you can cut_5_ three apples, and put_6_ into the blender.Then you should pour two cups_7_ milk into the blender.And you can add some yogurt if you like._8_ put in any honey. Thats too sweet.Finally, you can turn_9_ the blender.Now you can enjoy the_10_ drink. ( )1.A.any BSo Canything D.something ( )2.A.liked Bto lik Cliking D.like ( )3.A.a B/ Can Done ( )4.A.Last B.First C.Then D.Finally ( )5.A.up Bon Cto D.at D D C B A ( )6.A.they Bit Cthem D.this ( )7.A.of Boff Cin D.on


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