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1、Unit 2 Unit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offerEnquiry, Offer and Counter-offer 询盘,报盘和还盘询盘,报盘和还盘 BUSINESS LETTERS 商务函电 大连理工大学电子音像出版社大连理工大学出版社0introduction1Lesson 4 General Enquiry 2Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry 3Lesson 6 Firm Offer 4Lesson 7 Counter-offerUnit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer询盘,报盘和还盘 5S

2、umup背景介绍询盘是商务洽谈中真正的第一步。往往由买方做出做出 ,向卖方询问具体商品的信息,如价格、规格等基本交 易条件,也可以只是打听对方最新价格及目录,但由于 询盘不局限于买方向卖方询盘,因此,卖方也可写询盘 信,主动询问对方对什么商品感兴趣,交易条件如何; 报盘也称报价,是卖方将某种商品按一定的交易条件, 包括名称、数量、价格、装运、包装、付款方式等向买 方表达成交的愿望。报盘有一个重要内容,就是有无报 盘有效期,据此报盘可分为实盘和虚盘,也称为有效发 盘和无约束力发盘;还盘是在双方为签订合同而进行的 谈判期间,一方对另一方的前一报盘做出的反应。还盘 意味着自动拒绝前一报盘,这个拒绝既

3、可以是全部拒绝 ,也可以是对其中一项或几项不甚满意,提出自己的意 见,交易中将之视为新的报盘。 v 询盘要点:开头:1)说明写信的目的,消息来源和感兴趣的商品。正文:2) 具体说明想了解的商品的有关细节,如商品的目录、价格价格 、 交易条件等;3) 介绍本地对商品的需求情况等;结尾:4) 期望;希望尽快收到报盘。 v 报盘要点:开头:1)感谢对方的询盘;正文:2) 具体介绍商品:名称、质量、数量和规格;3) 进一步介绍商品的价格、优惠条件、贸易术语和装运等;4) 如果是实盘,说明报盘的有效期;结尾:5) 期望;希望报盘能得到对方接受。 v 还盘要点:开头:1) 感谢对方的报盘;正文:2) 全部

4、或部分拒绝对方报盘的态度及原因;3) 向卖方提出建议,说明自己能接受价格、优惠条件等;结尾:4) 期望;希望还盘能得到接受,表达合作的希望等。每封信件的具体内容会有变化,需要根据实际情况加以调整。 0introduction1Lesson 4 General Enquiry 2Lesson 5 Specific Enquiry 3Lesson 6 Firm Offer 4Lesson 7 Counter-offer5SumupUnit 2 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer询盘,报盘和还盘 Lesson 4 General Enquiry 一般询盘 TEXTArm

5、 yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledSpecimen 1 General enquiry Specimen 2 Reply to the Above1.TEXT Lesson 4 General Enquiry 一般询盘 TEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilledTEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilled2.Arm yourself 1. lear

6、n fromthat be given to understandthat 从得知, 获悉 e.g. 从贵方6月21日信中得悉,贵方对我们的盒式磁带录音机感兴趣。We learned from your letter of June 21 that you are interested in our tape recorder.2. for export 供出口的e.g. 获悉你方有一批待出口的纺织产品。We are informed that you have a stock of textile products for export.similar expressions: note t

7、hat , be informed that, get to know that, get information fromthat e.g.从你处10月3日来信获悉这项业务属于你方经营范围。We learn from your telegram of October 7 that the goods lie within the scope of your business. similar expressions: for sale,for shipment e.g. 我们有许多货物待售。 We have a lot of goods for sale.我们已经准备好了待装运的货物。We

8、have already got the goods ready for shipment. 3. illustrated adj. with explanatory or decorative features 有插图的插图的 ,有说明的e.g. 随附的插图商品目录里,有我公司的最新几类产品。There are the latest types of products mentioned in the enclosed illustrated catalogue.n. illustration 插图,说明,说明书v. illustrate 说明4.for your information 消

9、息供你方参考 e.g. 消息供你方参考,最近我方以此条件和日本的出口商成交了一 笔 贸易。For your information, we have recently concluded with a Japanese exporter a transaction on the terms. similar expressions:for your reference; for your consideration e.g. 现寄一些样品供你方参考,并期待你方的试订。We are now sending some samples for your reference and looking f

10、orward to your trial order. e.g. 目前我们对中国的工艺品感兴趣,很向获得你方关于这些产品的 插图目录和报价。At present, we are interested in Chinese arts and crafts, we would appreciate your illustrated catalogues and quotations about these products.产品的包装里都有说明书。There are illustrations in the package of the products. 5. a steady demand 稳

11、定需求e.g. 我方市场对这样的产品有稳定的需求。There is a steady demand for such kind of products in our market.目前对这种商品没有需求。There is no demand for the goods.n. demand 需求sth. has a great demandsth is in great demand e.g. 对中国茶叶的需求很大.Chinese tea is in great demand.Or: There is a great demand for Chinese tea.Demand for Chine

12、se tea is great. 句式:The demand foris rising /going up /growing /increasing /brisk /active /steady /strong/great /large /big/ high /heavy /important.对.的需求上升,增加,活跃The demand foris going down/low/lessening/Soft/declining/down/weak/smalletc.对需求下降,减少 v. demand 要求句式:demand fordemand thatdemand of sb. to d

13、o sth. 6. of high quality 优质的 7. appeal to attract,be attractive or interesting to sb. 吸引,有 吸引力,引起兴趣 e.g. 商品包装应既吸引顾客的钱包又能吸引顾客的眼睛.The package of the goods should appeal to not only the purse but also the eyes. high 可以由good, fine, superior, better取代(反义词:bad, low, inferior, worse) e.g. 我们可供应优质的羊毛。We ca

14、n supply wools of high quality.我们可供应的羊毛质量很好。Wools we supplied are of high quality. * sale n. 销售 trial sale 试销 push sales 推销 expand sales with sb., expand business 与扩大业务 enjoy fast sale畅销 enjoy good sale e.g. 感谢你方在推销我方产品方面所做的努力。Thank you for your efforts in pushing the sale of our products.由于价格合理,质地优

15、良,我们的棉布销售很好。Our Cotton enjoys fast sales for reasonable price and fine quality.我们商品在你方市场上很畅销。Our goods are enjoying fast sale in your market. e.g. 相信我们的新产品对贵方市场具有吸引力。We trust our new products will appeal to your market.这种产品的靓丽色彩吸引了我。 The bright color of the goods appeals to me. 8.discount n. a reduction on the selling pr



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