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1、本科生毕业设计本科生毕业设计( (论文论文) )题题 目目: :Java 企业笔试题自测系统设计与实现The Implement and Design of英文题目英文题目: :Java Enterprise pen questions est System系系 : :专专 业业: :班班 级级: :学学 生生: :学学 号号: :指导教师指导教师: :某某职称职称: :讲师指导教师指导教师: :职称职称: :JavaJava 企业笔试题自测系统的设计与实现企业笔试题自测系统的设计与实现摘 要高新科技和计算机的飞速发展,给人们带来了更多的便利。电脑普及时代即将到来,网络技术也在逐渐完善,人们的

2、生活已经开始发生重要的变革。信息时代对人才素质的结构提出了更新,更高的要求,开展企业笔试题自测方式是教育面临信息时代的必然选择。基于教育自测需求的增加,本文设计并实现了一套 JAVA 企业笔试题自测系统。本系统实现了系统管理、课程管理、题库管理、学生管理、试卷管理、老师管理等基本功能。同时,本系统有三种登录权限,分别是管理员,考生和老师。系统采用 B/S 开发模式,以 My Ecipse 作为开发平台,结合JSP、JavaScript、Html 等语言,以 Tomcat 为服务器和 SQL Server 2000 为后台数据库。整个系统层次结构简单,操作容易,并具备一定的安全性。考生借助此系统

3、,可以随时随地的进行课程测试,同样,老师使用该系统能更高效、便捷的组织在线考试关键字关键字:自测;JAVA 企业笔试;JSP;My EclipseThe Implement and Design of records management system Java Enterprise pen questionsest SystemAbstractHigh technology and rapid development of computers, to bring more convenience. Coming era of widespread use of computers and n

4、etwork technology has gradually improved the lives of people already undergoing important changes. Information age, the structure of the quality of talent made newer and higher requirements, conduct business document questions facing education in self-test approach is an inevitable choice for the in

5、formation age. Based on increased demand for education in self-test, the paper design and implement a corporate document JAVA Test System Test. This system enables system management, curriculum management, exam management, student management, paper management, teacher management, and other basic fun

6、ctions. At the same time, the system has three registry permissions are administrators, candidates and teachers. System uses the B / S development models to My Ecipse as a development platform, combined with JSP, JavaScript, Html and other languages to Tomcat as the server and the SQL Server 2000 da

7、tabase for the background. Hierarchy of the whole system is simple, easy, and have a certain security. With this system, candidates can be tested anywhere in the curriculum, the same teacher using the system more efficient and convenient organization of online examination Keywords: self; JAVA busine

8、ss written; JSP; My Eclipse 目录引 言.11 概述.21.1选题背景.21.2国内外研究现状 .21.3 本课题研究的意义.21.4 系统开发方法 .31.5 系统开发工具 .31.5.1 技术简介.31.5.2 JSP 工作原理.41.5.3 JSP 体系结构.41.5.4 JSP 的特点.41.5.5 SQLSERVER 2000 数据库.51.5.6 系统数据库连接.61.5.7 BS 模式与C/S 模式的比较分析.112 需求分析.142.1 可行性分析.142.2 系统需要解决的主要问题 .142.3 系统应该具备的基本功能.143 系统总体设计.163.1 基本简介.163.2 运行环境.163.3 系统结构图.163.4 详细设计.183.4.1 用户个人信息设计.183.4.2 数据库中表的设计.184 系统界面展示.204.1


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