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1、1高中英语人教版必修一教学设计:高中英语人教版必修一教学设计:UnitUnit 3 3 TravelTravel JournalJournal LanguageLanguage pointspointsTeaching contentTeaching goals一 Knowledge goals1.Important1.Important wordswords andand phrases:phrases:stubborn, determined, persuade, cycle, waterfall, valley, rapids, plain, glacier, canyon 2.Impo

2、rtant2.Important sentencessentences:Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.She gave me a determined look the kind that said that she would not change her mind.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.We were both surpri

3、sed to learn that half of the river is in China.二 Ability goalsEnable the Ss to learn some important patterns.三 Emotional goals Enable the Ss to find the importance of Travel Journal.Teaching difficult and important points. Teaching methodsLearn the language points through situations given and pract

4、ice,cooperative learning and speaking2Class-exerciseLanguage points1. insist vt to declare that a purpose can not be changed. In this case the clause is often used in the so-called subjunctive mood to express ones strong suggestion. The verb is often used in the form of “should + do” or “do”.e.g. I

5、insisted that he should come with us.The teacher insisted that a meeting be held immediately.2. In the sentence “ the Kind “ means “ the kind of the face”3. dream about to see in a dreame.g. The soldier often dreamt about home.4. It was my sister who had the idea This is an emphatic drill. Its patte

6、rn drill goes like this: It is / was + the emphatic part + that/ who + clause.e.g. It is light that travels faster than sound.It was the headmaster who gave us a talk on how to learn a foreign language well.5. persuade vt to cause sb by reasoning (to do sth )e.g. The doctor has persuaded him to give

7、 up smoking.6. cycle vi to ride a bike7. stubborn adj difficult to deal with; not easily giving way to persuasione.g. The girl is so stubborn that nobody can persuade her to change her mind.8. properly adv in a suitable manner9. care about be interested or be concerned 310. It makes wide bends or me

8、anders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows. In the sentence, make means become.11. once conj. even for one time, as soon ase.g. Once yo u understand this rule you will have no further difficulty.Once you show any fear the dog will attack you.12. give in to surrendere.g. Liu Hulan woul

9、d rather die than give in.Step Seven: ComprehendingGet the Ss to do the exercises in this part.Step Eight: ConsolidationListen to the text again to appreciate it.Translation:一根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词 的正确形式。 1. He is planning his work _ (进度表) for the following week. 2. They took many pictures of the _ (瀑布) yesterday. 3. What is the _ (海拔) of this mountain?4. I think you dont know your own s_. In fact, no one is perfect. 5. He is so s_ that nobody can change his mind. 6. Do you know where the s_ of the Changjiang River is?教学反思


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