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1、 Unit 1Have you ever been to an amusement park?Section B (3a-4)话题功能词汇语法Unit 1Fun places单元知识树Talk about past experiencesWords: neither, populationPhrases: end up, have a great time句型Have you ever been to ? Yes, I have./ No, I havent.现在完成时1.Words: attendant; flight attendant; discover; requirement; gu

2、ide 2.Phrases:the best way to do; become/be a flight attendant; change your life; the most important ; requirement; a tour guide; such as improve my English; take lessons; think about doing; rather than 3.Sentences: 强调句It was because I could speak English that I got the job.等Studying AimsListen, and

3、 answer the following questions.uWhat does Mei Shan do? uWhat kind of job does David want?3auShe is a flight attendant. uHe wants to be a tour guide.1.What does Mei Shan do? 2. How long has she had the job?3.Why did she want the job?4.How long did she study English?3aRead article 1. and find the ans

4、wers to 2-4 questions.1.She is a flight attendant.2. For two years.3.Because she traveled all over the world.4.For 5 years.5.What kind of job does David want? 6.Has he ever been to an English-speaking country? 7.How long has he been studying at school? 8.What other job is he thinking of doing?3aRead

5、 article 2. and find the answers to 6-8 questions.5.He wants to be a tour guide. 6.Yes, he have.7.For a year.8.An English teacher.干 最好的方法;是要成为空中服务员;最重要的要求;导游; 比如;提高我的英语; 上课; 胜于Read and find out the phrases and sentences.1.the best way to do; 2.be to become a flight attendant 3.the most important req

6、uirement 4.a tour guide 5.such as 6.improve my English 7.take lessons 8.rather than1.Heres _two of our students_ _our school. 2.When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that _this was_a flight attendant.what said aboutthe best way to do to become3._ When I leave sch

7、ool Ill _ _an English teacher_a tour guide 4.I_that _ _ was to speak English wellMaybebecoming rather thanthink aboutdiscoveredthe most important requirement强调句型主要强调主语、宾语、状语等 结构:It is/ was + 强调部分+ that+ e.g. The police caught the thief last night. It is the police that/who caught the thief last nigh

8、t. It is the thief that the police caught last night. It is last night that the police caught the thief.来到山顶语言学校并改变你的生活这是我们的两名学生关于我们学校所 说的话。当我还是个小孩的时候,我曾想要做 的事便是旅游,并且我决定其最好的办 法就是成为一名空姐。现在我做空姐两 年了。它真是一份很有趣的工作,因为 我逐渐做到周游世界了。我发现这期间 最重要的要求就是说一口流利的英语,所以在我成为空姐之前我在山顶语言学 校学习了五年英语。就是因为我能讲英 语我才得到了这份工作。谢谢你,山顶

9、语言学校! (梅珊)我想做一名导游。事实上,这是我梦 寐以求的愿望。我想要去旅游,特别是 去讲英语的国家旅游,比如美国和澳大 利亚。可是,我知道我不得不提高我的 英语水平。所以我开始在山顶语言学校上课了。山顶语言学校真的帮助了我学 习英语。现在,我在这儿学习了一年之 久了,而且我真的很喜欢这个学校。或 许当我毕业时我会考虑当一名英语教师, 而不是一个导游。(大卫 冯)Task Write and report3b and 3cWrite an article about yourself for the school magazine. Write about:The kind of job

10、you want How long you have been studying English Why you started studying English What you like best about studying Englishattendant; flight attendant; discover; requirement; guidethe best way to do; become/be a flight attendant; change your life; the most important ; requirement; a tour guide; for

11、example/such us improve my English take lessons; think about doing rather than1.Heres _two of our students _ _our school. 2.When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. 3.I_that _ _was to speak English well

12、4._/_I could speak English _I got the job. 5. _ When I leave school Ill _ _an English teacher_a tour guidewhat saidaboutdiscoveredthe most important requirementIt wasbecause thatMayberather thanthink about becoming预习第5课时 方法要求同前Unit 1Have you ever been to an amusement park?Revision话题功能词汇语法Unit 1Fun p

13、laces单元知识树Talk about past experiencesWords: neither, populationPhrases: end up, have a great time句型Have you ever been to ? Yes, I have./ No, I havent.现在完成时1.掌握本单元的单词、短语; 2. 掌握下列句子 My English writing is good, but I need to improve my listening skills. I dont understand. Could you explain that again,

14、please? Thats a special cinema. It only shows foreign films. Have you decided what you want to do after school? You can rent bicycles at the amusement park.Studying AimsA: Have you ever been to? B: A: When did/will you go there? B: A: How did/will you go there B: A: What do you think of? B:默写n.: 主题

15、甲板, 路线, 岛/岛屿 服务员 导游 电影 假日/期 节日, 狐狸 环境娱乐/消遣, 人物/角色, 有吸力的人物 巡游/巡航, 要求/必要条件 四分之一/一刻 人口 黄昏/黑暗 白天/日间 类型/种类 迪斯尼乐园温度 赤道 春天 秋天 季节 类型/种类 迪斯尼园v: 觉/发现, 害怕 醒来 adv: 特别conj: 无论何时 Adv/adj/pron. 二者都不adj: 极好的 卓越的 印度的/印 度人的, 自然的/自 然界的, 醒着的n: 东南 adj. 东南的Phrases: 玩得愉快 过山车, 在甲板上, 结束; 结果为 交换生, 空中服务员 四分之三, 睡醒/醒来, 一年到头点拨have/has been to


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