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1、 編號 No._ 小學入學申請表 Application Form for Primary Admission 甲部: 申請人資料 Part A:Applicants Particulars 入學年度 Admission Year 20 _ - 20 _ 投考級別 Level Applied 小一(P1) 小二(P2) 小三(P3) 小四(P4) 小五(P5) 小六(P6) 中文姓名 Name in Chinese 英文姓名 Name in English 性別 Sex 正面半身近照 Recent Photo 出生日期 Date of Birth _ D (日)_ M (月)_ Y (年) 出

2、生地點 Place of Birth 國籍 Nationality 出生證明書號碼 / 身份證號碼 / 其他 Birth Certificate No. / I.D. No. / Others 宗教 Religion 住宅地址 Home Address 中文 Chinese 英文 English 通訊地址(如與上述不同) Correspondence Address (if different from above) 中文 Chinese 住宅電話 Telephone 英文 English 以前就讀學校名稱 Name(s) of Previous School(s) 就讀期間 Duration

3、 班級 Class 至 to 至 to 至 to 曾參與的課外活動(請附有關證明文件副本)Extracurricular activities (Please attach photocopies) 曾獲獎項(請附有關證明文件副本) Awards obtained (Please attach photocopies) 乙部: 家長 / 監護人資料 Part B:Parents / Guardians Particulars 姓名 N學 歷 Adi職業 Oi公司名稱 Nf職位 Pi i聯絡電話 T lh父親 Father 中文 Chinese Day(日間) 英文 English Mobile

4、(手提)母親 Mother 中文 Chinese Day(日間) 英文 English Mobile(手提)監護人 Guardian 中文 Chinese 與學生關係 Relationship with the studentDay(日間) 英文 English Mobile(手提)丙部:其他資料 Part C: Other Information 父母是否曾在本校就讀? Have the applicants parents studied in this school? 父 Father 否 No 是 Yes (若是,請說明畢業/就讀年份_) (If yes, please state t

5、he year:_) 母 Mother 否 No 是 Yes (若是,請說明畢業/就讀年份_) (If yes, please state the year:_) 申請人兄弟姊妹或親友是否曾在本校就讀? 否 No 是 Yes (若是,請填下表) Have the applicants brothers / sisters / relatives studied in this school? (If yes, please complete the form below) 姓名 Name 班別 Class 就讀期間 Duration 與申請人之關係 Relationship至 to 至 to

6、至 to 丁部:從何處得悉本校資料 Part D: Source of information on the school 請在合適的答案前加 ( ) Please tick the appropriate answer in the boxes provided. 教育局介紹 Recommended by the Education Bureau 親友 Relatives / friends 學校推介會 School promotions 學校廣告 School advertisements 學校網頁 School website 其他 Other(s): 本人謹聲明為上述申請人的家長/監護

7、人。本人已明白此表格所提供個人資料的用途,和查閱及更正資料的權利。本人 並聲明此表格內的資料全屬正確無訛。 本人謹聲明為上述申請人的家長/監護人。本人已明白此表格所提供個人資料的用途,和查閱及更正資料的權利。本人 並聲明此表格內的資料全屬正確無訛。 I declare that I am the parent / guardian of the aforementioned applicant. I understand the means which the personal data contained in this form will be used, as well as my ri

8、ghts for data access / correction as printed below. I also declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information contained in this form is true and correct. 申請人家長 / 監護人簽署:_ 日期:_ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date 填表須知 Notes On Completing The Application Form 1. 填寫申請表時,中英文姓名必須與出生證明書或身份證明

9、文件相同。 Both Chinese and English names of the applicant on the application form must be the same as in the Birth Certificate or other supporting documents. 2. 交回填妥之申請表時,一併繳交申請人出生證明書及最近兩年成績表副本乙份。 The completed application form should be submitted together with the photocopies of the applicants Birth Ce

10、rtificate or other supporting documents and the latest two years school examination results. 3. 申請表上應貼有 4 cm 5 cm 光面正面半身相片一張。 Attach a 4 cm x 5 cm full face photograph of the applicant to the application form. 4. 繳交報名費港幣30元正,一經報名,槪不退回。 (現金或支票均可,支票抬頭漢華中學校董會有限公司 ) 。 All applicants are required to pay

11、a non-refundable application fee for admission of HK$30 (either by cash or cheque made payable to “Hon Wah College Management Committee Limited”). 5. 你必須在此表格提供所需的個人資料。倘若所提供的資料或文件不充足,本校可能無法辦理有關申請。 Provision of personal data by means of this form is obligatory. Incomplete application will not be proce

12、ssed. 6. 面試時請出示有關文件正本核實。 Original copies of the documents concerned need to be submitted for inspection during the interview. 7. 面試時間及地點另行通知。 Time and place for interview will be announced at a later date. 8. 學校將以書面通知成功獲得取錄的申請人。 Successful applicants will be notified by the School in writing. 9. 如所提

13、交之學生資料,發現虛報及偽造者,本校將取消申請人之申請。 False information will result in cancellation of the application. 10. 填妥之申請表請親自遞交或郵寄到香港小西灣富欣道3號 漢華中學。 Completed application form can be handed in person or mailed to Hon Wah College, 3 Harmony Road, Siu Sai Wan, Hong Kong. 11. 你在此表格所提供的個人資料,可能用於學位分配事宜或其他與教育有關的用途,及向其他政府部門

14、或你的子女 所轉讀的學校披露。 The personal data provided by means of this form will be used for school places allocation or other education-related purposes, and may also be disclosed to other Government departments or the school to which your child is allocated / transferred. 12. 根據個人資料(私隱)條例的規定,你有權更改或查詢所提供的個人資料

15、。 According to clauses stipulated in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to access and amend personal data provided in the application form. 13. 查閱或改正個人資料,應以書面提交並寄往香港小西灣富欣道3號 漢華中學。 Correction and amendment of personal data should be made in writing and sent to Hon Wah College, 3 Harmony Road, Siu Sai Wan, H


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