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1、 中 文 摘 要 文化属于社会意识的范畴, 对于文化的研究似乎早在古希腊的先哲们进行关于世界是唯心还是唯物的争论中便已开始了。事实上,文化开始成为文化学家、考古学家、人类学家的研究对象是在 19 世纪后期受到达尔文进化论学说的影响后开始的。19 世纪下半叶到 20 世纪初,曾涌现出一大批著名的文化人类学家,他们对文化现象所做的描述和阐释至今还深刻地影响着文化学和文化哲学的研究。对于世界文化的生成和世界范围内的文化的整合,马克思和恩格斯早在共产党宣言 中论述资产阶级开辟世界市场并最终导致世界经济一体化和文化的全球化时已经提及。然而,将文化有形化,作为一种社会发展力量的“软实力”放在综合国力中来考

2、察认识,要属美国哈佛大学教授约瑟夫奈为真正的提出者。约瑟夫 奈是国际关系理论中新自由主义学派的代表人物, 以最早提出 “软实力”(Soft Power)概念而闻名。2009 年 1 月,在美国新一届的奥巴马政府中,约瑟夫奈被提名为美国驻日本大使,他的在“软实力”概念的基础上推出的新概念“巧实力”(Smart Power)也成为了奥巴马政府外交战略的核心。 在我国,文化哲学成为哲学界最有影响的研究领域之一是在 20 世纪 80、90年代。20 世纪西方发达工业社会的发展带动文化发展,文化哲学在世界范围内随即兴起,这在中国更多体现在中国社会发展的社会转型期特别是改革开放时期。随着中国改革开放的逐步

3、深入,综合国力得到加强,特别是在物质生产领域表现出了中国强大的经济发展动力即相对于本文所提及的 “软实力” 的 “硬实力” ,由此“文化软实力”的理论研究应运而生。党的十七大报告中提出了“文化软实力”这一概念,这说明“提高文化软实力”被提升到了国家战略的高度。 本文以这些理论研究成果为前提,运用文献分析法、演绎法和历史对比分析的方法,从马克思主义唯物史观的理论基础出发,从文化之于社会环境和社会主体的意义和影响,对“文化软实力”和“构建和谐社会”的关系作了理论层面和实践层面的认识和研究, 并力求能够全面科学的把握提升文化软实力之于构建和谐社会和构建和谐社会推动提升文化软实力二者的重要内涵和相互意

4、义。 文章由引言、正文、结语三部分组成,引言简要介绍了文章的写作目的和研究内容及研究意义。正文分为三章,第一章介绍文化和文化软实力的唯物史观特质,具体阐述了文化和文化软实力的唯物史观内涵以及文化的功能和文化建设的规律性。 第二章介绍了提升文化软实力对构建和谐社会的积极作用,分别从社会环境、社会主体、 社会主体与自然环境等几个方面强调构建文化结构提高文化软实力的重要意义。第三章介绍了提升文化软实力和构建和谐社会的相互意义,一方面,提升文化软实力有助于构建和谐社会;另一方面,构建和谐社会引导并推动着文化软实力的提升。最后结语部分回归主题,再次重申构建和谐社会提升文化软实力的重要性,同时强调,关键要

5、落实在构建和谐社会的伟大实践中。 关键词:文化软实力;和谐社会;关系 ABSTRACT Culture belongs to social consciousness, and the ancient Greek transcendents seem to have early begun the study in the argument whether the world is materialistic or idealistic. Actually, it was not until the late 19th century it was affected by the Evolut

6、ion Theory of Darwin that culture began to become the research object of culture experts, archaeologists and anthropologists. From the late 19th century till the early 20th century, a large number of outstanding culture and anthropologists were pouring out, whose description and explanation of cultu

7、re still have great effects on the study of the culture science and the philosophy. As for the production and the integration of the world culture, in the Communist Manifesto, Marks and Engels have mentioned it, when they argued that the Bourgeoisie would open the world market and lead to the cultur

8、al globalization and the economic integration. However, it was Joseph Nye, the professor from Harvard University who put forward the theory that culture should be concretized to be acknowledged in overall national strength as a soft power of social development. Joseph Nye, known for his Soft Power C

9、oncept, is the Neo-liberalism representative of International relationship. Joseph Nye was nominated as an American ambassador in Japan in the new Obama government, and his new concept - Smart Power based on soft power has become the foreign strategy core of the government. In China, cultural philos

10、ophy became the most influential research field in the 1980s and 90s. As the cultural development was pushed forward by the developed industrial society in the west in 20th century, it boomed in the world. This was incarnated in the transition period of the society, especially in the reform and open

11、 times. With the reform and opening deepening gradually, the overall national strength is increased. Especially in the production China has showed the powerful propulsion for the economy development- the solid power relative to soft power mentioned in the paper, and the theory cultural soft power wa

12、s born. The cultural soft power came up in the report to the 17th National Congress, which proves that the promotion of the cultural soft power has been regarded as the national developing tragedy. According to the basic concept of Marxism historical materialism, the paper uses the theory above and

13、the methods of documentary analysis, deduction and historical comparison and illustration to theoretically and practically understand and research the relationship between the cultural soft power and the construction of harmonious society as well as the cultural sense and influence on social environ

14、ment and the main body. Whats more, the paper tries to overall and scientifically master the important connotation and mutual sense between the promotion of cultural soft power and the construction of harmonious society. The paper consists of introduction, main body and conclusion. The introduction

15、talks about the purpose, the content and the research significance. The main body includes three chapters. The first chapter introduces the historical materialism features of culture and the cultural soft power; besides, it expounds the cultural functions and the regularity of the cultural construct

16、ion. The second chapter deals with the promotion of cultural soft power plays an optimistic role in the construction of harmonious society, emphasizing the great significance from the following aspects: natural environment, social environment, social subject and social object. The third chapter introduces the mutual sense of the promotion of cultural soft power and the construction of harmonious society. On the one hand, the promotion of cultural soft power contributes to th


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