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1、我刚刚吃了你的食物,因为我很饿。I have just eaten your food, because I was very hungry.由于天气恶劣,我们不得不打的去那儿。We have to go there by taxi because of the bad weather.We had to take a taxi to go there since the bad weather.乘地铁四处环游既便捷又快速。Its easy and fast to go around by metro/underground.这个城市没有变,我过去常来这过暑假。The city hasnt c

2、hanged, and I used to spend summer holiday here.他们已经等了你很长时间了。Theyve been waiting for you for a long timeThey have waited for you for a long time.我们应该尽早地采取行动来改善环境We should take action to improve the environment as soon as possible.自我父母结婚以来,我们一家人就住在苏州了。Our family has lived in Suzhou since my parents g

3、ot married.我们学校这几年已经发生了很大的变化Our school has already changed a lot over the years.Great changes have taken place in our school these years.There have been many changes in our school.把垃圾扔进河里是不对的Its not right to put the rubbish into the river.It is wrong to throw rubbish into the river.政府将这个工厂变成了一个公园The

4、 government has turned the factory into a park.你们搬过家吗?在 1965 年我们搬远了两个街区。Have you ever moved house? In 1965, we moved two blocks away.那个老农一辈子都住在山上吗?Has the old farmer lived in the mountain all his life?我们很难像以前那样经常一起下象棋了。 It has become impossible for us to play Chinese chess together as often as befor

5、e.Its difficult for us to play Chinese chess together as often as before.在某种程度上,我们的生活正变得越来越好。In some way, our lives are getting/becoming better and better.我们过去常常在校门口见面。We used to see each other/meet at the school gate.能看到小镇的这些令人惊叹的变化是很好的。Its nice to see the amazing changes in the small town.他不时地会想念他

6、的老同学He misses his old classmates from time to time.苏州已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。Suzhou has changed a lot already.Great changes have taken place in Suzhou.There have been many changes in Suzhou.我爷爷一生都在这个鞋厂工作。My grandpa has worked in the shoe factory all his life.你曾经听说过这个男人吗? Have you ever heard of (? about) the ma

7、n?我以前从来没有听说过他。I have never heard of (? about) him before.这部电影讲述的是关于北京上个世纪的变化。The film is about the changes in Beijing over the past century.从早上九点起,我还没有吃过任何东西。I havent eaten anything from 9 a.m.I havent eaten anything since nine o clock in the morning.这部电影我已经看过许多次了。I have seen the film so many times.

8、我们已经几年没有见到雪了。We havent see snow for years.当地的人们过去住在又小又旧的房子里,但现在已经搬进了新公寓。Local people used to live in small and old houses, but now, they have moved into new flats.快速适应生活的变化并不容易。Its not easy to get/be used to the changes of life quickly.携带一张地图会使国外旅游更加的简便。Travel abroad with a map is much easier.Carryi

9、ng a map makes it easier to travel abroad.Taking a map will make it much easier to travel abroad.这些年农民的生活条件已经改变了很多。The farmers living conditions have changed a lot over the years.The living conditions of farmers have changed a lot over the years.你们经常彼此通过邮件保持联系吗?Do you often keep in touch with each o

10、ther by email?你曾经徒步环游过整个城市吗?Have you ever traveled around the city on foot?我不敢相信你已经拥有这辆小汽车三年了。I cant believe you have owned the car for three years.人们正过着舒适的生活。People are enjoying/living a comfortable life.在这个地方有开阔的空地真不错。Its really nice to have open spaces in the area/place.街道宽阔干净,两边绿树成荫。The streets

11、are wide and clean, with many green trees on both sides.你妻子在那家鞋厂已经工作几年了?How many years has your wife worked in that shoe factory?How long has your wife been working in that shoe factory?你爸爸从美国回来了吗?Has your father come back/returned from the USA ?这是我曾读过的最激动人心的书了。It is the most exciting book I have ev

12、er read.因为独居,他不时地会感到孤独。He feels lonely from time to time because of living alone.From time to time he felt lonely because he lived alone.他们不能像以前一样经常见到他们的老朋友了。They cant see their old friends as often as before.他们已经采取行动阻止这些工厂向河里倾倒废物。They have taken action to stop the factories from putting the waste i

13、nto the river.记得毕业后要与你的老师和同学们保持联系。Remember to keep in touch with your teachers and classmates after you leave school. 我三个月没有收到他的信了。? I havent received his letter for 3 months.I havent heard from him for three months.在某些方面,火星上的生活未必会好过地球上的生活。In some ways, life on Mars may not be better than life on ea

14、rth. 对她来说,像以前那样经常与她父母见面就难了。Its difficult for her to see her parents as often as before.这几年苏州发生了很大的变化。Suzhou has changed a lot over the years.Great changes have taken place in Suzhou in recent years我认为他的梦想无法实现。I dont think his dream will come true.I dont think he can realize his dream.我以前去过那儿。I have

15、been there before.你计划去哪里过寒假啊?Where do you plan to spend your winter holiday?我们已经为旅行准备好所有的东西了Weve got everything ready for the trip/travelling.这本书没有什么特点的地方。Theres nothing special about the book. / not any这个小女孩儿出自于他写的故事。The little girl comes from the story by him.The little girl came from the story he

16、 wrote.我们在看猫和老鼠 Tom and 杰瑞时忍不住一直大笑。We couldnt stop laughing when (we were)watching Tom and Jerry.We couldnt help laughing when we watched Tom and Jerry.过山车正以高速行驶着。The roller coaster is moving/running at high speed.在路的尽头,你将会找到动物园。At the end of the road, you will find the road.我们急忙赶到饭店,匆忙地吃了一顿饭。We hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal.整个乘车过程中他都在睡觉。He was sleeping through the whole ride.He slept during/throu


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