【2014年备考】2013版高中英语全程复习课件:必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games(人教版)

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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games 奥运会. 单词盘单词盘 点根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇 1. _(adj. ) 古代的;古老的2. _(n. ) 志愿者;志愿兵 (adj. ) 志愿的;义务义务 的(vt. 要价charge sb. with sth. /doing sth. 指控,起诉诉,指责责(2)free of charge 免费费in charge of 主管,负责负责in the charge of 由负责负责 /掌管take charge of 主管,负责负责Do you think museums should charge for admission

2、? 你认为认为 博物馆应该馆应该 收入场费吗场费吗 ?The company is when the boss is away. 当老板不在时时由汤汤姆负责负责 公司业务业务 。in the charge of Tomin Toms chargeHe _ _ _ murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀谋杀 罪。He _ _ _ the farm after his fathers death. 父亲亲去世后他掌管了农场农场 。was charged withtook charge of4. bargain vi. 讨讨价还还价;讲讲条件n. 便宜货货(1)bargain with sb. about

3、/over/for sth. 和某人就某事讨讨价还还价(2)make a bargain with sb. 和某人达成协议协议a good bargain 一笔划算的交易;一件便宜的货货物a real bargain 真正的便宜货货a bad bargain 一笔不合算的交易;吃亏的生意I bargained with the taxi driver about the price. 我与出租车车司机讲讲价。He and his partner have made a bargain to help each other. 他和他的合伙人已达成协议协议 ,要相互帮助。In my opinion

4、,the car was _ _ _at that price. 依我看来,那辆车辆车 的价格真便宜。a real bargain5. deserve vi. & vt. 应应受(报报答或惩罚惩罚 );值值得(1)deserve to do 应该应该(2)deserve doing/to be done 应应受;值值得(3)deserve consideration/attention 值值得考虑虑/关注The article deserves careful study. 这这篇文章值值得仔细细研究。 He deserves to be punished for what he did. (

5、句型转换转换 )He deserves _ for what he did. punishing/punishment【点津】deserve后接动动名词词的主动动形式表示被动动意义义,相当于不定式的被动动形式;有同样样用法的动词还动词还 有:need, want, require。 6. take part in参加;参与(活动动,比赛赛)How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games? 有多少国家参加了上届奥运会?When he was young,he took an active part in political activ

6、ities. 他年轻时轻时 ,积积极参加各种政治活动动。【辨析】理解下列区别别并选词选词 填空take part in join join injoin sb. in doing sth.attend指参加群众性的活动动、会议议等并在其中发挥发挥 作用。take an active part in 积极参加。指加入党派、组织组织 、团团体,成为为其中一员员。指参加一些大规规模活动动,如球赛赛、游戏戏等。指和某人一起做某事,join的宾语宾语 可以是人,也可以是组织组织 、团团体。多指参加大型的集会活动动,如会议议、婚礼、典礼、报报告、上学等,而且还还有“照顾顾、照料”之意。_ social p

7、ractice is becoming popular among students. When did your father _ the social club? You may _ us _ playing badminton every morning. All the children _ wishing me a happy birthday. I had no mood to _ class today. Taking part injoinjoininjoined inattend7. stand for代表;象征;表示;主张张;支持The sign X stands for

8、an unknown number. 符号X表示一个未知数。Her mother stands for the kind treatment of all children. 她的妈妈妈妈 主张对张对 待所有的孩子都要慈爱爱。【拓展】补补全下列“stand+prep. /adv. ”短语语stand _ 袖手旁观观stand _ sb. 支持某人stand _ 显显眼;突出stand _ 站起;站立bybyoutup【熟词词生义义】根据语语境选择选择 最佳汉语汉语 意思There was a hamburger stand at the entrance to the station. A.

9、站立 B. 小摊摊 C. 矗立答案:B8. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 国与国之间间争取奥运会举办权举办权 的竞竞争,就跟争夺夺奥运奖奖牌一样样激烈。此句基本结结构:as much+不可数名词词+as. . . ,意为为“和(程度上)是一样样的”。(1)as much +不可数名词词/a(an)+单单数名词词+as. . . 和(程度上)是一样样的(much表示程度)(2)as much+不可数名词词+as. . . 和一样样多(much表数量

10、)as many+复数名词词+as. . . 和一样样多(many表示可数名词词数量)(3)否定式:not so much . . . as . . . 与其说说是不如说说是(4)表达倍数:X times as. . . as. . . (“两倍”用twice或double)(5)as much as. . . 和一样样多(可表程度和不可数概念的数量)as many as. . . 和一样样多,多达(表示可数名词词的数量)它们们同属as . . . as . . . 同级级比较较句型的变变式。It is as much your responsibility as mine. 这这件事你和我一

11、样样都有责责任。It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as a science. 一般认为认为 ,教学既是一门艺术门艺术 ,也是一门门科学。He is not so much an actor as a TV host. 与其说说他是演员员,不如说说他是电视节电视节 目主持人。She spends _ _ _money on clothing _ I (do). 她花在衣服上的钱钱是我花的两倍。I spent as many as 100 dollars today. (改错错)答案:manymuch (表示金钱的多少

12、应用much)twice as muchas(1)not only. . . but (also)不但而且(2)as well及as well as的辨析(3)replace的用法1. Bob is ill today. Who can _ him in our football match? A. replace B. take placeC. instead of D. in the place of【解析】选A。按照句意此处有“代替”之意并且需要动词作谓语,replace=take the place of,instead of是介词短语,不能作谓语。2. You seemed to b

13、e deeply struck by his skill. Not exactly. It was his courage _ his skill that really struck me most. A. as well B. as well asC. but also D. not as【解析】选B。此处应使用一并列连词连接courage和his skill两个名词,而as well as可用作并列连词表示“和,不但而且”等意思。as well为副词,不起连接作用。此句中It was. . . that. . . 为强调结构,强调了“his courage as well as his skill”。3. The boy said _ couldnt he work out the problem but his teacher didnt know how to do it. A. though B. neverC. hardly D. not only【解析】选D。句意:这个男孩说不但他解不出这个问题,就连他的老师也不知道如何做。not only. . . but(also)句型中,not only提前句子倒装。



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