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1、1高级英语练习题SECTION Multiple-choice Questions UNIT 1 1. The poor girl had much too high _A_ of her own charms to suspect that the Count could be unfaithful to them A. an opinionB. a viewC. a sentimentD. an idea 2. Most storms occur between August and October, and early September is the riskiest period f

2、or _C_ storms. A. chiefB. mainC. majorD. dominant 3. The slight change of weather can _B_ her delicate health. A. influenceB. affectC. swayD. impact 4. Rawdon Crawley had already fought three bloody duels, in which he gave ample _D_ of his contempt for death. A. evidencesB. testimoniesC. attestation

3、sD. proofs 5. After some very trifling stupid _D_, she ventured to ask whether it was true that he was going away. A. speechB. conversationC. discourseD. talk 6. The long prison galleries were full of life and _A_ grave bustle. A. a sortB. kindC. a typeD. a category 7. Those who knew her ladyship ar

4、e _C_ that she was a person quite capable of performing this feat, had she not wisely kept out of the way. A. cognizantB. consciousC. awareD. sensible 8. “Human capital” is used primarily to _B_ human beings whose only purpose is to generate wealth for the upper class elite. A. pictureB. describeC.

5、portrayD. depict 9. My aunt, whose absence was _D_ for three weeks, was heartily welcome to remain away, for we were much merrier and more comfortable without her. A. lengthyB. longC. prolongedD. protracted 10. He had rebelled against his father wickedly, but he had died without even so much as conf

6、essing he was _A_. A. wrongB. incorrectC. mistakenD. erroneous 11. The little hands of the child closed round the soldiers finger_C_ the mother looked up in his face with maternal pleasure.2A. B. , C. , andD. but 12. The poor ladys pang must have been increased when she thought of her rival, _B_ was

7、 a favorite of the whole Court, _ she was neglected. A. she; thereB. who; where C. her rival; at the CourtD. the latter; but 13. _D_ water is their energy source, _ tropical cyclones are seasonal.A. Warm; B. Warm; therefore C. When warm; D. Because warm; 14. The following is a quarrel between a coup

8、le. “The house is filthy with you,” she cried. “Then get out on itits mine. Get out on it!” he shouted. “Its me as brings th money, not thee.” The husband speaks a dialect, which can be seen from the following words except _C_. A. onB. asC. meD. thee 15. The following is a specimen of Black English.

9、 “Wes safe, Huck, wes safe! Jump up and crack yo heels, dats de good ole Cairo at las, I jis knows it!” This variety of English is characterized by the following except its _A_. A. vocabularyB. spellingC. grammar D. pronunciationUNIT 2 1. The thief made a B at the old ladys purse. A. takeB. snatchC.

10、 grasp D. seize 2. You can sterilize a needle by holding it in a _A_. A. flameB. fireC. blazeD. conflagration 3. It has all the A of a good detective story. A. ingredientsB. elementsC. componentsD. constituents 4. Her mind had been _C_ into such a condition as she could not very likely have imagined

11、 possible a few months since. A. taughtB. instructedC. schooledD. educated 5. I do not mean to insult the reader by pretending that I killed, for instance, a regiment of cavalry or swallowed a battery of guns,such _D_ tales would 3disgrace both the hearer and the teller. A. ridiculousB. ludicrousC.

12、laughableD. absurd 6. He would rather die than live in _C_. A. ungracefulness B. discreditC. dishonorD. shame 7. Mrs. Jones had a B husband, who would do anything for her. A. faithfulB. steadfastC. staunchD. loyal 8. “You ask me for Julia, and you do not possess even an anna!”(Here the old rogue _A_

13、 broadly, as if he had made a capital pun.) A. grinnedB. smiledC. beamedD. laughed 9. The colloquial or spoken language is the language for the use of the _C_. A. ignorantB. illiterateC. uneducatedD. unlearned 10. He betrayed no _C_ of discontent, except such as may follow evenings drinking. A. embl

14、emB. symbolC. signD. mark 11. _D_ is such a spitfire. A. His that third brotherB. His third brother of that C. That third his brotherD. That third brother of his 12. Which of the following sentences is the most proper? C A. The poor old fellow died lonely last night. B. The poor old fellow perished

15、lonely last night. C. The poor old fellow kicked the bucket lonely last night. D. The poor old fellow departed lonely last night. 13. In “theyre all more ridiculous than a slapstick comedy” we find the use of a _A_. A. simile B. metaphorC. ironyD. pun 14. Then we shall go to the _D_ _ Duke Street, where we shall _ Mohun; A. theater; in; meetB. theatre; on; meet C. theatre; in; meet withD. theater; on; meet with 15. After I _B_ a letter I took her to a _ _. A. mailed; marvellous; movieB. posted; marvellous; film C. posted; marve


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