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1、1、There are nice guys in my office. Want me to set you up? 我有 几个同事挺不错的,要不要帮你介绍一下? 2、I have been single a long time. Why havent you offered before? 我单身了好一阵子,你以前怎么没提出这个建议? 3、You are a great catch!你棒呆了 4、Moving right along!继续参观! 5、She looks so great,doesnt she?她看起来很漂亮,对吗? 6、Who in the hell are you? 你到底

2、是谁? 7、She is so much fun! 她很有趣! 8、Have you lost your mind? 你疯了吗? 9、I can seduce you。我可以勾引你。 10、 That is not how I operate. 那不是我的作风。 11、 I feel blue!我好沮丧! 12、 Just wonderful!简直太棒了! 13、 Theres absolutely no rush. 一点也不用急。 Dont get mad at me。说出来你别生气。 14、 I am not cry my eyes out. 我没有哭的死去活来啊。 15、 Arent y

3、ou gonna miss me at all? 你都不会想我吗? 16、 Its just a little hard to believe. 我只是有点难以相信。 17、 Whats hard to believe? 难以相信什么? 18、 No harm no foul 我没有恶意,你别在意 19、 What the hell is wrong with you ? 你是哪里有毛病? 20、 But , I am just not interested in you like that.但是我对你没有 兴趣 21、 You are a wonderful human being! 你真是

4、个好人! 22、 You know whats not one-of-a-kind? A twin!什么最不独独一无 二?双胞胎 23、 She was lying to our faces?她当面骗我们? 24、 Plus,she is really sick。加上她真的生病了。 25、 What are you guys doing?你们在干什么? 26、 Colonial times。殖民时期! 27、 Yesteryear 去年 28、 Bastard 私生的;私生子。口语中可做坏蛋。29、 Thats totally understandable.那是完全可以理解的。 30、 I d

5、ont know。Me neither。我也是 31、 You are not allowed to laugh at your joke?你不准你笑你讲 述的笑话。 32、 The reason that I was leaning a little bit more toward Rachel than you is just, you know, youre kind of high maintenance.我 之所以有点倾向瑞秋的原因是因为你有点难搞。 33、 It is kind of embarrassing。有点难为情。 34、 He is the kind youre frie

6、nds with, but not the kind you date.你 会想和他最朋友,但不会想和他约会。 35、 Bookish 书呆子气的。 Bookishness, 书呆子。 36、 Be on a date with sb 和某人约会。 37、 Did you guys hit it off?你们合得来吗? 38、 I cant go with the“you and my sister”thing。我不能接受你 跟我妹交往。 39、 I cant do it。我受不了了。I cant stand it any longer。 40、 This is not about me be

7、ing jealous。不是我嫉妒你。Its about you being a brat, wanting what you cant have.是你任性,想得 到你不能拥有的东西。Excuse me。The only thing I cant have is dairy。很抱歉,我不能吃的东西只有乳制品。 41、 I am a good listener. 我擅于倾听 42、 I was a total jerk。我太混蛋了。Completely over the line。 43、 Boy 天哪 44、 What are you girls whispering about over t

8、here?你们两个女 生在窃窃私语什么? 45、 I was kidding,so was I。 46、 Ross selflessly offered to take me .罗斯就大方的提议要 带我去 47、 You just cant stand anyone else enjoying themselves, can you? 你就是见不得别人开心,对吧? 48、 How is you drinking helping the kids? 你喝酒怎么能帮助儿 童? 49、 The more I drink, the less there is for the kids to drink

9、. 因为我喝的越多,孩子们能喝的就越少? 50、 Id like to make a toast. 我想敬酒。 51、 As a poet once said in the sweetness of friendship, let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures. 正如一位诗人所说,在 友谊的甜蜜里,尽情欢笑,分享快乐吧。 52、 You want me to be your backup. 你想找我当备胎? 53、 Getting over you was the hardest thing I have ever done. 但是 忘记

10、你是我这辈子最难的事情。 54、 The only thing that matters is that you. 唯一重要的是你, 55、 You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. 你让我 得到超乎想象的幸福。 56、 In my defense. 我为自己辩解 57、 What do you think George is like? 你认为他是怎样的人。 58、 What do you think of the guys? 你认为我们的这些小伙伴怎 么样? 59、 What is the big deal about toda

11、y? 今天有什么大不了的? 60、 How are things going? 事情处理的怎样? 61、 Its about your fear of commitment.是你害怕承诺。 62、 This is the worst breakup in the history of the world! 这是有 史以来世上最糟糕的分手。 63、 He need the time to grieve. 他需要时间去疗伤 64、 The statue of liberty. 自由女神 65、 You kind of stole my thunder. 你们抢了我的风头 66、 Are you b

12、ack together? 67、 Will you let me get changed? 你让我换衣服好吗? 68、 I need a small deposit. 我要定金、 69、 I will have to pound on you a little bit. 我会打你。 70、 Its a healthy expression of female sexuality,which ,by the way, is something that you will never understand. 它是女性表达健 康的性感方式,你永远都不会了解的。 71、 You cant put a

13、 price on that. 那可是无价的。 72、 We really do feel bad about this. 我们觉得很抱歉 73、 There is nothing to be ashamed of. 没什么好害羞。74、 I dont think thats what they were talking about. 我想他们不 是在讨论这事 75、 People thinking its huge has led Monica to believe were stealing her thunder, which we arent . 76、 No one was supp

14、osed to see us. 不应该有人看到我们的 77、 Is that why you did it in the secret hallway, where nobody ever goes? 所以你们就在秘密走廊上做,因为没有人会到那儿 去? 78、 I am calling it off 我退出 79、 It really and truly does. 真的可以 80、 I cant believe you didnt tell me there was a suicide note. 你 居然没有告诉我有遗书。 81、 Its pretty much the gist. 差不多

15、就是这个意思。 82、 I am too depressed to talk. 我很沮丧,不想说话。 83、 We have to get it out. Its eating me alive. 我们得说出来,我 快被逼疯了。 84、 I got stung. Stung bad. 我被咬了。咬得很严重。 85、 I got the stage fright. 我怯场了 86、 Uncanny 不可思议的,神秘的 87、 We were on a break。我们当时分手了 88、 I didnt know what I took responsibility for. 我不知道我负的 是什

16、么责。 89、 I have so got it。 我完全知道了 90、 Speaking of volcanoes,说到火山。 91、 How desperate am I。我真是绝望透顶了。 92、 You dont have to stick up for her. 你不必替他说话 93、 She didnt hire me out of pity. 她不是在可怜我。 94、 Its totally unconstitutional. 这根本是违宪。 95、 You havent said anything for about two minutes. 你发了大约 2 分半钟的呆。 96、 Please dont freak out。你别发飙。 97、 Fingernail 指甲 98、 Whoever finds it wins the prize。找的的人可以中大奖99、 And theres no way to know which one. 而且无从找起 100、You b


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