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1、7A 词性转换复习题词性转换复习题1. Jack is from _ (British). But he likes _ food (China). 2. My cousin has given me an _ (invite) of her birthday party. 3. Mary is _ (interest) in computer games. 4. The soldiers raise our _ (nation) flag everyday. 5. He is an _ (office) in SPCA. 6. Mum bought me a _ (love) cat. 7.

2、 We should be _ (care) when we swim. 8. I helped the old man cross the road _ (safe). 9. We call people from the USA _ (America). 10. Shanghai is a very _ (crowd) city. 11. Whats your _(nation)? _ (India). 12. Miss Green is an _ (Australia). 13. That _ (motorcycle) drives so fast. 14. Jack has a _ (

3、break) leg. 15. I have taken many _ in Guilin. (photo)16. You need to clean your room. Its so _ (tidy). 17. There are many places of _ in Beijing for you to visit. (interesting)18. Alice is very _ (excite) when she plays with the dog. 19. It is _ for children to play with fire. (danger)20. The skinn

4、y beggar looks poor and _. (healthy)21. There is a _ (home) dog in the street looking for food. 22. She looked _ (happy) today. Whats wrong?23. Most of the students in the international schools are _. (foreign)24. Come and _ the manager in the _ room. (meet) 25. Leo bought a house in Suzhou last mon

5、th, because there is _ (little) traffic there.26. How_ (sun) our classroom is!27. Jack and Kitty are _ (real) honest students.28. In the past, the _ (high) temperature was over 40C in Shanghai.29. The price of food has _ (fall).30. It was so _ (wind) yesterday. The wind blew my hair.31. Mr. Li is at

6、 the travel _ (agency) office to ask for some information.32. If you go to the Palace Museum, you will see many ancient _ (build).33. The train is _ than the plane. (slow)34. Lucy draws _ than Lily. (well)35. Look, there are a lot of _ (visit) in the Summer Palace.36. We mustnt be _ (kind) to animal

7、s.37. She is a street _ (sweep).38. The girl is _ (care) and she is crossing the street _ (care).39. Hong Kong is a very _ (crowd) city. There are many people from other countries living and working in the _city. (nation) 40. Last week a group of _ visited our school. (Canada)41. I need some new _ (

8、furniture).42. There are two _ in my new flat. (balcony)43. This is your _ time to win the English reading contest this year. (two)44. Jack runs most _ in our class. (quick)45. Tony is five years old, but he can take care of _ (he).46. Mary types letters and answers phones in an office. She is a _.

9、(type)47. The dinner is ready. Please put away your things _ (tidy).48. He is very old, so he doesnt like _ environment. (noise)49. The SPCA _ for animals in many ways. (careful)50. I often see some boys _ (cross) the road when the light is red.51. Mother is _ (luck) enough to get a prize in reading

10、 contest.52. Next time, you should eat _ (little) meat and _ (few) sweets.53. He is my favorite _ (sing).54. Thank you for _ us to visit you. (invitation)55. We are looking forward to _ (see) you. 56. Dont eat too much _ (freeze) food. Its bad for your stomach.57. The factory gets fish from _ (fish)

11、.58. Mercury is the hottest because it is the _ to the sun. (near) 59. Children, please say something about _ (you) first.60. Tokyo is an _ (nation) city.61. More and more people like _ (hike) in spring.62. There are three astronauts in China. All of _ are men. (they) 63. There will be a new superma

12、rket in our _. (neighbour)64. I think this kind of cupboard is _. (use)65. Sallys father works as a _. (manage)66. We will hold a _ (wonder) birthday party for Ben.68. You need _ (much) exercise, or you will get fat.69. Lets finish our homework _ (one).70. The black _ are dancing happily. (puppy)71.

13、 The _ (wood) chair is very comfortable.72. The computer room is on the _ (nine) floor.73. I like to take the _ (air-conditioner) buses in hot weather. 74. It is not _ (surprise) that many people come to visit 75. Many foreign _ (tour) want to know the history of China.76. I am planning the _ (trave

14、l) to Japan in October.77. Tom thinks that Shanghai is _ (wonderful) than any other city in China.78. Toms family lives on the _ (twelve) floor.79. _ (prevent) is more important than cure.80.His name has become a sign of _ (cruel).81. I was so _ (thirst) that I drank up three bottles of water at a time.82. M


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