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1、North Korea is allowing five hours of daily coverage of the London Olympics to be shown on its TV network, a South Korean broadcaster who arranged technical logistics for the North said.The length of coverage is unusual for North Korea, where the regime typically exerts great control over images of

2、foreign countries and events.The broadcasts arent live, however, due to the limited transmission hours of state-run TV, which is off the air at night, when most of the events are happening in London. For the 2010 World Cup, North Korea allowed live coverage of two of the games of its national soccer

3、 team, including a 7-0 mauling by Portugal.The coverage comes as North Koreas athletes have turned in their best Olympic performance since the 1992 Summer Games in Barcelona. Through Wednesday, North Korea had won four gold medals-three in weightlifting and one in womens judo-tying their 1992 record

4、. The country won nine medals overall that year. It now has five in London.In a statement released early Thursday in Seoul, Kim In-kyu, president of Korean Broadcasting System of South Korea, provided details about how the North was using the images.Mr. Kim, in his capacity as chief of the Asia-Paci

5、fic Broadcasting Union, or ABU, said he made technical arrangements for North Koreas access to Olympic coverage. Mr. Kim also said North Korea sent six reporters to the Olympics.Initially, North Koreas state TV spent only 15 minutes each evening showing coverage from London. But the coverage increas

6、ed as the Norths athletes started to win gold medals.On Tuesday, North Koreas state news agency produced a reaction story about the countrys Olympic success. It said in its English dispatch the just-won third Olympic gold medal put the whole country into tumult of joy.It cited quotations, translated

7、 into English, from three North Koreans, including one identified as a teacher at Kim Il Sung University named Jong In Ho who said, I saw with anxiety on TV the DPRK athletes matches. As the DPRK flag was hoisting higher than others, I got so excited that I could hardly repress my tears rolling down

8、 my cheek.The Norths news agency typically refers to the country by the abbreviation of its formal name, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. The agency also quoted North Koreans praising the countrys dictator, Kim Jong Eun, for the results in London, a custom followed on most occasions in Nort

9、h Korea, including by the Norths athletes themselves.In London, North Korean athletes, as at previous international sports events, have kept to themselves, avoiding most news conferences and rarely interacting with other athletes except in competition. Some U.S. and French womens soccer players, how

10、ever, were able to play table tennis with some North Koreans in a common room in athletes quarters in Glasgow earlier in the week, the Associated Press reported.North Koreas womens soccer team became embroiled in a doping scandal after the 2011 Womens World Cup and was banned from the 2015 event. Th

11、e American players who met the North Koreans in the Olympics this week said they seemed more relaxed. Compared with last year, they seem a lot happier, said Megan Rapinoe, a U.S. soccer player, the AP reported.The womens soccer team represents the largest unit of North Koreas 56-person Olympic team.

12、 In the opening round, the team defeated Colombia but lost to France and the U.S. and didnt advance to elimination-round play. 一一个为朝鲜安排了相关技术事宜的韩国广播电视公司负责人说,朝鲜的电视台现在每天可以 播出五个小时的伦敦奥运赛事。Associated Press周一,朝鲜举重冠军金云坤在一次试举成功后欢呼。五小时的长度对朝鲜来说不同寻常,因为朝鲜一贯对有关外国和外国事件的影像实施严格 控制。但是朝鲜并不会现场直播这些赛事。朝鲜国有电视台的播出时间有限,夜里不播

13、节目,而 大多数的伦敦奥运赛事都是在朝鲜的夜里进行。2010 年世界杯期间,朝鲜直播了朝鲜国家 足球队的两场比赛,其中一场被葡萄牙以 7 比 0 完胜。与此同时,朝鲜运动员在本届奥运会上呈现了 1992 年巴塞罗那奥运会以来的最佳表现。截 至周三,朝鲜已经获得四枚金牌,其中三枚来自举重项目,一枚来自女子柔道项目,金牌 数量已经追平了 1992 年巴塞罗那奥运会。朝鲜在 1992 年获得了九块奖牌,目前在伦敦的 奖牌数是五块。周四上午在首尔发布的一份声明中,韩国广播公司(KBS)总裁 Kim In-kyu 提供了朝鲜使用 奥运赛事录像的一些细节。他以亚太广播联盟(Asia-Pacific Bro

14、adcasting Union)总裁的身份说,自己为朝鲜获得奥运赛 事转播做了技术上的安排。他还说,朝鲜为本届奥运会派出了六名记者。起初,朝鲜的国有电视台每天仅在晚间播出 15 分钟伦敦奥运会比赛。但是随着朝鲜运动员 开始赢得金牌,奥运赛事转播的时长开始增加。周二,朝鲜国有通讯社就朝鲜在奥运会上的成绩发表了一篇报道。该通讯社在这篇英文报 道中写道,朝鲜刚刚赢得的第三枚奥运金牌让整个国家沉浸在喜悦之中。英文报道中还援引了三位朝鲜人的评论。其中一人是金日成综合大学(Kim Il Sung University)的老师 Jong In Ho。他说,我焦急地观看电视上朝鲜运动员的比赛。看到朝鲜国 旗在

15、领奖台最上方升起时,我兴奋地泪流满面。该通讯社还援引了朝鲜民众为朝鲜在奥运会上的出色表现而赞美领导人金正恩的话,这已 经成了朝鲜人在多数重大事件发生之后的一种惯例,包括朝鲜的运动员。与往常在国际体育赛事上的行事风格一样,朝鲜运动员在奥运会上也是独来独往,在大多 数新闻发布会上都不露面,在比赛之外也很少与其他运动员交流。不过据美联社 (Associated Press)报道,本周早些时候,在格拉斯哥的运动员区,一些美国和法国女子足球 队员与朝鲜代表团的成员打过乒乓球。2011 年女足世界杯之后,朝鲜女子足球队卷入了兴奋剂丑闻,并因此被禁止参加 2015 年 的比赛。本周在奥运会上见到朝鲜人的美国

16、运动员说,他们看起来更放松了。据美联社报 道,美国足球运动员拉皮诺埃(Megan Rapinoe)说,与去年相比,他们看起来开心多了。朝鲜奥运代表团由 56 人组成,其中女足是人数最多的一支队伍。在第一轮比赛中,朝鲜女 足击败了哥伦比亚队,但负于法国队和美国队,没能进入淘汰赛。anxiety zaitin. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事cite saitvt. 引用;传讯;想起;表彰dispatch disptn. 派遣;急件; vt. 派遣;分派quotation kwutein, ku-n. 贸易 报价单;引用语;引证scandal skndln. 丑闻;流言蜚语;诽谤;公愤logistic ludistikadj. 后勤学的;数 符号逻辑的coverage kvridn. 覆盖,覆盖范围regime reii:m, ri-, ridi:mn. 政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制


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