外贸英语函电Chapter Five Making Counteroffers & Declining Orders

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《外贸英语函电Chapter Five Making Counteroffers & Declining Orders》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外贸英语函电Chapter Five Making Counteroffers & Declining Orders(57页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Making Counteroffers & Declining OrdersChapter Five对报盘信的答复有两种:一种是有利答复(接受),二是 不利答复,虽然表示接受,但有添加、限制或其它更改的 答复,即构成还盘。还盘也叫还价。接盘人在收到一项报 盘后,往往对其中的某些内容不能完全同意,于是会提出 不同的要求。这种口头或书面的要求一经提出,原来的报 盘即刻失效,交易要在还盘的基础上重新开始。 还盘的内容不只是价格,对支付条件、装运期等主要条件 提出不同的建议,也都属于还盘性质。一笔交易的达成, 有时要经过多次还盘和反还盘的过程。 Writing Steps1. an expressi

2、on of thanks for an offer or bid2. Express regret that being unable to accept what has been offered3. state your reasons for non-acceptance4. if appropriate, make a counteroffer 5. suggest that there may be other opportunities to do business together.q A satisfactory counteroffer will include follow

3、ing : Letter 1 Letter 1 Making a counterofferMaking a counteroffer 还盘还盘 Language Points1. on the usual terms 按照惯常条款 under the usual terms 按照惯常条款 according to the usual terms 按照惯常条款 2. in reply to sth. 现答复;兹复 in response to/ in answer to Language Pointsout of line with 与不一致 你方的价格与现行的市场价格完全不一致。 in lin

4、e with 与一致 Your price is entirely out line with the price ruling in the present market. the prevailing market 现行市场;现行行市 vSimilar Expressions: the present market the current market the ruling market Language Pointsthe Indian origin 印度产地 ,印度制造 country of origin 生产国别;原产地 Certificate of origin 原产地证明1)Wh

5、at is the place of origin??产地是哪里? Language Pointssuch being the case: in this case情况就是这样 ,鉴于这种情况 只是鉴于我们之间长期的业务关系才给你方特别折扣。in view of ph. 鉴于It is only in view of our long-standing business relations that we offer you this special discount. Language Pointsdecline vt. 拒绝;谢绝(用于拒绝,该词要比reject和refuse委婉)vi.n

6、. 下降; 1)As your prices are too high to meet competition, we have to decline your offer with regret. 彩色电视机的市价正在跌落 。由于你方价格太高,缺乏竞争力,我们只好拒绝你方报 盘。 2)The market price of color TV is on the decline. Language Pointsat your earliest convenience 尽早,早日,立即 q Similar Expressions at an early date at an early mome

7、nt as soon as possible by return before long by (on,at) the earliest opportunity without (any ) delay with the least possible delay Chinese version of the letter执事先生: 真丝女衬衫感谢贵公司6月10日来函,按惯常条款向我方报盘3000 打上 述货物,每件35.00美元温哥华CFR价。现答复如下,我方遗憾地告知贵方我客户认为你方价格太高 与现行的市价不一致。有消息表明,你方产品的价格比印度制造 的产品高出百分之二十。我们知道中国产品的

8、质量能略好一点但价格之差不应有如此 之大。鉴于这种情况,我们无法劝说我们的客户接受你方的价格 ,因为类似质量的货物可以用低得多的价格买到。为了促进贸易,我们现在代表我客户还盘如下,以你方确认 于本月底前到达我处为准:每件26美元成本加运费含佣金百分之二温哥华价,其它条款 如你方6月10日函所示。只是鉴于我们之间长期的贸易关系才向你做出如此还盘。由 于行市在不断地下跌,希望你方能对我还盘予以认真考虑并早日 传真接受我们的还盘。 谨上, Counter-Offer letter-writingqstate the reasons of your letter qstate the reasons

9、of your counteroffer qstate the specific contents of your counteroffer(price of the goods or other terms) Letter 2 Letter 2 A reply to the counterofferA reply to the counteroffer 对还盘的答复对还盘的答复 Language Points 1. the subject material 标题项下的货物 the captioned goods the subject material 2. be found (to be

10、) on the high side (价格)偏高 be on the high side be too high be a little high Language Points at ones level 按某人的价格 1) 我们不能按你方价格达成交易。 We cannot close business at your level.level n. 水平;(商业英语中引申为价格) 2) 如果你方能降价则交易成交有望。Business is possible if you reduce your level. Language Pointsfirm with an upward tenden

11、cy (行市)坚挺且有上升趋势 upward tendency 上升趋势 downward tendency 下降趋势 in ones interest 为某人利益着想 Language Pointslapse n. v. 失效 1) You must ship the goods in time to arrive here before the lapse of the license. 你方必须在许可证期满前及时将货物运到此地。2) 很遗憾,我们的报盘在失效前未被接受。We regret to say our offer has lapsed unaccepted. Chinese ve

12、rsion of the letter执事先生:从你方6 月17日来函中得知,我方对标题项下货 物的报价被认为是偏高的。尽管我们很感激你方的合作,向我提供了你地市 场印度货物的行情,但十分抱歉不能把价格降到你方所 示水平。我们不得不指出你方还盘显然与现行市场价格 不吻合。因为你邻国买主正在按我们所报价格大量进货 。而且,市场坚挺且有上升趋势。一旦此报盘失效,要 把货物保留而不予售出是不可能的。鉴于上述情况,为你方利益着想,建议你方充分利 用(此机遇)这一行情。 谨上,Letter 3 Letter 3 Acceptance of a counter Acceptance of a counte

13、r counteroffercounteroffer 对再还盘的接受对再还盘的接受 Language Points to conclude a transaction 达成交易 to come to terms 达成交易 to close a bargain 达成交易 to close a deal 达成交易 to put the deal through 达成交易 2.conclude v. 达成;得出结论 to decline 婉言拒绝 to refuse 拒绝;回绝 to reject (义正词严地)拒绝 1. turn down ph. 拒绝;摒弃 qDifference betwee

14、n these three words: Language Points be in receipt of 收到 upon receipt of 一收到就 on receipt of 一收到就 after receipt of 收到后 protracted adj.拖延的;延长的;持久的 receipt n 收到;收据 finalize v. 把最后定下来(指交易搞定) Language PointsLanguage Points sales confirmation 销售确认书 purchase contract 购货合同 purchase confirmation 购货确认书sales c

15、ontract 销售合同 Chinese version of the letter执事先生:你方6月26日的报盘收悉,十分遗憾你们没有 接受我们的还盘。由于我们急需此货并渴望与你方做成这笔交易 ,所以我们竭尽全力说服我方客户接受你方每件35美 元的报盘。幸运的是我温哥华客户最终改变了主意又 与我接洽同意接受你方交易条件订购3000打上述货物 。我们很高兴经过长期函电往来,终于达成了首 笔交易。期待收到你的销售合同,一经收到该合同, 我们即开立有关信用证。谨呈, Letter 4 Letter 4 Declining the counterofferDeclining the counteroffer 拒绝还盘拒绝还盘 Language PointsLanguage Points be disappointed at hearing that 听到感到失望 be disappointed in sb / sth对某人(某事)失望1. disappoint v. 使失望Much as we would like to come to terms with you,we


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