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1、1Design. Build. Ship. Service.2精益精益生产培训纲要1 精益精益生产概述 2 122 价值和价值流 13 204 单件流与标准作业 27 513 节拍时间生产 21 265 拉动与看板 52 656 均衡与序列 66 727 精益工具与精益思想 73 7631. 1. 精益精益生产概述4精益精益生产定义精益精益生产可以被定义为:从客户拉货到产品源头的整个流程不断改善,识别并消除浪费( 无价值活动),使之日臻完善的一种系统方法”精益生产是一门流程管理哲学,主要来自于丰田制造系统(TPS)。其焦点在如何减少“7 大浪费”以增加客户价值。5用一句话来概括LeanLean

2、是这样这样 一种哲学概念:通过过一种自我提升的文化和消除浪费费来增加价值值。“We can get brilliant results from average people managing a brilliant process”“We saw many companies often get average or worse results from brilliant people busy managing broken processes.” Toyota Perspective 丰田愿景 Identify value from the eyes of the customer以客

3、户的观点来定义价值; Create value and wealth through waste elimination通过消除浪费来创造价值和财富 ; Achieve higher value through continuous improvement (kaizen) 通过不断改善来获得 更高的价值。 (kaizen) Map and understand your Value Streams, and make them Valuable, Capable, Available, Adequate, Flexible, Flowing, Pulled and Leveled.画出及理解

4、价值流:使他们是有价值的,有能力的,有用的,合适的, 灵活的,顺畅 的,拉动的以及平稳的。通过一般的人管理最优秀的流程达到最好的结果,而不是最 优 秀的人忙于管理有问题 的流程达到一般的结果。6用一句话来概括LeanTools and methods achieve rapid targeted improvement, but system evolution to new improvement levels and long term success are only achieved by people with the right attitude and behavior 依靠工具

5、或方法能够够快速达到设设定的目标标,但是通过过体系变变革来达到新的改 善高度和长长久的成功,必须须依靠人们们正确的态态度和行动动。 a philosophy of value driven by a Vision是一个公司远远景驱动驱动 的价值值概念 a system dependent on the quality of its people是一种依靠人的品质质的体系 a management style focused on eliminating waste是一种关注消除浪费费的管 理模式 a journey是一种旅程Lean is not all about tools and tec

6、hniques, but it is about cultural transformation. Lean不仅仅仅仅 是工具或技术术,而且是文化的转变转变 。7The 5The 5S Sis the foundation for is the foundation for Flextronics Lean Enterprise.Flextronics Lean Enterprise. 5S是精益生产产的根基In order to In order to visually detectvisually detect any any abnormal conditionabnormal cond

7、ition, , we need to establish we need to establish Visual Management resolve the imbalances确定工作净时间 是否可以缩短,解决不 平衡问题KaizenT / TABCD60”(60”)(60”)(60”)(12”)By eliminating MUDAImprovement Via Standard Work通过标过标 准作业业改善Eliminating Waste消除浪费费44Enhancing Production Capacity提升产产能How to increase production cap

8、acity如何提升产能machine processing 机加工过程MANUALMANUAL人工人工AUTOMATEDAUTOMATED自自动动动动化化2 min for completion 2分钟完成 1 minute1 minuteRemove part InspectDeburrPlace in box Mount partStartImprovement Via Standard Work通过标过标 准作业业改善45 1 minute1 min 30 sec for completion 1分30秒完成Beginning of automated cycle change 自动化周

9、期的切换起点1 min 30 sec for completion 1分30秒完成30 second Reduction 减少30秒Rearrange sequence of operation重新排作业顺 序Enhancing Production Capacity提升产产能Improvement Via Standard Work通过过作业标业标 准改善46 Standard work is the starting point for shop-floor KAIZEN; without standards there is no KAIZEN. 标标准作业业是车间车间 改善的起点,没有

10、标标准化就没有改善 Humans should always be working at TAKT. 操作员总员总 是在按节节拍进进行生产产 A standard work is not written in stone. It is continually revised based on KAIZEN and changes in production volume.一个标标准作业业不是固定不变变的,它是基于不断改善修正和产产量变变化而变变化的Roadmap To Standard Work标标准作业业的路标标Review of Standard Work标标准作业业回顾顾47Tools

11、for Standard Work标标准作业业的工具 Time Measurement Sheet Capacity Sheet 时间测时间测 量表 产产能分析表 Combination Table Standard Work Chart Work Instruction 作业组 合表 标准作业表 作业指导书48Time Measurement Sheet时间测时间测 量表49Capacity Sheet产产能分析表50OrganizationAreaSupervisorNew / RevPageofDateProduction LinePart NumberPart NameOperator

12、Standard Work SheetTo:TurnsDPUsScope of OperationsFrom:Quality CheckSafety PrecautionStandard Work-in-Process# Lots of Standard Work-in-ProcessTakt/Rate TimeTotal Manual & Travel Time Man/Travel TimeOperatorInspectionWaveHand LoadConnectorStageTestMarkStageTouch UpPCBABldg 3Harjinder Bajwa1All Parts

13、Sun PCBA1 1CleanRaw materialConfigure100/DayICT 5DX Funt Test2nd Qtr. 04PackOutside Cell27 - avg lot = 6FlexFinished GoodsStandard Work Chart标标准作业业表51Standard Work Combination Table标标准作业组业组 合表Step No.Operation NameTimeManualAutoTravelProduction ReqdTakt/Rate TimeManual AutoTravel WaitOrganizationAre

14、aSupervisorNew / RevPageofDateProduction LinePart NumberPart NameOperatorStandard Work Combination SheetTotalsOperation TimeSec ( ) Min ( ) Hr ( ) Enter the travel timeEnter the unit of measured timeEnter Any machine Automatic Run Time. This operation!Enter the Any Manual Time (Hands On)Enter the op

15、eration NameScreen PrintOne sheet per Operator!x5355T/T510152025303513.9 min12SMT10023Reflow1084wait000Op/Step numbers4257310Process Capacity Sheet Data1/09/03SunRU18P03PCBA BoardA111000Harjinder Bajwa52Work Instruction作业业指导书导书53Work forms should be located in each work area 各种工作文件会被挂在各个工作区域内123654Work Ca


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